Resources for continued web browsing.
Daily Use
Internet Resources
Message Boards
Personal Sites and Blogs
YouTube Channels That I Like
Daily Use
Based Cooking: A clean, efficient cooking
website to use without half of the page being choked by ads and all the other
Medieval Recipes: Learn how to eat
like someone living in the middle ages. It's fun to LARP and it just might be
easier on the environment.
Internet/Computer Resources
Ecosia: Any search engine is better than Google,
but this one is my personal preference. It puts your clicks towards planting trees
and on top of that has a great emphasis on privacy and non-biased search results.
OceanHero: Similar to the above, but concerned
with cleaning trash out of the ocean. You might say that the small amount you
contribute with these doesn't matter much, but if anything it's more of a nice
bonus on top of freeing yourself from Google's boot on your neck.
SearX: Free and open-source meta-search engine with
an emphasis on respecting privacy.
Yandex: Primary Russian search engine. You can
expect that they care as much about filtering out copyright-infringing material
and porn as you would want a search engine to (i.e. not at all).
Wiby: A search engine designed to only show Web 1.0
style websites like mine. Very good if you're looking to decentralize your web
activity around specific interests. Similar to the above. Pastebin alternative with better privacy.
Internet Archive: Without exaggeration, I believe
this is probably the most important website on the entire internet. The history
of the web depends on it. Another archiving website which
is pretty similar.
Archive Team: A wiki
dedicated to archiving web data. The "Deathwatch" page is particularly important
because it shows sites whose time is confirmed to be limited.
The Website Obesity
Crisis: Completely essential reading if you are interested in web design and want to
make your own site. But you should read this even if you are interested in merely being a
reader of webpages to see just how fucked and terrible modern website design is and what
you can do about it.
Dig Deeper: Note that this site affirms some
conspiracy theories that I don't cosign, but it is first and foremost a very valuable site
for information on maintaining your privacy and independence when it comes to
software. And there's some good political diatribes that I often agree with.
Duion: Mostly about free software and free resources
for creative purposes, but it's a pretty diverse set of things.
Comfy.Guide: Similar guides to the above for all
the elite hax0r shit you'd want to do, particularly if you want to be independent
and free of corporate tyranny online. Good info on how to just fucking coom.
Skeptical Science: A big repository
of lies and fallacious arguments from climate change deniers and how to refute
Climate Feedback: Check articles related
to climate change against the opinion of experts to figure out if it's reliable
Union of Concerned Scientists: A famous
nonprofit dedicated to environmental conservation. They do good work.
Cool Earth: Another one, this one particularly
focused on rainforest conservation.
The Venus Project: A non-profit
futurist organization with some really stellar ideas at how to achieve a sustainable,
utopian society.
Richard Stallman's Personal Site: A giant in
the free software movement. His personal website has a very useful "urgent action"
feed with items you should make your voice heard on. And most of them cost almost
no time at all. I'm talking about a quick phone call or petition signature, mostly. Articles, interviews, etc. by
Noam Chomsky. He's a prolific guy, so it's good to have them centralized.
UbuWeb: Classic resource of avant-garde and outsider art on the internet. Lots of experimental films to watch for free.
Senses of Cinema: Generally very high-quality writing about cinema.
BLEEDING SKULL: Tons of reviews and articles about obscure trash movies. The fun never ends.
PND List: Now that RoyalFlare has closed, this is about as official as it gets for Touhou world records along with the below.
Maribel Hearn: The primary English aggregator for Touhou-related resources. The guy who runs it is a good guy who does a lot to help Touhou fans. It even contains a complete archive of RoyalFlare.
Restart Syndrome: A website meant for logging shmup high scores, sort of like but for shmup scores. It needs more users and interaction because the architecture is there for something truly spectacular.
Shmups Wiki: A centralized, standardized repository of information on arcade shooting games. Lots of great information to be found, especially on strats etc. if you're lost on a particular game.
Shmups Forum: A forum that is remarkably active for the modern era. I don't partake too often in the forum culture but it has tons of great guides and resources for specific STGs.
STGランク一覧: A rank of major arcade STGs by consensus-agreed difficulty. Some of the entries are debatable, but this is a good resource to have an idea of the relative difficulty of the game you're interested in.
アルカナハート3@ ウィキ: Arcana Heart 3 Wiki with combos, guides, etc.
Mizuumi Wiki: Wiki for niche fighting games. Good resource for Arcana Heart 3 information in English, and some stuff you can't find on the above wiki.
It's Fantastic!: Translations, scans, etc. of material related to Japanese arcades and arcade culture.
