These are all the noteworthy films I've seen (FOREVER IN PROGRESS). Black backgrounds are features (40+ minutes) and gray backgrounds are shorts.

☆☆☆☆☆ - ESSENTIAL: Highest level of recommendation. A very special work to me.
☆☆☆☆ - EXCELLENT: Superb. A very accomplished work that I love.
☆☆☆ - RECOMMENDED: Good. Not one of my all-time favorites, but certainly worth checking out.
☆☆ - HAS MERITS: Has some redeeming features that make it interesting, but generally I would reserve this for specialists.
☆ - NOT RECOMMENDED: Skip this. Not worth it.
These are all completely subjective ratings, of course.

Annabelle Butterfly Dance (1894) William K.L. Dickson USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Caicedo (With Pole) (1894) William K.L. Dickson USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Dickson Experimental Sound Film (1894) William K.L. Dickson USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Luis Martinetti, Contortionist (1894) William K.L. Dickson USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Rough Sea at Dover (1895) Birt Acres & Robert W. Paul UK ☆☆☆
Sortie d'usine (1895)
Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory
Louis Lumière & Auguste Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
L'Arroseur arrosé (1895)
The Waterer Watered
Louis Lumière & Auguste Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Repas de bébé (1895)
Baby's Meal
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Neuville-sur-Saône: Débarquement du congrès des photographes à Lyon (1895)
The Photographical Congress Arrives in Lyon
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Démolition d'un mur, II (1896)
Demolition of a Wall
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Pompiers à Lyon (1896)
A Fire Run (Lyons)
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Le partie de cartes (1896)
Card Game
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Barque sortant du port (1896)
Boat Leaving the Port
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Le Cauchemar (1896)
A Nightmare
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Escamotage d'une dame chez Robert Houdin (1896)
The Vanishing Lady
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Une nuit terrible (1896)
A Terrible Night
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Une partie de cartes (1896)
Playing Cards
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
The Derby (1896) Robert W. Paul UK ☆☆
Les Chutes (1897)
Niagara Falls
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Danse serpentine (1897)
The Serpentine Dance
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Départ de Jérusalem en chemin de fer (1897)
Leaving Jerusalem by Railway
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆☆
Bataille de boules de neige (1897)
Snowball Fight
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆☆☆
Very fun :D
L'Auberge ensorcelée (1897)
The Bewitched Inn
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Château hanté (1897)
The Devil's Castle
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Entre Calais et Douvres (1897)
Between Calais and Dover
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Faust et Marguerite (1897)
Faust and Marguerite
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Prise de Tournavos (1897)
The Surrender of Tournavos
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
The Miller and the Sweep (1897) G.A. Smith UK George Albert Smith Films ☆☆
Dewar's - It's Scotch (1897) USA International Film Mfg. Company
Apparently this is the first film advertisement. AKA, the moment filmmaking got corrupted by consumerism. It was all downhill from here folks! xD
Guillaume Tell et le clown (1898)
Adventures of William Tell
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Un homme de têtes (1898)
The Four Troublesome Heads
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Illusions fantasmagoriques (1898)
The Famous Box Trick
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Lune à un mètre (1898)
The Astronomer's Dream
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Magicien (1898)
The Magician
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Panorama pris d'un train en marche (1898)
Panorama From Top of Moving Train
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
La Tentation de Saint Antoine (1898)
The Temptation of St. Anthony
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Visite sous-marine du Maine (1898)
Divers at Work on the Wreck of the Maine
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Come Along Do! (1898) Robert W. Paul UK ☆☆
Panorama From the Tower of the Brooklyn Bridge (1899) G.W. Bitzer USA American Mutoscope Company ☆☆
La Case de Dreyfus à l'île du Diable (1899)
Devil's Island - Within the Palisade
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Cendrillon (1899)
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Chevalier mystère (1899)
The Mysterious Knight
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Danse du feu (1899)
Haggard's She: The Pillar of Fire
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Débarquement de Dreyfus à Quiberon (1899)
Landing of Dreyfus at Quiberon
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Le Diable au couvent (1899)
The Devil in a Convent
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Dictée du bordereau (1899)
Dreyfus Court-Martial - Arrest of Dreyfus
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Dreyfus mis aux fers (1899)
Dreyfus Put in Irons
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Entrevue de Dreyfus et de sa femme (1899)
Dreyfus Meets His Wife at Rennes
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
L'Impressioniste fin de siècle (1899)
An Up-to-Date Conjurer
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
The Kiss in the Tunnel (1899) G.A. Smith UK George Albert Smith Films ☆☆
The Biter Bit (1899) UK Bamforth Films ☆☆
Ladies' Skirts Nailed to a Fence (1899) UK Bamforth Films ☆☆☆☆
Davy Jones' Locker (1900) Frederick S. Armitage USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆☆☆
Neptune's Daughters (1900) Frederick S. Armitage USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆☆☆
A Nymph of the Waves (1900) Frederick S. Armitage USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆☆☆
Explosion of a Motor Car (1900) Cecil M. Hepworth UK Hepworth ☆☆
How It Feels to Be Run Over (1900) Cecil M. Hepworth UK Hepworth ☆☆☆
Spanish Bullfight (1900) Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Le Déshabillage impossible (1900)
Going to Bed Under Difficulties
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
L'Homme orchestre (1900)
The One Man Band
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆
L'Illusionniste double et la tête vivante (1900)
The Triple Conjurer and the Living Head
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Les Infortunes d'un explorateur ou Les momies récalcitrantes (1900)
The Misfortunes of an Explorer
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Jeanne d'Arc (1900)
Joan of Arc
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆☆
Le Livre magique (1900)
The Magic Book
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Nouvelles luttes extravagantes (1900)
Fat and Lean Wrestling Match
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Le Repas fantastique (1900)
A Fantastical Meal
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Rêve de Noël (1900)
The Christmas Dream
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Le Rêve du radjah ou La Forêt enchantée (1900)
The Rajah's Dream
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Le Réveil d'un monsieur pressé (1900)
How He Missed His Train
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Le Savant et le Chimpanzé (1900)
The Doctor and the Monkey
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Le Sorcier, le Prince et le Bon Génie (1900)
The Wizard, the Prince and the Good Fairy
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Spiritisme abracadabrant (1900)
The Up-to-Date Spiritualism
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Tom Whisky ou L'Illusionniste toqué (1900)
Addition and Subtraction
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Le tonneau des Danaïdes (1900)
Eight Girls in a Barrel
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
La Vengeance du gâte-sauce (1900)
The Cook's Revenge
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
As Seen Through a Telescope (1900) G.A. Smith UK George Albert Smith Films ☆☆
Grandma's Reading Glass (1900) G.A. Smith UK George Albert Smith Films ☆☆
Let Me Dream Again (1900) G.A. Smith UK George Albert Smith Films ☆☆
Champs de Mars (1900) James H. White USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Eiffel Tower From Trocadero Palace (1900) James H. White USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Palace of Electricity (1900) James H. White USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆☆
Panorama of Eiffel Tower (1900) James H. White USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Scene From the Elevator Ascending Eiffel Tower (1900) James H. White USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Attack on a China Mission (1900) James Williamson UK Williamson Kinematograph Company ☆☆☆
Demolishing and Building Up the Star Theatre (1901) Frederick S. Armitage USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆
L'Antre des esprits (1901)
The Magician's Cavern
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Barbe-Bleue (1901)
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Le Chapeau à surprises (1901)
A Hat With Many Surprises
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Chez la sorcière (1901)
The Bachelor's Paradise
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Chrysalide et le papillon d'or (1901)
The Brahmin and the Butterfly
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Le Diable géant ou Le Miracle de la madonne (1901)
The Devil and the Statue
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Dislocation Mystérieuse (1901)
Dislocation Extraordinary
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Excelsior! (1901)
The Prince of Magicians
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
L'Homme à la tête en caoutchouc (1901)
The Man With the Rubber Head
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Maison tranquille (1901)
What Is Home Without the Boarder?
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Nain et géant (1901)
The Dwarf and the Giant
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
The Countryman and the Cinematograph (1901) Robert W. Paul UK ☆☆☆
The Big Swallow (1901) James Williamson UK Williamson Kinematograph Company ☆☆☆
Fire! (1901) James Williamson UK Williamson Kinematograph Company ☆☆
Stop Thief! (1901) James Williamson UK Williamson Kinematograph Company ☆☆
Histoire d'un crime (1901)
History of a Crime
Ferdinand Zecca France Pathé Frères ☆☆
Par le trou de la serrure (1901)
Peeping Tom
Ferdinand Zecca France Pathé Frères ☆☆
Rêve et réalité (1901) Ferdinand Zecca France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆
Captain Nissen Going Through Whirlpool Rapids, Niagara Falls (1901) USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆☆
Seeing New York by Yacht (1902) Frederick S. Armitage & A.E. Weed USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆
Starting a Skyscraper (1902) Robert K. Bonine USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆
Jack and the Beanstalk (1902) George S. Fleming & Edwin S. Porter USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆☆
La Clownesse fantôme (1902)
The Shadow-Girl
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Danseuse microscopique (1902)
The Dancing Midget
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Douche du colonel (1902)
The Colonel's Shower Bath
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
L'Équilibre impossible (1902)
An Impossible Balancing Feat
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
L'Homme-mouche (1902)
The Human Fly
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Sacre d'Édouard VII (1902)
The Coronation of Edward VII
Georges Méliès France/UK Star Film
Warwick Trading Company
Les Trésors de Satan (1902)
The Treasures of Satan
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Voyage dans la Lune (1902)
A Trip to the Moon
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
One of the most important films for me in my history. I saw this probably around 13 and was completely bewitched.
Le Voyage de Gulliver à Lilliput et chez les géants (1902)
Gulliver's Travels Among the Lilliputians and the Giants
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Down the Hudson (1903) Frederick S. Armitaage & A.E. Weed USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆
The Ghost Train (1903) Frederick S. Armitage USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆☆☆
Simple idea, but very cool and even a bit legitimately eerie.
