2024/09/01: AUGUST 2024 IN RETROSPECT

Hi there! August was busy as hell, mostly because I started a new full-time job a few weeks ago. I really miss having more free time at the end of the day... so many days I just lay in bed at the end if I have the energy to do anything. But at the very least I usually watch an episode or two of an anime every day. That's the least I can do, because it doesn't take much effort to just sit in bed and watch.

This won't be a long update because August was generally not that interesting. I only finished one book, which was called The Courage to Be Disliked: How to Free Yourself, Change Your Life, and Achieve Real Happiness by Kishimi Ichirou and Koga Fumitake. A lot of people like to act like they're too good to read self-help books but I never understood it. A lot of us recognize the importance and help of going to a therapist and talking about how to sort through and have a healthier relation towards our thoughts, feelings, etc. So why not get that from a book, which is way cheaper and easier to do? This book is by two Japanese authors but really it's about the thought of Alfred Adler. I was kind of skeptical at first but I found it to be a helpful read by the end. I think a lot of the points in it I had grasped on my own over the last few years, but I recommend it for people who are struggling with issues of self-confidence and social phobia. Right now I am reading Philip K. Dick's The Man in the High Castle and finding it very engaging.

I finished watching the Sekirei series with Sekirei: Pure Engagement. I found it INCREDIBLY fun and ero and would recommend it to anyone interested in this kind of stuff. Basically it's like Pokemon with cute girls instead... what could go wrong?!?! I also found a ridiculous and insane work called Dengeki Oshioki Musume: Gautaman, which is made up of two individuals OVAs. It tells the story of a school of devout religious leaders of all traditions. But the devout Christian soon is converted to Buddhism when the Buddha answers her prayers and learns to fight against a cult devoted to crushing religious freedom by fighting with her butt hanging out and doing eroi punishment moves! It was one of the more ridiculous things I'd seen in a while. And it has a great message... Then yesterday I snuck one more in by watching a silly little OVA called Ruin Explorers Fam & Ihrie with my friends. It was alright; sometimes quite fun and silly and it has great animation, but a bit messy and unfocused. Watching mid-90s random OVAs is always fun no matter what though.

In addition to those, I watched the first season of a show called Divergence Eve which I had wanted to watch for years. It was one of the last remaining ones from a site detailing big boob shows from back in the day that I had always wanted to seek out. It was pretty great, but interesting in style: it's pretty much just a dark, serious sci-fi story, one of those many shows that you can tell wanted to make a less complex and philosophical version of Evangelion (but still cool to a good degree). BUT, this show has that but makes every girl have a ridiculously huge rack for no reason at all! GENIUS!!! I wish more shows had balls like this: just put fan service and sexy girls into your show no matter WHAT it's like, because it never hurts. Looking forward to the follow-up Divergence Eve: Misaki Chronicles.

I'm almost done with a 120-star playthrough of Super Mario 64. I guess I could have just cleared at 70, but what can I say? I felt like I could handle all 120 and I'm up to 112 now so I think I can. Fucking Rainbow Ride though...

I didn't listen to as many new albums as I would have wanted this month, but it was enough to make a decent top 10:
1. Kult Ofenzivy - Radikální ateismus - Tvůrcům Nadčlověka (2009)
2. Mercy - Witchburner (1985)
3. Soft Ballet - Earth Born (1989)
4. Microwave Prince - A Captive in the Land of the Iron Bubbles (1995)
5. 12 Moons - Solid State (2004)
6. Formula 3 - Sognando e risognando (1972)
7. Taburiente - Ach Guañac (1978)
8. Maeror Tri - Emotional Engramm (1997)
9. Manuel Göttsching - E2-E4 (1984)
10. Tone Set - Calibrate (1983)