Visual Novel Database: Excellent site to research, log, and rate visual novels. There's a community but I've never looked into it.
RPGC Shrines: Classic guides and articles about RPGs. Beautifully designed site, though it's unfortunately missing a front page right now.
Monkey Inflation: If you've played The Secret of Monkey Island you should know exactly what this is, lol... If you haven't, go play it btw.
Jimaku: Trying to learn Japanese? This is a huge repository of Japanese .srt files to watch with whatever your anime (or live action) media of choice is. Excellent way to passively wean yourself off subs and increase fluency. Similar to the above, but with regular English, Chinese, and Korean subs as well.
YukaTakeuchiFan’s Severe Waste of Time: A website I first found at the peak of puberty. I first discovered how wonderful giant anime boobies were from this site. And it has continued to inspire me as the apex of what the internet should be all about: nerds being nerds with no restraints.
Watson’s WorldWideWasteofTime Page: Music and Anime: A similar website to the above. I highly recommend the "Being Upfront" section for a thorough list of anime girls with huge racks. I got a lot of great recommendations from there as a young kid. It was the direct inspiration for my miko list.
漫画家松山せいじ: A mangaka who I love and respect deeply.
すがるをとめ: Some old garage kit dealer's site. Seems defunct, but you just have to love the sheer beauty of the lightweight design of these pages, and of course the gallery pics of garage kits are to die for.
RateYourMusic: One of the best sites to log and find both music and film. I'm not as big a fan of the broader site culture these days, but as a tool the site will always be valuable.
Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives: Clean, simple, beautiful website. I wish all websites for niche interests were as much of a joy to use as this one.
Sonic Warfare: I used this website back when being involved in the animutation community back in the mid-2000s and I'm happy to say that it's still online. This website is an endeavor to find kooky, ridiculous music to make those around you baffled and unsettled (what we might call "cursed" music today). Of course, a lot of it is from animutations.
Permaganism: Varg Vikernes and Marie Cachet's site, with lots of information. Watch all his old videos on and see older writings at Thulean Perspective.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: The equivalent of Wikipedia for philosophers. Informative and usually (comparatively!) easy to read, yet still mentally stimulating. If I want to understand a thinker, I always start by reading their entries here.
sci-hub: A project that seeks to make scientific research accessible and available to all.
Internet Sacred Text Archive: Texts used in mystery religions and other esoteric traditions.
Ereignis: Lots of information on Martin Heidegger. Most useful is the index of his Gesamtausgabe (Complete Works).
Chinese Text Project: Open-access library of classical Chinese texts.
Barbarization à la Japonaise: Translated texts and articles from Japanese right-wing intellectuals. Lots and lots by Mishima Yukio.
Navajo Traditional Teachings: This guy's channel does pretty well on YouTube. It's a very noble pursuit: sharing the teachings of an old medicine man with the rest of the world.
Alaska Native Knowledge Network: Kind of similar to the above, but far better in my opinion. What a miracle that the University of Alaska Fairbanks still operates a site that looks like this in the current year. The Alaska Natives are truly wise people...
Project Gutenberg: Free books in the public domain.
Want to buy the stuff I watch/play/read/etc.? You should if you can so you can
support the creators and distributors (as long as they aren't censorious cucks!).
Here are some sites and companies that I can recommend.
DMM: Well, start with the basics I guess. All kinds of stuff to be found here.
シーモア: Electronic manga, mostly.
DLSite: Mostly eroge and eromanga. An essential resource. Lots of VNs.
とらのあな: One of the essential otaku stores. Support them!
Melonbooks: Perhaps the second most essential otaku store. Animate is largely for fujos these days...
らしんばん: The above but with greater collections of figures, cards, and
other stuff like that.
The Criterion Collection: Well, obviously. There's so many hundreds of releases now that I can't vouch for which are better or not but they're one of the pillars of great DVDs.
Masters of Cinema: Basically the Criterion Collection of the UK.
Second Run: A wonderful company that focuses on very minor, very unusual films. Lots of gems to be found here.
Re:Voir: One of the greatest distributors of avant-garde and experimental filmmaking on DVD. Focus largely on French and anglosphere directors.
Index Edition: One of the other greatest distributors of avant-garde and experimental filmmaking on DVD. Focus largely on Austrian and German directors.
Edition Filmmuseum: Lots of great releases, but especially of obscure silents and other very old films, usually from western Europe.
Blue Underground: The greatest distributor of sleaze and trash you could want. Beautiful transfers of ugly films!