Scene on Lower Broadway (1903) Robert K. Bonine USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆
A Desperate Poaching Affray (1903) William Haggar UK Haggar & Sons ☆☆
Alice in Wonderland (1903) Cecil M. Hepworth & Percy Stow UK Hepworth ☆☆☆
L'Auberge du bon repas (1903)
The Inn Where No Man Rests
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Bob Kick, l'enfant terrible (1903)
Bob Kick, the Mischievous Kid
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
La Boîte à malice (1903)
The Mysterious Box
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Le Cake-walk infernal (1903)
The Cake Walk Infernal
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Chaudron infernal (1903)
The Infernal Cauldron
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
L'Enchanteur Alcofribas (1903)
Alcofribas, the Master Magician
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Faust aux enfers (1903)
The Damnation of Faust
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
La Guirlande merveilleuse (1903)
The Marvellous Wreath
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Illusions funambulesques (1903)
Extraordinary Illusions
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Jack et Jim (1903)
Jack and Jim
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
La Lanterne magique (1903)
The Magic Lantern
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Mélomane (1903)
The Melomaniac
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Monstre (1903)
The Monster
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
L'Oracle de Delphes (1903)
The Oracle of Delphi
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Le Parapluie fantastique (1903)
Ten Ladies in One Umbrella
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Portrait spirite (1903)
A Spiritualist Photographer
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Puits fantastique (1903)
The Enchanted Well
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Rêve du maître de ballet (1903)
The Ballet Master's Dream
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Revenant (1903)
The Apparition or Mr. Jones' Comical Experience With a Ghost
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Royaume des fées (1903)
The Kingdom of the Fairies
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Le Sorcier (1903)
The Witch's Revenge
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Tom Tight et Dum Dum (1903)
Jack Haggs and Dum Dum
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Tonnerre de Jupiter (1903)
Jupiter's Thunderbolts or The Home of the Muses
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
A Daring Daylight Burglary (1903) Frank S. Mottershaw UK Sheffield Films ☆☆
A Chess Dispute (1903) Robert W. Paul UK Robert W. Paul ☆☆
An Extraordinary Cab Accident (1903) Robert W. Paul & Walter R. Booth UK Robert W. Paul ☆☆
The Gay Shoe Clerk (1903) Edwin S. Porter USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
The Great Train Robbery (1903) Edwin S. Porter USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Mary Jane's Mishap (1903) G.A. Smith UK George Albert Smith Films ☆☆
The Sick Kitten (1903) G.A. Smith UK George Albert Smith Films ☆☆
Skyscrapers of New York City, From the North River (1903) J.B. Smith USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Panorama View, Street Car Motor Room (1904) G.W. Bitzer USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆☆
Le Bourreau turc (1904)
The Terrible Turkish Executioner or It Served Him Right
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Cascade de feu (1904)
The Firefall
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Au clair de la Lune ou Pierrot malheureux (1904)
A Moonlight Serenade or The Miser Punished
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Coffre enchanté (1904)
The Bewitched Trunk
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Merveilleux éventail vivant (1904)
The Wonderful Living Fan
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Un miracle sous l'inquisition (1904)
A Miracle Under the Inquisition
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Planche du diable (1904)
The Devilish Plank
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Un prêté pour un rendu (1904)
Tit For Tat or A Good Joke on My Head
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Le Rêve de l'horloger (1904)
The Clockmaker's Dream
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Roi du maquillage (1904)
The Untamable Whiskers
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Sirène (1904)
The Mermaid
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Sorcellerie culinaire (1904)
The Cook in Trouble
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Thaumaturge chinois (1904)
Tchin-Chao, the Chinese Conjuror
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Les Transmutations imperceptibles (1904)
The Imperceptible Transmutations
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Voyage à travers l'impossible (1904)
An Impossible Voyage
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Buy Your Own Cherries (1904) Robert W. Paul UK Robert W. Paul ☆☆
Dog Factory (1904) Edwin S. Porter USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆☆
An Interesting Story (1904) James Williamson UK Williamson Kinematograph Company ☆☆
New York Subway (1905) G.W. Bitzer USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆
The Other Side of the Hedge (1905) Lewin Fitzhamon UK Hepworth ☆☆
Rescued by Rover (1905) Cecil M. Hepworth & Lewin Fitzhamon UK Cecil M. Hepworth ☆☆☆
Panorama From Times Building, New York (1905) Wallace McCutcheon USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆
Les Cartes vivantes (1905)
The Living Playing Cards
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Chaise à porteur enchantée (1905)
The Enchanted Sedan Chair
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Compositeur toqué (1905)
A Crazy Composer
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Diable noir (1905)
The Black Imp
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Un Feu d'artifice improvisé (1905)
Unexpected Fireworks
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Légende de Rip van Vinckle (1905)
Rip's Dream
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
La Menuet lilliputien (1905)
The Lilliputian Minuet
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Le Palais des mille et une nuits (1905)
The Palace of the Arabian Nights
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Le Phénix ou Le coffret de cristal (1905)
The Crystal Casket
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Le Tripot clandestin (1905)
The Scheming Gambler's Paradise
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le raid Paris-Monte Carlo en deux heures (1905)
Paris to Monte Carlo
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Coney Island at Night (1905) Edwin S. Porter USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆☆☆
One of the prettiest films from this period. Stunning!
The Impossible Convicts (1906) G.W. Bitzer USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆☆☆
The (?) Motorist (1906) Walter R. Booth UK Robert W. Paul ☆☆☆
Aladin ou la lampe merveilleuse (1906)
Aladdin and His Wonder Lamp
Albert Capellani France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆☆
La Maison ensorcelée (1906)
The House of Ghosts
Segundo de Chomón France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆☆
Les Affiches en goguette (1906)
The Hilarious Posters
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Alchimiste Parafaragamus ou La cornue infernale (1906)
The Mysterious Retort
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
L'Anarchie chez guignol (1906)
Punch and Judy
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Les Bulles de savon vivantes (1906)
Soap Bubbles
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Cardeuse de matelas (1906)
The Tramp and the Mattress Makers
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Une chute de cinq étages (1906)
A Mix-Up in the Gallery
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La fée Carabosse ou Le poignard fatal (1906)
The Witch
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
L'Hôtel des voyageurs de commerce ou Les suites d'une bonne cuite (1906)
A Roadside Inn
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Les Incendiaires (1906)
A Desperate Crime
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Jack le ramoneur (1906)
Chimney Sweep
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Révolution en Russie (1906)
Revolution in Russia
Lucien Nonguet France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆
Dream of a Rarebit Fiend (1906) Edwin S. Porter & Wallace McCutcheon USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆☆
Three American Beauties (1906) Edwin S. Porter & Wallace McCutcheon USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆☆☆
Beautiful women are what cinema is all about and have been since the beginning!
A Visit to Peek Frean and Co.'s Biscuit Works (1906) UK Cricks & Martin Films ☆☆☆
Ali Baba et les quarante voleurs (1907) Segundo de Chomón France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆☆
Satan s'amuse (1907)
Satan at Play
Segundo de Chomón France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆☆
That Fatal Sneeze (1907) Lewin Fitzhamon UK Hepworth ☆☆
Ali Barbouyou et Ali Bouf à l'huile (1907)
Delirium in a Studio
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Colle universelle (1907)
Good Glue Sticks
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Cuisine de l'ogre (1907)
In the Bogie Man's Cave
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Douche d'eau bouillante (1907)
Rogues' Tricks
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
L'Éclipse du soleil en pleine lune (1907)
The Eclipse or The Courtship of the Sun and the Moon
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Les Fromages automobiles (1907)
The Skipping Cheeses
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Tunnel sous la manche ou La Cauchemar franco-anglais (1907)
Tunneling the English Channel
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Pauvre John ou Les Aventures d'un buveur de whisky (1907)
Sightseeing Through Whisky
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Cochon danseur (1907)
The Dancing Pig
France Pathé
Blackhawk Films
The Thieving Hand (1908) J. Stuart Blackton USA Vitagraph Company of America ☆☆☆
Magic Bricks (1908) Segundo de Chomón France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆☆
Le Cheval emballé (1908)
The House That Bolted
Louis J. Gasnier France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆
Vive la vie de garçon (1908)
Troubles of a Glasswidower
Max Linder France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆
Amour et Mélasse (1908)
Love and Molasses
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Anaïc ou Le Balafré (1908)
Not Guilty
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
L'Avare (1908)
The Miser
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
La Bonne bergère et la mauvaise princesse (1908)
The Good Sheperdess and the Evil Princess
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Conseil du pipelet ou Un tour à la foire (1908)
Sidewshow Wrestlers
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Conte de la grand-mère et rêve de l'enfant (1908)
A Grandmother's Story
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Fakir de Singapour (1908)
The Indian Sorcerer
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
French Interpreter Policeman (1908) Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Le Génie du feu (1908)
The Genii of Fire
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Hallucinations pharmaceutiques ou Le Truc du potard (1908)
Pharmaceutical Hallucinations
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Il y a un dieu pour les ivrognes (1908)
The Good Luck of a Souse
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Lully ou Le Violon brisé (1908)
The Broken Violin
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Les Mésaventures d'un photographe (1908)
The Mischances of a Photographer
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Le Nouveau seigneur du village (1908)
No Trifling With Love
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Photographie électrique à distance (1908)
Long Distance Wireless Photography
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Pour l'étoile S.V.P. (1908)
Buncoed Stage Johnnie
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
La Prophétesse de Thèbes (1908)
The Prophetess of Thebes
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Rêve d'un fumeur d'opium (1908)
The Dream of an Opium Fiend
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Salon de coiffure (1908)
In the Barber Shop
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Le Tambourin fantastique (1908)
The Knight of Black Art
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Torches humaines (1908)
Justinian's Human Torches 548 A.D.
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
A Tricky Painter's Fate (1908) Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Why That Actor Was Late (1908) Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
The Woes of Roller Skates (1908) Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Princess Nicotine; or, The Smoke Fairy (1909) J. Stuart Blackton USA Vitagraph Company of America ☆☆☆
Les Illusions fantaisistes (1909)
Whimsical Illusions
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Le Locataire diabolique (1909)
The Fiendish Tenant
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Afgrunden (1910)
The Abyss
Urban Gad Denmark Kosmorama ☆☆☆
The House With Closed Shutters (1910) D.W. Griffith USA Biography Company ☆☆☆
White Fawn's Devotion: A Play Acted by a Tribe of Red Indians in America (1910) James Young Deer USA Pathé Frères ☆☆☆
Very interesting historical artifact. It's exactly what it says it is! I like the directness of something like this.
A Day in the Life of a Coal Miner (1910) UK Kineto Films ☆☆☆
L'Inferno (1911)
Dante's Inferno
Francesco Bertolini, Adolfo Padovan, & Giuseppe de Liguoro Italy Milano Film ☆☆☆☆
The Lonedale Operator (1911) D.W. Griffith USA Biograph Company ☆☆☆
Les Hallucinations du baron de Münchausen (1911)
Baron Munchausen's Dream
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Her Crowning Glory (1911) Laurence Trimble USA General Film Company ☆☆☆
The Confederate Ironclad (1912) Kenean Buel USA Kalem Company ☆☆
De Wigwam (1912)
The Flaming Arrow
Joris Ivens Netherlands ☆☆
À la conquête du pôle (1912)
The Conquest of the Pole
Georges Méliès France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆☆
Probably Méliès's most impressive crowning achievement, although A Trip to the Moon continues to be my favorite for very personal reasons.
Cendrillon ou La Pantoufle merveilleuse (1912)
Cinderella or The Glass Slipper
Georges Méliès France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆
Le Chevalier des neiges (1912)
The Knight of the Snow
Georges Méliès France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆
The Land Beyond the Sunset (1912) Harold M. Shaw USA Thomas A. Edison, Inc. ☆☆☆☆
Tender, lyrical, poignant little piece that is all too underappreciated. Very touching even to this day.
Месть кинематографического оператора (1912)
The Cameraman's Revenge
Владислав Старевич [Vladislav Starevich] Russia Ханжонков [Khanzhonkov] ☆☆☆
Сумерки женской души (1913)
Twilight of a Woman's Soul
Евгений Бауэр [Yevgeni Bauer] Russia Ханжонков [Khanzhonkov] ☆☆☆☆
L'Agonie de Byzance (1913)
The Agony of Byzance
Louis Feuillade France Gaumont ☆☆☆
Le Voyage de la famille Bourrichon (1913)
The Voyage of the Bourrichon Family
Georges Méliès France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆
Max fait de la photo (1913)
Max Takes a Photo
Lucien Nonguet France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆
L'Enfant de Paris (1913)
Child of Paris
Léonce Perret France Gaumont ☆☆☆
Der Student von der Prag (1913)
The Student of Prague
Stellan Rye Germany Deutsche Bioscop GmbH ☆☆
Рождество у обитателей леса (1913)
The Insects' Christmas
Владислав Старевич [Vladislav Starevich] Russia Ханжонков [Khanzhonkov] ☆☆☆
Richard Wagner (1913)
The Life and Works of Richard Wagner
William Wauer & Carl Froelich Germany Messter Film GmbH ☆☆☆
Suspense (1913) Lois Weber & Phillips Smalley USA Universal Film Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Max décoré (1914) Max Linder France Pathé Frères ☆☆
Figures de cire (1914)
The Men With Wax Faces
Maurice Tourneur France Éclair ☆☆☆
После смерти (1915)
After Death
Евгений Бауэр [Yevgeni Bauer] Russia Ханжонков [Khanzhonkov] ☆☆☆☆☆
Le Noël du poilu (1915) Louis Feuillade France Gaumont ☆☆
Les Vampires (1915) Louis Feuillade France Gaumont ☆☆☆
A little too long for its own good, but mostly very invigorating and entertaining.
The Birth of a Nation (1915) D.W. Griffith USA Epoch Producing Corporation ☆☆☆
Historically a very interesting work. I like watching stuff like this because it pisses so many people off, lmao.
Diana the Huntress (1916) Charles W. Allen & Francis Trevelyan Miller USA Pluragraph ☆☆☆
Very fun! Makes me remember playing pretend out in the woods and has that kind of atmosphere.
Christus (1916) Giulio Antamoro Italy ☆☆☆☆
Behind the Screen (1916) Charlie Chaplin USA Mutual Film Corporation ☆☆
Snow White (1916) J. Searle Dawley USA Paramount Pictures
Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages (1916) D.W. Griffith USA Triangle Distributing Corporation ☆☆☆
Als ich tot war (1916)
As I Was Dead
Ernst Lubitsch Germany Projektions AG Union
Cenere (1916) Febo Mari & Arturo Ambrosio Italy Società Anonima Ambrosio ☆☆
I'm Insured (1916) H.S. Palmer USA Gaumont American
Homunculus (1916) Otto Rippert Germany Deutsche Bioscop GmbH ☆☆☆
76 minutes of a huge 401-minute serial survive.
Hell's Hinges (1916) Charles F. Swickard, William S. Hart, & Clifford Smith USA Kay-Bee Pictures
New York Motion Picture
Умирающий лебедь (1917)
The Dying Swan
Евгений Бауэр [Yevgeni Bauer] Russia Ханжонков [Khanzhonkov] ☆☆☆☆☆
Thaïs (1917) Anton Giulio Bragaglia Italy Novissima Film ☆☆☆
Mater dolorosa (1917) Abel Gance France Pathé Frères ☆☆
Rapsodia satanica (1917) Nino Oxilia Italy Società Italiana Cines ☆☆☆
Tih-Minh (1918) Louis Feuillade France Gaumont ☆☆
Præsidenten (1919)
The President
Carl Theodor Dreyer Denmark Nordisk Films Kompagni ☆☆☆☆
Broken Blossoms, or The Yellow Man and the Girl (1919) D.W. Griffith USA United Artists ☆☆
True Heart Susie (1919) D.W. Griffith USA United Artists ☆☆☆
Best Griffith IMO.
Madame DuBarry (1919) Ernst Lubitsch Germany UFA-Filmverleih GmbH ☆☆☆
Anders als die Andern (1919)
Different From the Others
Richard Oswald Germany Richard Oswald-Film GmbH ☆☆
Nerven (1919)
Robert Reinert Germany Monumental-Film-Werke Berlin ☆☆☆
Herr Arnes pengar (1919)
Sir Arne's Treasure
Mauritz Stiller Sweden AB Svenska Biografteatern ☆☆☆☆☆
Victory (1919) Maurice Tourneur USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
L'Homme du large (1920) Marcel L'Herbier France Gaumont ☆☆☆
Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (1920)
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Robert Wiene Germany Decla-Bioscop-Verleih GmbH ☆☆
The Penalty (1920) Wallace Worsley USA Goldwyn Distributing Company ☆☆☆
El Dorado (1921) Marcel L'Herbier France Gaumont ☆☆☆
Seven Years Bad Luck (1921) Max Linder France Max Linder Productions ☆☆☆
路上の霊魂 (1921)
Souls on the Road
村田実 [Minoru Murata] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
The Soul of the Cypress (1921) Dudley Murphey USA A Red Seal Pictures ☆☆
Film ist Rhythmus (1921) Hans Richter Germany Universum-Film AG
Manhatta (1921) Paul Strand & Charles Sheeler USA Film Arts Guild ☆☆☆
Häidenvietto Karjalan runomailla (1921)
Wedding in Poetic Karjala
A.O. Väisänen Finland Kalevalaseura-säätiö ☆☆☆
Häxan (1922) Benjamin Christensen Denmark/Sweden Universum Film ☆☆☆
Nanook of the North (1922) Robert J. Flaherty USA Pathé Exchange ☆☆☆☆
Os Faroleiros (1922)
The Lighthouse Keepers
Maurice Mariaud Portugal Caldevilla Films ☆☆☆☆☆
Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922)
Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror
F.W. Murnau Germany Excelsior-Film ☆☆☆
Danse Macabre (1922) Dudley Murphey USA Claude H. Macgowan
Salomé (1922) Alla Nazimova & Charles Bryant USA Nazimova Productions ☆☆☆
Nathan der Weise (1922)
Nathan the Wise
Manfred Noa Germany Bavaria Studios ☆☆☆
სურამის ციხე (1922)
The Suram Fortress
Иван Перестиани [Ivan Perestiani] Soviet Union [Georgia] Киносекция Наркомпроса Грузии [Kinosektsiya Narkomprosa Gruzii] ☆☆
Les Grenouilles qui demandent un roi (1922)
The Frogs Who Wanted a King
Владислав Старевич [Ladislas Starevich] France Polichinei-Film
Foolish Wives (1922) Erich von Stroheim USA Universal Film Manufacturing Company ☆☆
La Souriante Madame Beudet (1923)
The Smiling Madame Beudet
Germaine Dulac France Colisée Films ☆☆☆☆
Дневник Глумова (1923)
Glumov's Diary
Сергей М. Эйзенштейн [Sergei M. Eisenstein] Soviet Union [Russia] Пролеткульт [Proletkult] ☆☆
Cœur fidèle (1923) Jean Epstein France Pathé Consortium Cinéma ☆☆☆☆☆
La Roue (1923) Abel Gance France Pathé Consortium Cinéma ☆☆☆☆
Friedrich Schiller – Eine Dichterjugend (1923)
Friedrich Schillar: The Poet as a Young Man
Curt Goetz Germany Götz-Film-Co. ☆☆☆
Die Straße (1923)
The Street
Karl Grune Germany Stern-Film GmbH ☆☆☆
Le Brasier ardent (1923) Иван Мозжухин [Ivan Mosjoukine] France Films Albatros ☆☆☆☆
Safety Last! (1923) Fred C. Newmeyer & Sam Taylor USA Hal Roach Studios ☆☆☆
Le Retour à la raison (1923) Man Ray France ☆☆
La Voix du rossignol (1923)
The Voice of the Nightingale
Владислав Старевич [Ladislas Starevich] France Pathé Consortium Cinéma
Looney Lens: Pas de deux (1924) Al Brick USA Fox News ☆☆☆
Lol, "Fox News"... apparently!
Looney Lens: Split Skyscrapers (1924) Al Brick USA Fox News ☆☆☆
Looney Lens: Tenth Avenue, NYC (1924) Al Brick USA Fox News ☆☆☆
La Galerie des monstres (1924)
Gallery of Monsters
Jaque Catelain France/Spain Cinégraphic
Atlántida Films
Entr'acte (1924) René Clair France Les Ballets Suédois ☆☆☆☆
Paris qui dort (1924) René Clair France Les Films Diamant ☆☆☆☆
35-minute version. A 65-minute version also exists but I haven't seen it.
Mikaël (1924) Carl Theodor Dreyer Germany Decla-Bioscop AG ☆☆☆☆
Symphonie diagonale (1924) Viking Eggeling Germany Viking Eggeling ☆☆
La Belle Nivernaise (1924)
The Beauty From Nivernaise
Jean Epstein France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆
Le Lion des Mogols (1924)
The Lion of the Moguls
Jean Epstein France Films Albatros ☆☆☆☆
逆流 (1924)
Backward Flow
二川文太郎 [Buntaro Futagawa] Japan 東亜キネマ [Toua Kinema] ☆☆
L'Inhumaine (1924) Marcel L'Herbier France Cinégraphic ☆☆☆
The Navigator (1924) Buster Keaton USA Buster Keaton Productions ☆☆☆
Sherlock Jr. (1924) Buster Keaton USA Buster Keaton Productions ☆☆☆
Ballet Mécanique (1924) Fernand Léger & Dudley Murphy France Synchro-Ciné ☆☆☆
The Chechahcos (1924) Lewis H. Moomaw USA Alaska Moving Picture Corp. ☆☆
Der letzte Mann (1924)
The Last Laugh
F.W. Murnau Germany Union-Film der Universum-Film AG ☆☆☆☆☆
Greed (1924) Erich von Stroheim USA Metro-Goldwyn Pictures ☆☆☆☆
1999 narrative reconstruction
Lazybones (1925) Frank Borzage USA Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆☆
The Gold Rush (1925) Charlie Chaplin USA Charles Chaplin Productions ☆☆
Lullaby (1925) Boris Deutsch USA ☆☆☆☆
Varieté (1925) Ewald André Dupont Germany Universum-Film AG ☆☆☆☆
Visages d'enfants (1925) Jacques Feyder France Les Grands Films Indépendants ☆☆☆☆
La Fille de l'eau (1925)
Whirlpool of Fate
Jean Renoir France Les Films Jean Renoir ☆☆
Grass: A Nation's Battle for Life (1925) Ernest B. Schoedsack & Merian C. Cooper USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Стачка (1925)
Сергей М. Эйзенштейн [Sergei M. Eisenstein] Soviet Union [Russia] Пролеткульт [Proletkult] ☆☆☆☆☆
Броненосец Потёмкин (1925)
Battleship Potemkin
Сергей М. Эйзенштейн [Sergei M. Eisenstein] Soviet Union [Russia] ГосКино [GosKino] ☆☆☆
Feu Mathias Pascal (1925) Marcel L'Herbier France Cinégraphic ☆☆☆☆
Wunder der Schöpfung (1925)
Our Heavenly Bodies
Hanns Walter Kornblum Germany Colonna-Film GmbH ☆☆☆
The Big Parade (1925) King Vidor USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆
In Youth, Beside the Lonely Sea (1925) USA American Mutoscope & Biograph Co. ☆☆☆☆
Նամուս (1926)
Համո Բեկնազարյան [Hamo Beknazarian] Soviet Union [Armenia] Арменфильм [Armenfilm] ☆☆
The Strong Man (1926) Frank Capra First National Pictures Victoria-Film ☆☆☆
Glomdalsbruden (1926) Carl Theodor Dreyer Norway/Sweden Victoria-Film ☆☆☆☆
Anémic Cinéma (1926) Marcel Duchamp France
Der heilige Berg (1926)
The Holy Mountain
Arnold Fanck Germany Parufamet GmbH ☆☆☆☆
Gribiche (1926) Jacques Feyder France Albatros ☆☆
Spirals (1926) Oskar Fischinger Germany ☆☆
Шинель (1926)
The Overcoat
Григорий Козинцев & Леонид Трауберг [Grigori Kozintsev & Leonid Trauberg] Soviet Union [Russia] Ленинградкино [Leningradkino] ☆☆
The General (1926) Buster Keaton & Clyde Bruckman USA United Artists ☆☆☆
狂った一頁 (1926)
A Page of Madness
衣笠貞之助 [Teinosuke Kinugasa] Japan 新感覚派映画聯盟 [Shin Kankaku-ha Eiga Renmei] ☆☆☆☆
Ménilmontant (1926) Димитрий Кирсанов [Dimitri Kirsanoff] France Sélections Maurice Roumier ☆☆☆☆
По закону (1926)
By the Law
Лев Кулешов [Lev Kuleshov] Soviet Union [Russia] Госкино [Goskino] ☆☆☆☆☆
Rebus-Film Nr. 1 (1926) Paul Leni Germany
Moonland (1926) Neil McGuire & William O'Connor USA ☆☆☆
Faust: Eine deutsche Volkssage (1926)
Faust: A German Folk Legend
F.W. Murnau Germany Universum-Film AG ☆☆☆
Мать (1926)
Всеволод Пудовкин [Vsevolod Pudovkin] Soviet Union [Russia] Межрабпом-Русь [Mezhrabpom-Rus] ☆☆☆
Emak-Bakia (1926) Man Ray France ☆☆
Nana (1926) Jean Renoir France Les Films Jean Renoir ☆☆☆
Filmstudie (1926) Hans Richter Germany ☆☆
Девушка с коробкой (1927)
The Girl With the Hat Box
Борис Барнет [Boris Barnet] Soviet Union [Russia] Межрабпом-Русь [Mezhrabpom-Rus] ☆☆☆☆
Le Joueur d'échecs (1927) Raymond Bernard France Société des Films Historiques ☆☆☆☆
7th Heaven (1927) Frank Borzage USA Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆
Looney Lens: Anamorphic People (1927) Al Brick USA Fox News ☆☆☆
Combat de boxe (1927) Charles Dekeukeleire Belgium ☆☆☆
Звeнигopа (1927)
Олександр Довженко [Oleksandr Dovzhenko] Soviet Union [Ukraine] ВУФКУ (VUFKU) ☆☆☆
Октябрь (1927)
Сергей М. Эйзенштейн & Григорий Александров [Sergei M. Eisenstein & Grigory Aleksandrov] Soviet Union [Russia] Совкино [Sovkino] ☆☆☆☆
Hindle Wakes (1927) Maurice Elvey UK Gaumont British Picture Corporation ☆☆☆☆
La Glace à trois faces (1927)
The Three-Sided Mirror
Jean Epstein France Les Films Jean Epstein ☆☆☆☆
München-Berlin Wanderung (1927)
Walking From Munich to Berlin
Oskar Fischinger Germany ☆☆☆
Seelische Konstruktionen (1927)
Spiritual Constructions
Oskar Fischinger Germany ☆☆☆
Wachsexperimente (1927)
Wax Experiments
Oskar Fischinger Germany ☆☆☆
The Twenty-Four-Dollar Island (1927) Robert J. Flaherty USA ☆☆
Der König der Mittelstürmer (1927)
King of the Centre-Forward
Fritz Freisler Germany Olympia-Film GmbH
Napoléon vu par Abel Gance (1927) Abel Gance France Société du Film Napoléon ☆☆☆☆☆
Madame besøker Oslo (1927) Harry Ivarson Norway Kommunernes Filmscentral A/S