Massacre Video: I used to watch the owner of this distributor's YouTube vlogs about collecting old ratty horror VHS tapes. Give him some love.
gnOme books: Strange pieces of "anonyma, pseudepigrapha, apocrypha." Books from other realms.
Message Boards
2ちゃんねる: Where it all started.
Heyuri: Imageboard designed to recreate the
feeling of ancient imageboards, especially the Japanese ones. Emphasis on original content.
No wojaks or pepes allowed.
Rotting Angels of the Omnipotent Eye: Unique imageboard, also somewhat classic in feeling but a bit more general about subcultures, etc.
Macrochan: Archive of images from
golden era 4chan. A wiki dedicated to archiving
shitposts, copypasta, and lots of early imageboard culture. It's an archive now,
but always worth checking out. Highlights include "Stalking Haruhi Suzumiya" which
shows real-life locations used for the anime.
ニコニコ動画: A precious site which still has active users. Keep it around forever
and turn off your adblocker for it.
VidLii: A video sharing platform that recreates what YouTube was like in the very very early days.
BitView: Basically the same as the above.
Encyclopedia Dramatica: One of the funniest sites on the damn internet. Much of it is captured by the same right-wing political capture that a lot of 4chan has been lost to, but the large articles are all still fucking hilarious. It's an important website to defend for the sake of freedom of expression as well.
WatchPeopleDie: I have to support shock sites. Gore vids, etc. Not everyone who watches them does it because they're a psycho; some of us are just morbidly curious.
Red Meat: A strange and blackly funny independent comic strip of sorts that's been going for quite a while. I remember there used to be a lot more archived on this site... anyone know where they went?
Bonequest: Previously known as Jerk City. A very strange and funny webcomic. It's been active for a LONG time.
Exploding Dog: Not active anymore, but this
used to be a site where the author would draw a picture for the phrases people sent
Vector Park: I don't know if you can call these "games." They're more like the equivalent of a stress-ball, bonsai tree, or whatever. Very calming to the soul.
Library of Babel: It's easy to get dulled to how amazing technology really is. If I never need a reminder of it, I look at this to see how Borges's fantastical, impossible library has been made real.
box7box: Only one real game here, but it is a similar to the above in effect.
The Bad Scary Place: A sprawling HTML maze site with a very unique, unusual, unnerving tone. I really was obsessed with this site as a kid and it made a huge impression on me. It's mostly archived on the Wayback Machine, luckily, but a lot of images are broken. :/
SuperBad: Predates the shitty movie of the same name. Similar to the above, but a bit more abstract, polished, and clean. The aesthetic is more postmodern and less eerie and hallucinatory. But it is similarly mysterious and fun to mess around in.
Time Cube: One of the great early internet legends (archived version).
You probably already know about it. It deserves pilgrimage every once in a while.
Immortality Devices by Alex Chiu: Along with
Gene Ray of Time Cube, Alex Chiu is one of the great early internet schizos. AND
HE'S STILL ACTIVE! There are archived versions of the past websites here too.
The Official Francis E. Dec Fanclub: Outsider writer from the mid-20th century who prefigures greats like Gene Ray. This site is an archive/fansite of his stuff and is pretty hilarious.
Hypnagogic Archive: Kind of a hard website to explain, but it's a lot of writings/videos/etc. from old internet that are noteworthy in their oddity.
ZOMG ZUFALL!: Ancient meme website, still pretty funny a lot of the time.
asdf: Strange site. I still don't get it.
TempleOS: God's third temple. RIP Terry, the glowniggers can't get you anymore.
Cats That Look Like Hitler: Exactly what it says it is.
two men and a wooden duck called
geoffrey: Stupid "story" I found when I was a kid, probably made by some other
incredibly autistic kids. Somehow, it's still online.
Urinal Dot Net: The largest collection of photographs
of urinals anywhere online. Somehow, it's not the most boring thing on the internet.
Eric Conveys an Emotion: Mesolithic website where Eric takes a picture to convey a certain emotion and then takes suggestions. It hasn't been updated since 2008 but it's always worth going back to once in a while.
Bunny Survival Tests: Testing the survival of Marshmallow Bunnies in various experiments. A classic ancient site.
The Chameleon Conspiracy: Some kind of... joke? Thing?
I don't get it now and I didn't when I was a kid either.
World of Mank: A strange site with a sense of humor that goes over my head...
hard to summarize.
The Cephalopod Chronicles: A guy brings his stuffed octopus around the world to different places. It's an ancient website that is just an archaeology piece at this point, but it's charming.