Études de mouvements à Paris (1927)
Studies of Movement in Paris
Joris Ivens France ☆☆
Москва (1927)
Михаил Кауфман & Илья Копалин [Mikhail Kaufman & Ilya Kopalin] Soviet Union [Russia] Совкино [Sovkino] ☆☆☆☆
Die elf Teufel (1927)
The Eleven Devils
Zoltan Korda Germany
С.В.Д. (Союз Великого дела) (1927)
The Club of the Big Deed
Григорий Козинцев & Леонид Трауберг [Grigori Kozintsev & Leonid Trauberg] Soviet Union [Russia] Ленсовкино [Lensovkino] ☆☆☆
Metropolis (1927) Fritz Lang Germany Universum-Film AG ☆☆
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) F.W. Murnau USA Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆
Der Liebe der Jeanne Ney (1927)
The Love of Jeanne Ney
Georg Wilhelm Pabst Germany Universum-Film AG ☆☆☆☆
Hyas et stenorinques (1927)
Hyas and Stenorhynchus
Jean Painlevé France ☆☆☆
Mathusalem (1927) Jean Painlevé France
Sur un air de Charleston (1927)
Charleston Parade
Jean Renoir France Néo-Films ☆☆
Третья Мещанская (1927)
Bed and Room
Абрам Роом [Аbram Room] Soviet Union [Russia] Госкино [Sovkino] ☆☆☆
Vom Reiche der sechs Punkte (1927) Hugo Rütters Germany Neuland-Kinematographie GmbH ☆☆☆
Berlin: Die Sinfonie der Großstadt (1927)
Berlin: Symphony of a Great City
Walter Ruttmann Germany Deutsche Vereinsfilm AG ☆☆☆
Underworld (1927) Josef von Sternberg USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
Hände (1928)
Miklós Bándy & Stella Simon Germany ☆☆☆
Дом на Трубной (1928)
The House on Trubnaya
Борис Барнет [Boris Barnet] Sovet Union [Russia] Межрабпомфильм [Mezhrabpomfilm] ☆☆☆☆
The River (1928) Frank Borzage USA Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆
Street Angel (1928) Frank Borzage USA Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆
Impatience (1928) Charles Dekeukeleire Belgium ☆☆
La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc (1928)
The Passion of Joan of Arc
Carl Theodor Dreyer France Société Générale des Films ☆☆☆☆
La Coquille et le Clergyman (1928)
The Seashell and the Clergyman
Germaine Dulac France Studio-Films ☆☆
Thèmes et variations (1928) Germaine Dulac France ☆☆☆
La Chute de la maison Usher (1928)
The Fall of the House of Usher
Jean Epstein France Films Jean Epstein ☆☆☆☆
Lonesome (1928) Fejős Pál USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆☆
The Love of Zero (1928) Robert Florey USA Florey-Menzies Productions ☆☆
The Life and Death of 9413, a Hollywood Extra (1928) Robert Florey & Slavko Vorkapić USA New York Film Annex ☆☆
Maldone (1928) Jean Grémillon France Société des Films Charles Dullin ☆☆☆☆
L'Argent (1928) Marcel L'Herbier France Société des Cinéromans ☆☆☆
De brug (1928)
The Bridge
Joris Ivens Netherlands Capi-Holland ☆☆
Steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928) Buster Keaton & Charles Reisner USA Buster Keaton Productions ☆☆☆☆
The Cameraman (1928) Buster Keaton & Edward Sedgwick USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆☆
The Telltale Heart (1928) Charles F. Klein USA Klein & Shamroy ☆☆
Spione (1928)
Fritz Lang Germany Universum-Film ☆☆
Polizeibericht Überfall (1928)
Ernő Metzner Germany Atlas ☆☆☆
There It Is (1928) Harold L. Muller & Charles R. Bowers USA Bowers Comedy Corporation ☆☆☆☆
Les Oursins (1928)
Sea Urchins
Jean Painlevé France ☆☆☆
Потомок Чингис-Хана (1928)
Storm Over Asia
Всеволод Пудовкин [Vsevolod Pudovkin] Soviet Union [Russia] Межрабпомфильм [Mezhrabpomfilm] ☆☆☆☆
L'Étoile de mer (1928)
The Starfish
Man Ray France Studio-Films ☆☆
Balançoires (1928) Noël Renard France ☆☆☆☆☆
La Petite Marchande d'allumettes (1928)
The Little Match Girl
Jean Renoir France ☆☆☆
Inflation (1928) Hans Richter Germany
Vormittagsspuk (1928)
Ghosts Before Breakfast
Hans Richter Germany ☆☆☆
Grønlandsfilmen (1928)
Elfelt's Greenland Film
Janus Sørensen Denmark Elfelt Film ☆☆☆
The Docks of New York (1928) Josef von Sternberg USA Paramount Famous Lasky Corporation ☆☆☆
The Wedding March (1928) Erich von Stroheim USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
The Wind (1928) Victor Sjöström USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆☆
Skyline Dance (1928) Slavko Vorkapić USA ☆☆
The Fall of the House of Usher (1928) James Sibley Watson & Melville Webber USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆
Beggars of Life (1928) William A. Wellman USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
A Girl Revue: First Edition (1928) USA Cine Art Productions ☆☆☆
The Keystone "Patrician" (1928) USA Keystone Aircraft Corp.
Messe noire (1928) France ☆☆☆
La grazia (1929) Aldo De Benedetti Italy Adia ☆☆☆
Die Frau, nach der man sich sehnt (1929)
The Woman One Longs For
Curtis Bernhardt Germany Terra-Film AG ☆☆☆
Un chien andalou (1929) Luis Buñuel France Studio-Films ☆☆☆
A Dança dos Paroxismos (1929) Jorge Brum do Canto Portugal ☆☆☆☆☆
Histoire de détective (1929)
Detective Story
Charles Dekeukeleire Belgium ☆☆
Арсенал (1929)
Олександр Довженко [Oleksandr Dovzhenko] Soviet Union [Ukraine] ВУФКУ [VUFKU] ☆☆☆☆
Старое и новое (1929)
Old and New aka The General Line
Сергей М. Эйзенштейн & Григорий Александров [Sergei Eisenstein & Grigory Aleksandrov] Soviet Union [Russia] Совкино [Sovkino] ☆☆☆☆☆
Finis terræ (1929) Jean Epstein France Mappemonde Films ☆☆☆☆☆
Обломок империи (1929)
Fragment of an Empire
Фридрих Эрмлер [Fridrikh Ermler] Soviet Union [Russia] Совкино [Sovkino] ☆☆☆☆
Die weiße Hölle vom Piz Palü (1929)
The White Hell of Pitz Palu
Arnold Fanck & Georg Wilhelm Pabst Germany H. R. Sokal-Film GmbH ☆☆☆
Monte Cristo (1929) Henri Fescourt France Les Productions Réunies ☆☆☆
Broadway (1929) Fejős Pál USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆
The Last Performance (1929) Fejős Pál USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆
Les Nouveaux Messieurs (1929)
The New Gentlemen
Jacques Feyder France Films Albatros ☆☆☆
Skyscraper Symphony (1929) Robert Florey USA ☆☆
La Merveilleuse Vie de Jeanne d'Arc, fille de Lorraine (1929)
Saint Joan the Maid
Marco de Gastyne France Aubert-Franco-Film ☆☆☆☆
Gardiens de phare (1929)
The Lighthouse Keepers
Jean Grémillon France Films du Grand Guignol ☆☆☆☆
Regen (1929)
Joris Ivens & Mannus Franken Netherlands Capi-Holland ☆☆☆
Brumes d'automne (1929) Димитрий Кирсанов [Dimitri Kirsanoff] France Mentor-Film ☆☆☆
Новый Вавилон (1929)
The New Babylon
Григорий Козинцев & Леонид Трауберг [Grigori Kozintsev & Leonid Trauberg] Soviet Union [Russia] Ленсовкино [Lensovkino] ☆☆☆☆☆
The Love Parade (1929) Ernst Lubitsch USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Tusalava (1929) Len Lye UK The Film Society ☆☆
Applause (1929) Rouben Mamoulian USA Paramount Famous Lasky Corp. ☆☆☆
Asphalt (1929) Joe May Germany UFA-Filmverleih GmbH ☆☆☆
Cagliostro – Liebe und Leben eines großen Abenteurers (1929) Richard Oswald France/Germany Films Albatros ☆☆☆☆☆
学生ロマンス 若き日 (1929)
Days of Youth
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
和製喧嘩友達 (1929)
Fighting Friends: Japanese Style
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
突貫小僧 (1929)
A Straightforward Boy
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
学大学は出たけれど (1929)
I Graduated, But...
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
Die Büchse der Pandora (1929)
Pandora's Box
Georg Wilhelm Pabst Germany Südfilm AG ☆☆☆☆☆
Tagebuch einer Verlorenen (1929)
Diary of a Lost Girl
Georg Wilhelm Pabst Germany Pabst-Film GmbH ☆☆☆☆☆
Les Mystères du Château du Dé (1929)
The Mysteries of the Chateau of Dice
Man Ray France ☆☆
Die wunderbare Lüge der Nina Petrowna (1929)
The Wonderful Lies of Nina Petrovna
Hanns Schwarz Germany Universum-Film Verleih GmbH ☆☆☆☆
不壊の白珠 (1929)
Undying Pearl
清水宏 [Hiroshi Shimizu] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
Хліб (1929)
Микола Шпиковський [Mykola Shpykovskyi] Soviet Union [Ukraine] Украинфильм [Ukrainfilm] ☆☆☆
H2O (1929) Ralph Steiner USA ☆☆☆
Images d'Ostende (1929)
Scenes of Ostende
Henri Storck Belgium Films Henri Storck ☆☆☆
La Perle (1929) Henri d'Ursel Belgium ARC ☆☆☆
Человек с киноаппаратом (1929)
Man With a Movie Camera
Дзига Вертов [Dziga Vertov] Soviet Union [Ukraine] ВУФКУ [VUFKU] ☆☆☆☆☆
The Bridge (1929) Charles Vidor USA ☆☆
Alibi (1929) Roland West USA United Artists ☆☆☆
Money Machine (1929) Slavko Vorkapić USA ☆☆
L'Âge d'or (1930) Luis Buñuel France Vicomte de Noailles ☆☆☆
Not the bigget fan of this one, but fuck Catholics indeed.
Just Imagine (1930) David Butler USA Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆☆
One of the most insane pre-code movies I've ever seen.
The Silent Enemy (1930) H.P. Carver Canada/USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆
Sous les toits de Paris (1930)
Beneath the Rooftops of Paris
René Clair France Société des Films Sonores Tobis ☆☆☆
Madam Satan (1930) Cecil B. DeMille USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆
Земля (1930)
Олександр Довженко [Oleksandr Dovzhenko] Soviet Union [Ukraine] ВУФКУ [VUFKU] ☆☆☆☆
Romance sentimentale (1930)
Sentimental Romance
Сергей М. Эйзенштейн & Григорий Александров [Sergei M. Eisenstein & Grigory Aleksandrov] France Sequana Film ☆☆
Golden Dawn (1930) Ray Enright USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆☆
Almost as insane as Just Imagine, but more... unsettling.
Studie Nr. 6 (1930) Oskar Fischinger Germany Fischinger Studio ☆☆
Swing You Sinners! (1930) Dave Fleischer USA Fleischer Studios ☆☆
Prix de beauté (1930)
Beauty Prize
Augusto Genina France Sofar-Film-Produktion GmbH ☆☆☆☆
The Louise Brooks movie nobody remembers...
La Petite Lise (1930) Jean Grémillon France Pathé-Natan ☆☆☆☆
Abraham Lincoln (1930) D.W. Griffith USA United Artists
Bezúčelná procházka (1930)
Aimless Walk
Alexander Hammid Czechoslovakia [Czech Republic] ☆☆☆☆☆
The Dawn Patrol (1930) Howard Hawks USA First National Picture ☆☆☆☆
Le Mystère de la chambre jaune (1930)
The Mystery of the Yellow Room
Marcel L'Herbier France Les Films Osso ☆☆☆
ჯიმ შვანთე (მარილი სვანეთს) (1930)
Salt for Svanetia
Михаил Калатозов [Mikhail Kalatozov] Soviet Union [Georgia] Госкинопром Грузии [Goskinoprom of Georgia] ☆☆☆☆
Monte Carlo (1930) Ernst Lubitsch USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
City Girl (1930) F.W. Murnau USA Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆☆
朗かに歩め (1930)
Walk Cheerfully
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
落第はしたけれど (1930)
I Flunked, But...
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
その夜の妻 (1930)
That Night's Wife
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
Menschen am Sonntag (1930)
People on Sunday
Robert Siodmak & Edgar G. Ulmer Germany Bezirksverleiher ☆☆☆☆
Mechanical Principles (1930) Ralph Steiner USA ☆☆
Morocco (1930) Josef von Sternberg USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
何が彼女をそうさせたか (1930)
What Made Her Do It?
鈴木重吉 [Suzuki Shigeyoshi] Japan 帝国キネマ演芸 [Teikoku Kinema Engei] ☆☆☆
À propos de Nice (1930) Jean Vigo & Boris Kaufman France Pathé ☆☆☆
Der weiße Teufel (1930)
The White Devil
Александр Волков [Alexandre Volkoff] Germany Universum Film ☆☆
Tomatos Another Day (1930) James Sibley Watson & Alec Wilder USA ☆☆
Stolen Heaven (1931) George Abbott USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Resurrectio (1931) Alessandro Blasetti Italy Cines-Pittaluga ☆☆
City Lights (1931) Charlie Chaplin USA United Artists ☆☆☆
Eisenstein's Mexican Footage (1931) Сергей М. Эйзенштейн [Sergei M. Eisenstein] Mexico ☆☆☆
La destrucción de Oaxaca (1931) Сергей М. Эйзенштейн [Sergei M. Eisenstein] Mexico Mexican Film Trust ☆☆☆
Les Berceaux (1931) Jean Epstein France Synchro-Ciné ☆☆☆
Studie Nr. 7 (1931) Oskar Fischinger Germany Fischinger Studio ☆☆
マダムと女房 (1931)
The Neighbor's Wife and Mine
五所平之助 [Gosho Heinosuke] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
Philips-Radio (1931) Joris Ivens Netherlands Philips
M (1931) Fritz Lang Germany Nero-Film AG ☆☆☆☆
A Bronx Morning (1931) Jay Leyda USA
The Smiling Lieutenant (1931) Ernst Lubitsch USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
腰辨頑張れ (1931)
Flunky, Work Hard!
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
Douro, Faina Fluvial (1931)
Labor on the Douro River
Manoel de Oliveira Portugal SPAC ☆☆☆
Der Mörder Dimitri Karamasoff (1931)
The Murderer Dimitri Karamazov
Федор Оцеп [Fedor Ozep] Germany Terra-Film AG ☆☆☆☆
淑女と髯 (1931)
The Lady and the Beard
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
東京の合唱 (1931)
Toukyou Chorus
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
Limite (1931) Mário Peixoto Brazil Cinédia ☆☆☆☆☆
Manhattan Medley (1931) Bonney Powell USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆
A Day in Santa Fe (1931) Lynn Riggs & James Hughes USA ☆☆
Portrait of a Young Man in Three Movements (1931) Henwar Rodakiewicz USA ☆☆
Murder by the Clock (1931) Edward Sloman USA Paramount Pictures
Surf and Seaweed (1931) Ralph Steiner USA ☆☆☆
Ambassador Bill (1931) Sam Taylor USA
Ентузіязм: Симфонія Донбасу (1931)
Enthusiasm: The Donbass Symphony
Дзига Вертов [Dziga Vertov] Soviet Union [Ukraine] Українфільм [Ukrainfilm] ☆☆☆☆☆
Taris, roi de l'eau (1931)
Jean Taris, Swimming Champion
Jean Vigo France ☆☆
Autumn Fire (1931) Herman G. Weinberg USA Herman G. Weinberg ☆☆
The Champ (1931) King Vidor USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆☆
Night Nurse (1931) William A. Wellman USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆
Other Men's Women (1931) William A. Wellman USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆☆
Frankenstein (1931) James Whale USA Universal Pictures ☆☆
Erwerbslose kochen für Erwerbslose (1932)
Unemployed Are Cooking for the Unemployed
Ella Bergmann-Michel Germany ☆☆
Fischfang in der Rhön (an der Sinn) (1932)
Fishing in the Rhön (at the Sinn)
Ella Bergmann-Michel Germany ☆☆
Fliegende Händler in Frankfurt am Main (1932)
Travelling Hawkers in Frankfurt am Main
Ella Bergmann-Michel Germany ☆☆
Wahlkampf 1932 (Letzte Wahl) (1932)
Election Campaign 1932 (Last Election)
Ella Bergmann-Michel Germany ☆☆☆
Wo wohnen alte Leute (1932)
Where Old People Live
Ella Bergmann-Michel Germany ☆☆
Freaks (1932) Tod Browning USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆☆
Gli uomini, che mascalzoni... (1932)
What Scoundrels Men Are...
Mario Camerini Italy Società Italiana Cines ☆☆
Le Sang d'un poète (1932)
The Blood of a Poet
Jean Cocteau France Tamasa Distribution ☆☆☆
Red-Headed Woman (1932) Jack Conway USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆☆
Іван (1932)
Олександр Довженко [Oleksandr Dovzhenko] Soviet Union [Ukraine] Українфільм [Ukrainfilm] ☆☆☆
Vampyr (1932) Carl Theodor Dreyer Germany Vereinigte Star-Film GmbH ☆☆☆☆
Kuhle Wampe oder: Wem gehört die Welt? (1932)
Kuhl Wampe or Who Owns the World?
Slátan Dudow Germany Praesens-Film GmbH ☆☆☆☆
Женщина (1932)
Ефим Дзиган [Efim Dzigan] Soviet Union [Belarus] Белгоскино [Belgoskino] ☆☆☆☆
Poem 8 (1932) Emlen Etting USA ☆☆☆
Travel Notes (1932) Walker Evans USA ☆☆
Red Dust (1932) Victor Fleming USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆
Marie, légende hongroise (1932) Fejős Pál France Société des Films Osso ☆☆☆☆
The Mummy (1932) Karl Freund USA Universal Pictures ☆☆
Daïnah la métisse (1932) Jean Grémillon France Gaumont ☆☆☆☆
White Zombie (1932) Victor Halperin USA United Artists ☆☆☆☆
La cartomancienne (1932)
The Fortune Teller
Jerome Hill USA ☆☆☆
Little Geezer (1932) Théodore Huff USA ☆☆☆
Песнь о героях (1932)
Joris Ivens Soviet Union [Russia] Межрабпомфильм [Mezhrabpomfilm] ☆☆☆☆
One Hour With You (1932) Ernst Lubitsch USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Trouble in Paradise (1932) Ernst Lubitsch USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Love Me Tonight (1932) Rouben Mamoulian USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
生さぬ仲 (1932)
No Blood Relation
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
大人の見る繪本 生れてはみたけれど (1932)
I Was Born, But...
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆☆
青春の夢いまいづこ (1932)
Where Now Are the Dreams of Youth?
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
Japanese American Communities (1932) Sensho Sasaki USA ☆☆☆
Windy Ledge Farm (1932) Elizabeth Woodman Wright USA ☆☆
Une nuit sur le mont chauve (1933) Alexandre Alexeïeff & Claire Parker France ☆☆☆
Footlight Parade (1933) Lloyd Bacon USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆☆
Tilly Losch in Her Dance of the Hands (1933) Norman Bel Geddes USA Nutshell Pictures ☆☆☆
Black Dawn (1933) Josef Berne USA ☆☆☆
Man's Castle (1933) Frank Borzage USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Secrets (1933) Frank Borzage USA United Artists ☆☆
Scarlet River (1933) Otto Brower USA RKO Radio Pictures
Quatorze Juillet (1933) René Clair France Société des Films Sonores Tobis ☆☆☆☆
King Kong (1933) Merian C. Cooper & Ernest B. Schoedsack USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆
Oramunde (1933) Emlen Etting USA ☆☆☆
Kreise (1933)
Oskar Fischinger Germany Fischinger Studio ☆☆
恋の花咲く 伊豆の踊子 (1933)
The Dancing Girl of Izu
五所平之助 [Gosho Heinosuke] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
Misère au Borinage (1933) Joris Ivens & Henri Storck Belgium Club de l'Écran ☆☆☆
Nieuwe gronden (1933)
New Earth
Joris Ivens Netherlands Capi-Holland ☆☆☆
Footnote to Fact (1933) Lewis Jacobs USA ☆☆
Великий утешитель (1933)
The Great Consoler
Лев Кулешов [Lev Kuleshov] Soviet Union [Russia] Межрабпомфильм [Mezhrabpomfilm]
Design for Living (1933) Ernst Lubitsch USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Ekstase (1933)
Gustav Machatý Czechoslovakia [Czech Republic] Elektafilm ☆☆☆☆
Oil: A Symphony in Motion (1933) M.G. MacPherson USA ☆☆
Ganga Bruta (1933) Humberto Mauro Brazil Cinédia ☆☆☆
Duck Soup (1933) Leo McCarey USA Paramount Pictures
Hallelujah, I'm a Bum (1933) Lewis Milestone USA United Artists ☆☆☆
君と別れて (1933)
Apart From You
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
夜ごとの夢 (1933)
Every-Night Dreams
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
東京の女 (1933)
Woman of Toukyou
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
非常線の女 (1933)
Dragnet Girl
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
出来ごころ (1933)
Passing Fancy
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
Дезертир (1933)
Всеволод Пудовкин [Vsevolod Pudovkin] Soviet Union [Russia] Межрабпомфильм [Mezhrabpomfilm] ☆☆☆☆
The Sphinx (1933) Phil Rosen USA Monogram Pictures Corporation
港の日本娘 (1933)
Japanese Girls at the Harbor
清水宏 [Shimizu Hiroshi] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
Fétiche (1933)
The Mascot
Владислав Старевич [Vladislav Starevich] France Gelma-Films ☆☆
小玩意 (1933)
Little Toys
孙瑜 [Sun Yu] China 联华影艺社 [Linhua Film Company] ☆☆☆
警察官 (1933)
内田吐夢 [Uchida Tomu] Japan 新興キネマ [Shinkou Kinema] ☆☆☆
Zéro de conduite: Jeunes diables au collège (1933)
Zero for Conduct
Jean Vigo France Franfilmdis ☆☆☆
Lot in Sodom (1933) James Sibley Watson & Melville Webber USA ☆☆☆
Wild Boys of the Road (1933) William A. Wellman USA First National Pictures ☆☆☆
The Barbarian (1933) Sam Wood USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Little Man, What Now? (1934) Frank Borzage USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆☆
No Greater Glory (1934) Frank Borzage USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Chanson d'Armor (1934) Jean Epstein France Ouest Éclair ☆☆☆☆
The Lost Patrol (1934) John Ford USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆
La Joie de vivre (1934)
The Joy of Life
Anthony Gross & Hector Hoppin France London Film Productions
Rapt (1934) Димитрий Кирсанов [Dimitri Kirsanoff] France Mentor-Film ☆☆☆☆
Liliom (1934) Fritz Lang France Fox-Europa ☆☆☆
The Merry Widow (1934) Ernst Lubitsch USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆
限りなき舗道 (1934)
Street Without End
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
母を恋はずや (1934)
A Mother Should Be Loved
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
浮草物語 (1934)
A Story of Floating Weeds
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
L'Hippocampe ou "Cheval marin" (1934)
The Sea Horse
Jean Painlevé France Pathé Consortium Cinéma ☆☆☆
隣りの八重ちゃん (1934)
Our Neighbor, Miss Yae
島津保次郎 [Shimazu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
Imitation of Life (1934) John M. Stahl USA Universal Pictures ☆☆
The Scarlet Empress (1934) Josef von Sternberg USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆☆
Hands (1934) Willard Van Dyke & Ralph Steiner Canada Niceville Pictures Inc. ☆☆
The Thin Man (1934) W.S. Van Dyke USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆
The Hearts of Age (1934) William Vance & Orson Welles USA ☆☆
L'Atalante (1934) Jean Vigo France Gaumont ☆☆☆☆
The Furies (1934) Slavko Vorkapić USA ☆☆☆
神女 (1934)
The Goddess
吴永刚 [Wu Yonggang] China 联华影艺社 [Linhua Film Company] ☆☆☆
The News Parade of 1934! (1934) USA Hearst Metrotone News
A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935) William Dieterle & Max Reinhardt USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆☆
Steamboat Round the Bend (1935) John Ford USA Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆
人生のお荷物 (1935)
Burden of Life
五所平之助 [Gosho Heinosuke] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
Les Berceaux (1935) Димитрий Кирсанов [Dimitri Kirsanoff] France Compagnie des Grands Artists Internationaux ☆☆☆
A Colour Box (1935) Len Lye UK GPO Film Unit ☆☆
Ruggles of Red Gap (1935) Leo McCarey USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
マリアのお雪 (1935)
Oyuki the Virgin
溝口健二 [Mizoguchi Kenji] Japan 第一映画社 [Daiichi Eiga] ☆☆☆
乙女ごころ三人娘 (1935)
Three Sisters With Maiden Hearts
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
女優と詩人 (1935)
The Actress and the Poet
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆
妻よ薔薇のやうに (1935)
Wife, Be Like a Rose!