Matsuoka Miu: She's so hot.
Personal Sites and Blogs
Friends and inspirations that are of a similar ilk... but many are long-abandoned. I'm part of a dying breed, I suppose.
chum the bullet: One of my best online friends and an amazingly skilled, dedicated, and perceptive gamer, among other hobbies. Mostly a blog about Touhou scoring, photo games and
Great Fairy Wars in particular.
podd machine: Another great friend and oustanding gamer, with some truly superhuman skill at arcade puzzle games and PC-98 Touhou. He also draws very well and is a great writer.
insolubles: A close friend who reached out to me and talks fairly often. Very knowledgeable about philosophy and generally quite insightful and thoughtful.
The Cidoku Network: Awesome website from a guy with very similar interests to me: old anime, games, Flash animation (especially), esotericism, history, and so on.
Tastyfish: An interesting guy who talks a lot about
freedom of expression, free software, pacifism, anti-capitalism, and so on. He is very
funny, thoughtful, and also has some great resources for web design, programming,
software choices, etc.
Lands of Games: Libre games, music, art, writings, etc. Love the feeling of this site.
luchiz's hideout!: Friend of mine who is a very talented computer tinkerer and has some exciting projects in the works. His site is a little bare-bones right now, but give him some love and check out this alternative version too.
Zero Contradictions: A site with some really thought-provoking and interesting philosophical/scientific essays. Highly recommended for people with open minds. This guy I know mostly as a friend of friends, but he's once more a dedicated and skilled shmup player... and also someone who has abandoned his site.
David: David was a big wakeup to me who really pushed my film taste to stranger depths than I thought possible. I trawled through this journal a lot to pick up new films to watch, and the strong effect of it should still be apparent on my favorites lists to this day.
Film ist.: David's newer place of operation, though it's still been abandoned
for some time.
音夢たんと俺の愛の日記 最終目標はラブホテル: A legend in the otaku community, Nii-san blogs his daily life and adventures with his beloved Nemu-tan. Limited to Japanese speakers only, I'm afraid...
Koshka's Kingdom: Another Web 1.0 style website
about a unique individual. The links section is especially worth checking out,
because it is full of all kinds of other soulful websites.
lolwut?: Anyone nostalgic for the pre-normalfag
internet? This is a great website which is a big repository for those of us who
remember what it was like and miss it.
Luke Smith: Luke Smith can be kind of an annoying, smug cunt. His EPIC TRADITIONALIST Christcuck 4channer persona is so lame. BUT if you are interested in tech decentralization and privacy and so on, he does have a lot of useful information. And I'm a big fan of his "Science vs. Soyence" essay.
YouTube Channels That I Like
YouTube is horrible and I hate it and yet in order to enjoy some of the most quality content on the internet I still have to use it all the time, because we live in hell. Use the Invidious frontend when you can. But if you are going to use YouTube, you should at least subscribe to some of these quality channels if they peak your interest:
13signsastrology: I used to listen to this guy's videos while playing video games and stuff around 2015-2016 because it was entertainingly batshit new age schizobabble. He seems to have only deteriorated because he looks like a literal homeless crackhead now. Good background noise if you like weirdos.
Alex Chiu: Alex Chiu from the Time-Wasting section. Entertaining schizo rants if you're into that kind of thing... just try to stay grounded okay?
Anton Petrov: Great science channel explaining difficult concepts in simple terms, mostly related to astronomy, astrophysics, etc.
Bart Coppens: Videos from a guy with a very specific niche interest and passion: butterflies and moths. Extremely interesting stuff.
BRΛINΦΠΦTΣMPLΣ: One of my close friends. A great shmup player and musician who makes Berlin School/Progressive Electronic compositions.
Chirpeh13: A friend I knew from a lot of great videos about Touhou. He mostly seems dedicated to Genshin Impact right now which isn't my thing but he deserves a shoutout.
Cinemassacre: Mostly for legacy purposes, sad to say... James seems like a very nice guy so I hate to come down too hard on him because I really do wish the best for him but nu-Cinemassacre is pretty awful. I still watch every AVGN episode because they're infrequent enough and usually make me smirk at least a bit, but I have to wonder how much longer I will.
cringevenom: A channel specializing to the preservation of crazy, out-there, "cursed" Dallas public access programming that would otherwise be lost to time.