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
サーカス五人組 (1935)
Five Men in the Circus
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆
噂の娘 (1935)
The Girl in the Rumor
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
東京の宿 (1935)
An Inn in Toukyou
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆☆
Triumph des Willens (1935)
Triumph of the Will
Leni Riefenstahl Germany UFA-Filmverleih GmbH ☆☆☆☆
The Face of Britain (1935) Paul Rotha UK Gaumont-British Instructional ☆☆☆
Pie in the Sky (1935) Ralph Steiner USA
Fiestas cristianas / Fiestas profanas (1935)
Christian Feasts / Secular Feasts
José Val del Omar Spain ☆☆
Vibración de Granada (1935) José Val del Omar Spain ☆☆☆
The Wedding Night (1935) King Vidor USA United Artists ☆☆☆☆
Bride of Frankenstein (1935) James Whale USA Universal Pictures ☆☆
丹下左膳餘話 百萬兩の壺 (1935)
Tange Sazen and the Pot Worth a Million Ryo
山中貞雄 [Yamanaka Sadao] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆☆
У самого синего моря (1936)
By the Bluest of Seas
Борис Барнет [Boris Barnet] Soviet Union [Azerbaijan] Межрабпомфильм [Mezhrabpomfilm] ☆☆☆☆
Dada (1936) Mary Ellen Bute & Ted Nemeth USA ☆☆☆
Modern Times (1936) Charlie Chaplin USA United Artists ☆☆
Rose Hobart (1936) Joseph Cornell USA ☆☆☆☆
Allegretto (1936) Oskar Fischinger USA ☆☆☆
朧夜の女 (1936)
Woman in the Mist
五所平之助 [Gosho Heinosuke] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
My Man Godfrey (1936) Gregory La Cava USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆
Fury (1936) Fritz Lang USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆
Adventure in Manhattan (1936) Edward Ludwig USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆
Rainbow Dance (1936) Len Lye UK GPO FIlm Unit ☆☆
The Birth of the Robot (1936) Len Lye UK Shell-Mex ☆☆
浪華悲歌 (1936)
Oosaka Elegy
溝口健二 [Mizoguchi Kenji] Japan 第一映画社 [Daiichi Eiga] ☆☆☆☆
祇園の姉妹 (1936)
Sisters of the Gion
溝口健二 [Mizoguchi Kenji] Japan 第一映画社 [Daiichi Eiga] ☆☆☆☆
桃中軒雲右衛門 (1936)
Man of the House
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan ピー・シー・エル映画製作所 [P.C.L. Eiga Seisaku-jo] ☆☆
君と行く路 (1936)
The Road I Travel With You
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan ピー・シー・エル映画製作所 [P.C.L. Eiga Seisaku-jo] ☆☆☆
君朝の並木路 (1936)
Morning's Tree-Lined Street
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan ピー・シー・エル映画製作所 [P.C.L. Eiga Seisaku-jo] ☆☆☆☆
菊五郎の鏡獅子 (1936)
The Lion Dance
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆
一人息子 (1936)
The Only Son
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆☆
Barbe-Bleue (1936) Jean Painlevé France
有りがたうさん (1936)
Mr. Thank You
清水宏 [Shimizu Hiroshi] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆☆
Rose-Marie (1936) W.S. Van Dyke USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆
Big Brown Eyes (1936) Raoul Walsh USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
河内山宗俊 (1936)
Priest of Darkness
山中貞雄 [Yamanaka Sadao] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆☆
미몽 (1936)
Sweet Dream
양주남 [Yang Ju-nam] Korea [South Korea] 경성촬영소 [Kyeong Sung Studio] ☆☆☆☆
Melody on Parade (1936) USA
The Zeppelin "Hindenburg" (1936) USA
Even - As You and I (1937) Roger Barlow, Harry Hay, & LeRoy Robbins USA
History Is Made at Night (1937) Frank Borzage USA United Artists ☆☆☆☆
Seeing the World: Part One - A Visit to New York, N.Y. (1937) Rudy Burckhardt USA
Escape (1937) Mary Ellen Bute, Bill Nemeth, & Ted Nemeth USA ☆☆☆
Pépé le Moko (1937) Julien Duvivier France DisCina
新しき土 (1937)
The Daughter of the Samurai
Arnold Fanck & 伊丹万作 [Itami Mansaku] Germany/Japan Dr. Arnold Fanck-Film
日活 [Nikkatsu]
Gueule d'amour (1937) Jean Grémillon France La Société des Films Sirius ☆☆☆☆
The Spanish Earth (1937) Joris Ivens USA Prometheus Pictures
Stage Door (1937) Gregory La Cava USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆☆
You Only Live Once (1937) Fritz Lang USA United Artists ☆☆☆
Easy Living (1937) Mitchell Leisen USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
Trade Tattoo (1937) Len Lye UK GPO Film Unit ☆☆☆
Colour Flight (1937) Len Lye UK ☆☆
The Awful Truth (1937) Leo McCarey USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆
Make Way for Tomorrow (1937) Leo McCarey USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
女人哀愁 (1937)
A Woman's Sorrows
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan ピー・シー・エル映画製作所 [P.C.L. Eiga Seisaku-jo] ☆☆☆☆
雪崩 (1937)
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan ピー・シー・エル映画製作所 [P.C.L. Eiga Seisaku-jo] ☆☆☆☆
禍福 前篇 (1937)
Learn From Experience, Part 1
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan ピー・シー・エル映画製作所 [P.C.L. Eiga Seisaku-jo] ☆☆
禍福 後篇 (1937)
Learn From Experience, Part 2
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan ピー・シー・エル映画製作所 [P.C.L. Eiga Seisaku-jo] ☆☆
淑女は何を忘れたか (1937)
What Did the Lady Forget?
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
La Grande Illusion (1937) Jean Renoir France Réalisation d'Art Cinématographique ☆☆☆
婚約三羽烏 (1937)
The Trio's Engagements
島津保次郎 [Shimazu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆
金色夜叉 (1937)
The Gold Demon
清水宏 [Shimizu Hiroshi] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
恋も忘れて (1937)
Forget Love for Now
清水宏 [Shimizu Hiroshi] Japan ☆☆☆
風の中の子供 (1937)
Children in the Wind
清水宏 [Shimizu Hiroshi] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆☆
The World Today: The Black Legion - Shadow of Fascism Over America (1937) Ralph Steiner USA
Nothing Sacred (1937) William A. Wellman USA United Artists ☆☆
人情紙風船 (1937)
Humanity and Paper Balloons
山中貞雄 [Yamanaka Sadao] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆☆
馬路天使 (1937)
Street Angel
袁牧之 [Yuan Mu-jih] China 明星影片公司 [Mingxing Film Company] ☆☆☆
We Work Again (1937) USA U.S. Works Progress Administration
Haiti (1938) Rudy Burckhardt USA ☆☆
Le Quai des brumes (1938)
Port of Shadows
Marcel Carné France Société des Films Osso ☆☆☆
Hôtel du Nord (1938) Marcel Carné France Cocinor ☆☆☆
Porky in Wackyland (1938) Robert Clampett USA Warner Bros. ☆☆
Bookstalls (1938) Joseph Cornell USA ☆☆☆☆
Carousel: Animal Opera (1938) Joseph Cornell USA ☆☆☆
The Children's Jury (1938) Joseph Cornell USA ☆☆☆
The Children's Trilogy (1938) Joseph Cornell USA ☆☆☆☆☆
The Midnight Party
Children's Party
Jack's Dream (1938) Joseph Cornell USA ☆☆☆
Thimble Theater (1938) Joseph Cornell USA ☆☆☆☆
Holiday (1938) George Cukor USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Александр Невский (1938)
Alexander Nevsky
Сергей М. Эйзенштейн & Дмитрий Васильев [Sergei M. Eisenstein & Dmitri Vasilyev] Soviet Union [Russia] Мосфильм [Mosfilm] ☆☆☆☆
An Optical Poem (1938) Oskar Fischinger USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆
L'Étrange Monsieur Victor (1938)
That Strange Mr. Victor
Jean Grémillon France L'Alliance Cinématographique Européenne ☆☆☆
Bringing Up Baby (1938) Howard Hawks USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆
The Lady Vanishes (1938) Alfred Hitchcock UK Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆
Tree Trunk to Head (1938) Lewis Jacobs USA
You and Me (1938) Fritz Lang USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
Bluebeard's Eighth Wife (1938) Ernst Lubitsch USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
鶴八鶴次郎 (1938)
Tsuruhachi and Tsurujirou
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆
The Shopworn Angel (1938) H.C. Potter USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆☆
La Marseillaise (1938)
The Marseillaise
Jean Renoir France Réalisations d'Art Cinématographique ☆☆☆
La Bête humaine (1938) Jean Renoir France Lux Compagnie Cinématographique de France ☆☆☆☆
Olympia (1938) Leni Riefenstahl Germany Tobis-Filmkunst GmbH ☆☆☆☆
Olympia 1. Teil – Fest der Völker [Olympia Part 1. - Festival of the Nations]
Olympia 2. Teil – Fest der Schönheit [Olympia Part 2. - Festival of Beauty]
按摩と女 (1938)
The Masseurs and a Woman
清水宏 [Shimizu Hiroshi] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
Bicycle Polo at San Mateo (1938) Frank Stauffacher USA
The Citadel (1938) King Vidor UK Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆
Spook Sport (1939) Mary Ellen Bute, Norman McLaren, & Ted Nemeth USA Ted Nemeth Studios ☆☆☆
Le jour se lève (1939) Marcel Carné France Les Films Vog ☆☆☆☆
Щорс (1939)
Олександр Довженко & Юлия Солнцева [Oleksandr Dovzhenko & Yuliya Solntseva] Soviet Union [Ukraine] Киевская кинофабрика [Kiev Film Studio] ☆☆☆
Frontier Marshal (1939) Allan Dwan USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆
The Wizard of Oz (1939) Victor Fleming USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Stagecoach (1939) John Ford USA United Artists ☆☆☆
Young Mr. Lincoln (1939) John Ford USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆☆
Only Angels Have Wings (1939) Howard Hawks USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆
1126 Dewey Avenue, Apt. 207 (1939) John C. Hecker USA ☆☆
Midnight (1939) Mitchell Leisen USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Remember the Night (1939) Mitchell Leisen USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
Scherzo (1939) Norman McLaren Canada ☆☆
Stars and Stripes (1939) Norman McLaren Canada ☆☆
残菊物語 (1939)
The Story of the Last Chrysanthemum
溝口健二 [Mizoguchi Kenji] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
はたらく一家 (1939)
The Whole Family Works
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆
まごころ (1939)
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆☆
La Règle du jeu (1939)
The Rules of the Game
Jean Renoir France La Distribution Parisienne de Films ☆☆☆☆
子供の四季 (1939)
Four Seasons of Children
清水宏 [Shimizu Hiroshi] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆☆
内田吐夢 [Uchida Tomu] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆☆☆
Fantasia (1940) James Algar, Samuel Armstrong, Ford Beebe Jr., Norman Ferguson, Jim Handley, T. Hee, Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske, Bill Roberts, Paul Satterfield, Ben Sharpsteen, & David D. Hand USA Walt Disney Productions
The Mortal Storm (1940) Frank Borzage USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆☆
Sredni Vashtar (1940) David Bradley USA Willow Productions
The Pursuit of Happiness (1940) Rudy Burckhardt USA
Tarantella (1940) Mary Ellen Bute & Ted Nemeth USA Ted Nemeth Studios ☆☆☆
The Great Dictator (1940) Charlie Chaplin USA United Artists ☆☆
The Long Voyage Home (1940) John Ford USA United Artists ☆☆☆☆☆
Themis (1940) Dwinell Grant USA ☆☆
His Girl Friday (1940) Howard Hawks USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆
Rebecca (1940) Alfred Hitchcock USA Selznick International Pictures ☆☆☆
Stranger on the Third Floor (1940) Boris Ingster USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆
The Shop Around the Corner (1940) Ernst Lubitsch USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆
Swinging the Lambeth Walk (1940) Len Lye UK ☆☆
NBC Valentine Greeting (1940) Norman McLaren Canada
旅役者 (1940)
Travelling Actors
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
信子 (1940)
清水宏 [Shimizu Hiroshi] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆☆
Christmas in July (1940) Preston Sturges USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
Comrade X (1940) King Vidor USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆
Abstract Experiment in Kodachrome (1940) Slavko Vorkapić USA ☆☆
They Drive by Night (1940) Raoul Walsh USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆☆
Come Live With Me (1941) Clarence Brown USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆☆
Never Give a Sucker an Even Break (1941) Edward F. Cline USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆☆
The Devil and Daniel Webster (1941) William Dieterle USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆☆
How Green Was My Valley (1941) John Ford USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆☆☆
Tobacco Road (1941) John Ford USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆☆☆
Vénus aveugle (1941)
Blind Venus
Abel Gance France Consortium du Film ☆☆☆
Contrathemis (1941) Dwinell Grant USA ☆☆
Remorques (1941) Jean Grémillon France Films Sonores Tobis ☆☆☆☆☆
Ball of Fire (1941) Howard Hawks USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Moods of the Sea (1941) John Hoffman & Slavko Vorkapić USA ☆☆☆
반도의 봄 (1941)
Spring on the Korean Peninsula
이병일 [Lee Byeong-il] Korea [South Korea] ☆☆☆☆
1941 (1941) Francis Lee USA ☆☆☆
Blues in the Night (1941) Anatole Litvak USA Warner Bros. ☆☆
なつかしの顔 (1941)
A Face From the Past
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆
秀子の車掌さん (1941)
Hideko, the Bus Conductress
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆
戸田家の兄妹 (1941)
Brothers and Sisters of the Toda Family
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
Hellzapoppin' (1941) H.C. Potter USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆
みかへりの搭 (1941)
Introspection Tower
清水宏 [Shimizu Hiroshi] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆☆
歌女おぼえ書 (1941)
Notes of an Itinerant Performer
清水宏 [Shimizu Hiroshi] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
Ornamental Hairpin
清水宏 [Shimizu Hiroshi] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆☆
The Lady Eve (1941) Preston Sturges USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
Sullivan's Travels (1941) Preston Sturges USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
The Strawberry Blonde (1941) Raoul Walsh USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆☆
Citizen Kane (1941) Orson Welles USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆
Object Lesson (1941) Christopher Young USA ☆☆☆
I Married a Witch (1942) René Clair USA United Artists ☆☆
By Night With Torch and Spear (1942) Joseph Cornell USA ☆☆☆
Radio Dynamics (1942) Oskar Fischinger USA Fischinger Studio ☆☆☆
To Be or Not to Be (1942) Ernst Lubitsch USA United Artists ☆☆☆☆
Hen Hop (1942) Norman McLaren Canada ☆☆
母は死なず (1942)
Mother Never Dies
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆
父ありき (1942)
There Was a Father
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
White Cargo (1942) Richard Thorpe USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Find the clips of Hedy Lamarr in a skimpy outfit and skip it. This sucks.
Cat People (1942) Jacques Tourneur USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Les Anges du péché (1943) Robert Bresson France Les Films Roger Richebé ☆☆☆
Storm (1943) Paul Burnford USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆
Le Corbeau (1943) Henri-Georges Clouzot France Société des Films Sonores Tobis ☆☆☆
Meshes of the Afternoon (1943) Maya Deren & Alexander Hammid USA Maya Deren & Alexander Hammid ☆☆☆☆☆
Vredens dag (1943)
Day of Wrath
Carl Theodor Dreyer Denmark Filmcentralen Palladium ☆☆☆☆☆
Lumière d'été (1943) Jean Grémillon France Discina ☆☆☆☆
Air Force (1943) Howard Hawks USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆
Shadow of a Doubt (1943) Alfred Hitchcock USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆
Romanze in Moll (1943)
Romance in a Minor Key
Helmut Käutner Germany Deutsche Filmvertriebs GmbH ☆☆
The Song of Bernadette (1943) Henry King USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆
Seems like a lot of people see this as preachy, dull religious propaganda. I hate Abrahamic hegemony as much as anyone, but I actually think this film remains a very moving and beautiful spiritual experience.
No Time for Love (1943) Mitchell Leisen USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
The Autobiography of a "Jeep" (1943) Irving Lerner USA U.S. Office of War Information
Heaven Can Wait (1943) Ernst Lubitsch USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆☆
歌行燈 (1943)
The Song Lantern
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
The Seventh Victim (1943) Mark Robson USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆☆
The More the Merrier (1943) George Stevens USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆
I Walked With a Zombie (1943) Jacques Tourneur USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆
The Leopard Man (1943) Jacques Tourneur USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆
The Ox-Bow Incident (1943) William A. Wellman USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆☆
When Strangers Marry (1944) William Castle USA Monogram Pictures ☆☆☆
At Land (1944) Maya Deren USA ☆☆☆☆☆
Just as good as Meshes of the Afternoon.
Иван Грозный I (1944)
Ivan the Terrible, Part I
Сергей М. Эйзенштейн [Sergei M. Eisenstein] Soviet Union [Russia] Мосфильм [Mosfilm] ☆☆☆☆☆
María Candelaria (Xochimilco) (1944) Emilio Fernández Mexico Films Mundiales
Le ciel est à vous (1944) Jean Grémillon France Consortium du Film ☆☆☆☆
Destiny (1944) Richard Le Borg USA Universal Pictures ☆☆
芝居道 (1944)
The Way of Drama
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆
A Canterbury Tale (1944) Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger UK The Archers ☆☆☆☆
Phantom Lady (1944) Robert Siodmak USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆
The Keys to the Kingdom (1944) John M. Stahl USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
Experiment Perilous (1944) Jacques Tourneur USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆
Bluebeard (1944) Edgar G. Ulmer USA Producers Releasing Corporation ☆☆☆☆
Double Indemnity (1944) Billy Wilder USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆
The Curse of the Cat People (1944) Robert Wise & Gunther von Fritsch USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Extremely underrated sequel. I like it a lot more than the original, honestly.
Hangover Square (1945) John Brahm USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆☆
Les Dames du bois de Boulogne (1945)
The Ladies of the Bois de Boulogne
Robert Bresson France Consortium du Film ☆☆
Les Enfants du paradis (1945) Marcel Carné France Pathé Consortium Cinéma ☆☆☆☆
A Study in Choreopgrahy for Camera (1945) Maya Deren USA
Christmas in Connecticut (1945) Paul Godfrey USA Warner Bros.
The Battle of San Pietro (1945) John Huston USA War Activities Committee of the Motion Pictures Industry ☆☆
Brief Encounter (1945) David Lean UK Eagle-Lion Distributors ☆☆☆
The Bells of St. Mary's (1945) Leo McCarey USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆☆
The Clock (1945) Vincente Minnelli USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆☆
三十三間堂通し矢物語 (1945)
A Tale of Archery at the Sanjuusangendou
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆
Le Vampire (1945) Jean Painlevé France ☆☆☆
Roma città aperta (1945)
Rome, Open City
Roberto Rossellini Italy Minerva Film ☆☆☆
Detour (1945) Edgar G. Ulmer USA Producers Releasing Corporation ☆☆☆☆
The Story of G.I. Joe (1945) William A. Wellman USA United Artists ☆☆☆
Introspection (1946) Sara Kathryn Arledge USA ☆☆
It's a Wonderful Life (1946) Frank Capra USA RKO Radio Pictures
La Belle et la Bête (1946)
Beauty and the Beast
Jean Cocteau France DisCina ☆☆
Glens Falls Sequence (1946) Douglas Crockwell USA ☆☆☆☆
Ritual in Transfigured Time (1946) Maya Deren USA ☆☆
Vandet på Landet (1946)
Water From the Land
Carl Theodor Dreyer Denmark Dansk Kulturfilm
My Darling Clementine (1946) John Ford USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆☆
わが青春に悔なし (1946)
No Regrets for Our Youth
黒澤明 [Kurosawa Akira] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
The Mask of Diijon (1946) Lew Landers USA Producers Releasing Corporation ☆☆☆
To Each His Own (1946) Mitchell Leisen USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
So Dark the Night (1946) Joseph H. Lewis USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Dragonwyck (1946) Joseph L. Mankiewicz USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆
俺もお前も (1946)
Both You and I
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆
浦島太郎の後裔 (1946)
The Descendents of Urashima Tarou
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆
The Potted Psalm (1946) Sidney Peterson & James Broughton USA ☆☆☆☆
Partie de campagne (1946)
A Day in the Country
Jean Renoir France Films du Jeudi ☆☆☆☆
The Chase (1946) Arthur Ripley USA United Artists ☆☆☆☆
Paisà (1946)
Roberto Rossellini Italy Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆
Canyon Passage (1946) Jacques Tourneur USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆☆
The Stranger (1946) Orson Welles USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Negro Leagues Baseball (1946) USA
Fireworks (1947) Kenneth Anger USA ☆☆☆☆
RateYourMusic comment that made me lose my shit: "40s spiritual precursor to ram ranch"
They Made Me a Fugitive (1947) Alberto Cavalcanti UK Warner Bros. ☆☆☆
Le Tempestaire (1947) Jean Epstein France Filmagazine ☆☆☆
Motion Painting No. 1 (1947) Oskar Fischinger USA Fischinger Studio ☆☆☆
安城家の舞踏会 (1947)
Ball at the Anjou House
Edmund Goulding USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
Золушка (1947)
Надежда Кошеверова & Михаил Шапиро [Nadezhda Kosheverova & Mikhail Shapiro] Soviet Union [Russia] Ленфильм [Lenfilm]
素晴らしき日曜日 (1947)
One Wonderful Sunday
黒澤明 [Kurosawa Akira] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
Golden Earrings (1947) Mitchell Leisen USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Abstract Movies (1947) George L.K. Morris USA ☆☆
Deep Valley (1947) Jean Negulesco USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆☆
春のめざめ (1947)
Spring Awakens
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆☆
長屋紳士録 (1947)
Record of a Tenement Gentleman
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆☆
The Cage (1947) Sidney Peterson USA ☆☆
They Won't Believe Me (1947) Irving Pichel USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆
Black Narcissus (1947) Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger UK The Archers ☆☆☆☆
Dreams That Money Can Buy (1947) Hans Richter USA Films International of America ☆☆
銀嶺の果て (1947)
Snow Trail
谷口千吉 [Taniguchi Senkichi] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆☆
Out of the Past (1947) Jacques Tourneur USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆
四つの恋の物語 (1947)
Four Love Stories
豊田四郎, 成瀬巳喜男, 山本嘉次郎, & 衣笠貞之助 [Toyoda Shirou, Naruse Mikio, Yamamoto Kajirou, & Kinugasa Teinosuke] Japan 東宝 [Touhou]
House of Cards (1947) Joseph Vogel USA ☆☆
Good News (1947) Charles Walters USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆
安城家の舞踏会 (1947)
Ball at the Anjou House
吉村公三郎 [Yoshimura Kozaburou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
Moonrise (1948) Frank Borzage USA Republic Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Light Reflections (1948) James Edward Davis USA ☆☆☆☆
Ladri di biciclette (1948)
Bicycle Thieves
Vittorio De Sica Italy Ente Nazionale Industrie Cinematografiche ☆☆☆
Pitfall (1948) André De Toth USA United Artists ☆☆☆
Meditation on Violence (1948) Maya Deren USA ☆☆
Portrait of Jennie (1948) William Dieterle USA Selznick International Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Night Has a Thousand Eyes (1948) John Farrow USA Paramount Pictures
小城之春 (1948)
Spring in a Small Town
費穆 [Fei Mu] China 文華影業公司 [Wenhua Film Company] ☆☆☆
Louisiana Story (1948) Robert J. Flaherty USA Lopert Films ☆☆☆
Kiss the Blood Off My Hands (1948) Norman Foster USA Universal Pictures
Four Faces West (1948) Alfred E. Green USA United Artists
Rope (1948) Alfred Hitchcock USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆
酔いどれ天使 (1948)
Drunken Angel
黒澤明 [Kurosawa Akira] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆
Oliver Twist (1948) David Lean UK Cineguild
The Boy With Green Hair (1948) Joseph Losey USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆
Somehow I find this film charming in spite of it being a bit boring and dull... hard to explain.