Dagoth2hu: A good friend of mine who is one of the best western Touhou scoreplayers these days, at least of the ones I'm familiar with.
decino: Great videos about Doom. Interesting information on how the game operates and impressive playthroughs of difficult stunts and crazy WADs.
gattocake: This guy made some amazing YouTube Poop videos but like any YouTube poop creator he ultimately got fucked by copyright. See this channel with backups but so many of his best videos are lost media now. I used to have them on a drive but lost them. ;_;
Geibuchan: YouTube Poop legend who is still active. Amazingly funny stuff.
GiantGrantGames: Incredible challenge runs of old RTS games, mostly Blizzard.
Gregory B. Sadler: Great lectures about philosophy.
Harstem: I'm more into Warcraft III and Brood War than StarCraft II but the "Is It Imba or Do I Suck?" series is amazingly hilarious, even if you don't play RTS games period.
Homura Yuri Squad: A friend of mine who does quite a lot to support Arcana Heart 3 in the west. Give him some love.
Isaac Arthur: Interesting speculation about future science, space exploration, aliens, etc.
Jaakko Järvinen: Hard to describe this channel exactly. It's very very Finnish.
Jade Vine: This is me! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
Jaimers: Amazing shmup player who has excellent videos about literally any kind of STG you could imagine or want!
Jartopia: Awesome videos about ecospheres, terrariums, aquariums, and other controlled ecosystems.
Just Background Noise: Cool challenge videos, mostly about Morrowind. Nice to fall asleep to.
kael070: A friend I had when I streamed on Twitch more regularly. Mostly posts random clips and stuff but he's a good guy so I wanted to give him a shoutout.
kenny lauderdale: Great videos about obscure oldschool anime, Japanese lost media, etc.
KirbyComment: Another friend. He does a ton to shill the most underrated Touhou games, namely the photo games and PC-98 stuff.
KroboProductions: YouTube Poops simply do not get better than this.
lasagnacat: One of the most amazing YouTube projects ever made. More of an archive at this point but you have to go back and marvel over it once in a while.
LazyPillow (Yotam Perel): Old animator I followed since the days of Newgrounds. He's still a very funny guy.
MandaloreGaming: Very good reviews of PC games that are often obscure, forgotten, weird, etc.
Mental Outlaw: Well-known for videos about computer/web security, decentralization, open-source software, etc. Not everything he says is agreeable, but there's a lot of value on this channel.
Mino: Semi-retired Touhou superplayer who made quite a legacy as being one of the best western survival players, period. Has a number of great let's plays that are very informative and helpful for new players.
NamibiaCam: A webcam of a watering hole in the Namibian desert. All sorts of animals meet here, from ostriches and cheetahs to zebras and giraffes.
neoxaquas: Great videos about difficult old games, mostly arcade shmups and retro platformers, but a ton of interesting random one-offs too.
NotEntirelySure: Cool little channel of challenge runs of difficult games and crazy ROM hacks.
Pearl | ASE-PRL: A friend of mine who makes good videos about various arcade and doujin games, mostly shmups.
PigeonVoyageur: Primarily a channel that aims to showcase hidden gems in the endless rabbit hole that is Touhou fangames.
prayerchum: YouTube channel of chumlum, the author of the chum the bullet blog from the Personal section.
Saint: A strange alien of a man who plays games from other dimensions.
Sakurei1: Long-term world record holder for Extra stage of Touhou Eiyashou 〜 Imperishable Night. Retired now but he's a good guy and a friend so I have to give him a shoutout.
Saul Vancaserkin: Audiobook versions of greentexts from 4chan's /x/ board and related sites. Great stuff if you have a soft spot for paranormal/unexplained phenomena stories like me.
Shooting Game Weekly: Very nice show that shows off shooting games via discussions and replay watchings with experts.
Sick Animation: Another guy I've watched for years and years and years. Still very funny stuff.
Silver Star: Another friend from when I streamed more commonly on Twitch. Good shmup videos.
Squalid Suburbs: Informative videos about shitholes from all around the world. I would set these to x0.75 though because the guy speaks at TikTok adderall speed.
SsethTzeentach: MandaloreGaming's evil twin and one of the funniest game reviewers on YouTube. Watch uncensored and deleted videos on his BitChute and personal site too.
thplayer635: Great channel about Touhou in general. Funny jokes and impressive plays... often in the same video! It's great for fans of any level.
Vysethedetermined2: Tons of obscure, strange Japanese games to look into.
Zero Master: Some of the most amazing Doom speedruns I've ever seen, which means close to some of the most amazing speedruns I've ever seen, period.
ZillionBrain: YouTube channel of the owner of the podd machine blog from the Personal section. Lots of awesome plays mostly of PC-98 Touhou, but increasingly Twinkle Star Sprites.