Wake of the Red Witch (1948) Edward Ludwig USA Republic Pictures ☆☆☆
Raw Deal (1948) Anthony Mann USA Eagle-Lion Films ☆☆☆☆
The Pirate (1948) Vincente Minnelli USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆☆
夜の女たち (1948)
Women of the Night
溝口健二 [Mizoguchi Kenji] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
Letter From an Unknown Woman (1948) Max Ophüls USA Universal International ☆☆☆
風の中の牝雞 (1948)
A Hen in the Wind
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House (1948) H.C. Potter USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆
The Red Shoes (1948) Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger UK The Archers ☆☆☆
They Live by Night (1948) Nicholas Ray USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆☆☆
Germania anno zero (1948)
Germany Year Zero
Roberto Rossellini Italy G.D.B. Film ☆☆☆☆
The Scar (1948) Steve Sekely USA Eagle-Lion Films ☆☆☆☆
蜂の巣の子供たち (1948)
Children of the Beehive
清水宏 [Shimizu Hiroshi] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆☆
Cry of the City (1948) Robert Siodmak USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆
La terra trema: Episodio del mare (1948) Luchino Visconti Italy Compagnia Edizioni Internazionali Artistiche Distribuzione ☆☆☆☆
Yellow Sky (1948) William A. Wellman USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆☆
Blood on the Moon (1948) Robert Wise USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Puce Moment (1949) Kenneth Anger USA ☆☆☆
Intruder in the Dust (1949) Clarence Brown USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆
Should be watched by every cretin who thinks that Hollywood movies never cared about racism before To Kill a Mockinbird.
Riso amaro (1949)
Bitter Rice
Giuseppe De Santis Italy Lux Film ☆☆
If you like big fat Italian asses and thick Italian thighs, this has some good value. Not the best of its kind though.
Мичурин (1949)
Олександр Довженко [Oleksandr Dovzhenko] Soviet Union [Ukraine] Мосфильм [Mosfilm] ☆☆
The Threat (1949) Felix E. Feist USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆☆
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949) John Ford USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆
Le Sang des bêtes (1949)
Blood of the Beasts
Georges Franju France Forces et Voix de France ☆☆☆
I Shot Jesse James (1949) Samuel Fuller USA Screen Guild Productions ☆☆☆
Vida en sombras (1949)
Life in Shadows
Lorenzo Llobet Gracia Spain Castilla Films
野良犬 (1949)
Stray Dog
黒澤明 [Kurosawa Akira] Japan 東映 [Touei] ☆☆☆
The Bribe (1949) Robert Z. Leonard USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆
Christmas, U.S.A. (1949) Gregory J. Markopoulos USA ☆☆
The Man on the Eiffel Tower (1949) Burgess Meredith USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆
Pacific 231 (1949) Jean Mitry France ☆☆
The Reckless Moment (1949) Max Ophüls USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆
晩春 (1949)
Late Spring
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆☆
小原庄助さん (1949)
Ohara Shousuke-san
清水宏 [Shimizu Hiroshi] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
The Window (1949) Ted Tetzlaff USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆
Colorado Territory (1949) Raoul Walsh USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆
마음의 고향 (1949)
A Hometown in Heart
윤용규 [Yun Yong-kyu] South Korea ☆☆☆☆
Adventures of Jimmy (1950) James Broughton USA Farallone Films
Los olvidados (1950) Luis Buñuel Mexico Ultramar Films ☆☆☆
Orphée (1950)
Jean Cocteau France DisCina ☆☆☆
Landscape (1950) James Edward Davis USA ☆☆
Pertaining to Marin (1950) James Edward Davis USA ☆☆
Taliesin-East (1950) James Edward Davis USA ☆☆
Taliesin-West (1950) James Edward Davis USA ☆☆
The Baron of Arizona (1950) Samuel Fuller USA Lippert Pictures ☆☆☆
Cassis (1950) Jerome Hill USA
Grandma Moses (1950) Jerome Hill USA ☆☆
醜聞 (1950)
黒澤明 [Kurosawa Akira] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
羅生門 (1950)
黒澤明 [Kurosawa Akira] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆☆
Gun Crazy (1950) Joseph H. Lewis USA United Artists ☆☆☆☆
Les Enfants terribles (1950) Jean-Pierre Melville France Gaumont ☆☆
石中先生行状記 (1950)
Conduct Report on Professor Ishinaka
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou]
怒りの街 (1950)
Angry Street
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
白い野獣 (1950)
White Beast
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
薔薇合戦 (1950)
Battle of the Roses
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
Winchester '73 (1950) Anthony Mann USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆☆
La Ronde (1950) Max Ophüls France Jeannic Films ☆☆☆☆
宗方姉妹 (1950)
The Munekata Sisters
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 新東宝 [Shintouhou] ☆☆☆
Gone to Earth (1950) Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger UK The Archers ☆☆☆
In a Lonely Place (1950) Nicholas Ray USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Born to Be Bad (1950) Nicholas Ray USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆
Stars in My Crown (1950) Jacques Tourneur USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆☆
The Browning Version (1951) Anthony Asquith UK Javelin Films ☆☆☆☆
Journal d'un curé de campagne (1951)
Diary of a Country Priest
Robert Bresson France Alliance Générale de Distribution Cinématographique ☆☆☆☆☆
Tomorrow Is Another Day (1951) Felix E. Feist USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆☆
The Steel Helmet (1951) Samuel Fuller USA Lippert Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Alice in Wonderland (1951) Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson, & Hamilton Luske USA Walt Disney Productions
Traité de bave et d'éternité (1951)
Venom and Eternity
Isidore Isou France Films M.-G. Guillermin ☆☆☆
白痴 (1951)
The Idiot
黒澤明 [Kurosawa Akira] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
The Mating Season (1951) Mitchell Leisen USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
Le film est déjà commencé? (1951)
Has the Film Already Started?
Maurice Lemaître France ☆☆☆
Pandora and the Flying Dutchman (1951) Albert Lewin UK Dorkay Productions ☆☆☆☆
M (1951) Joseph Losey USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆
Underrated remake of the Lang film. Not quite as dark, but very stylish and effective all the same.
The Tall Target (1951) Anthony Mann USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆☆
武蔵野夫人 (1951)
The Lady of Musashino
溝口健二 [Mizoguchi Kenji] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
お遊さま (1951)
溝口健二 [Mizoguchi Kenji] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆☆☆
舞姫 (1951)
Dancing Girl
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
銀座化粧 (1951)
Ginza Cosmetics
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 新東宝 [Shintouhou] ☆☆☆
めし (1951)
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆
麥秋 (1951)
Early Summer
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆☆
The River (1951) Jean Renoir USA United Artists ☆☆☆☆
A Place in the Sun (1951) George Stevens USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
The Man From Planet X (1951) Edgar G. Ulmer USA United Artists ☆☆☆
Bellissima (1951) Luchino Visconti Italy CEI Incom ☆☆☆☆
Little Big Horn (1951) Charles Marquis Warren USA Bali Productions Inc. ☆☆☆☆
Ace in the Hole (1951) Billy Wilder USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆
Valkoinen peura (1952)
The White Reindeer
Erik Blomberg Finland Adams Filmi ☆☆☆
Interim (1952) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆
Limelight (1952) Charlie Chaplin USA United Artists ☆☆
Una donna ha ucciso (1952) Vittorio Cottafavi Italy Nuovissima Film ☆☆☆
Umberto D. (1952) Vittorio De Sica Italy Dear Film ☆☆☆
Hurlements en faveur de Sade (1952)
Howlings in Favor of Sade
Guy Debord France Films Lettristes
Singin' in the Rain (1952) Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆
The Quiet Man (1952) John Ford USA Republic Pictures ☆☆☆
Park Row (1952) Samuel Fuller USA United Artists ☆☆☆☆
Monkey Business (1952) Howard Hawks USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆
Beware, My Lovely (1952) Harry Horner USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆
生きる (1952)
黒澤明 [Kurosawa Akira] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆
Bend of the River (1952) Anthony Mann USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Sudden Fear (1952) David Miller USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆
西鶴一代女 (1952)
The Life of Oharu
溝口健二 [Mizoguchi Kenji] Japan 新東宝 [Shintouhou] ☆☆☆☆☆
稲妻 (1952)
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆☆☆☆
おかあさん (1952)
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 新東宝 [Shintouhou] ☆☆☆☆
お國と五平 (1952)
Okuni and Gohei
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
The Outcasts of Poker Flat (1952) Joseph M. Newman USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆☆
Le Plaisir (1952) Max Ophüls France Teledis ☆☆☆☆
お茶漬の味 (1952)
The Flavor of Green Tea Over Rice
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
Angel Face (1952) Otto Preminger USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆☆
The Lusty Men (1952) Nicholas Ray USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆☆☆
原爆の子 (1952)
Children of Hiroshima
新藤兼人 [Shindou Kaneto] Japan 近代映画協会 [Kindai Eiga Kyoukai] ☆☆☆
Eaux d'Artifice (1953) Kenneth Anger USA ☆☆☆☆
Gycklarnas afton (1953)
Sawdust and Tinsel
Ingmar Bergman Sweden Sandrew-Baumanfilm AB ☆☆☆
Bienvenido Mister Marshall (1953) Luis García Berlanga Spain CICOSA
Unglassed Windows Cast a Terrible Reflection (1953) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆
Calamity Jane (1953) David Butler USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆
Le Salaire de la peur (1953)
The Wages of Fear
Henri-Georges Clouzot France Cinédis ☆☆☆
Traviata '53 (1953) Vittorio Cottafavi Italy Synimex ☆☆
Crime Wave (1953) André De Toth USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆
I vitelloni (1953) Federico Fellini Italy Ente Nazionale Industrie Cinematografiche ☆☆
Mogambo (1953) John Ford USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆☆
The Sun Shines Bright (1953) John Ford USA Argosy Pictures ☆☆☆☆☆
煙突の見える場所 (1953)
Where Chimneys Are Seen
五所平之助 [Gosho Heinosuke] Japan 新東宝 [Shintouhou] ☆☆☆☆
Duck Amuck (1953) Chuck Jones USA Warner Bros. ☆☆
Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century (1953) Chuck Jones USA Warner Bros. ☆☆
地獄門 (1953)
Gate of Hell
衣笠貞之助 [Kinugasa Teinosuke] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆☆
Color Cry (1953) Len Lye USA ☆☆
The End (1953) Christopher Maclaine USA ☆☆☆
The Naked Spur (1953) Anthony Mann USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆☆
Les Statues meurent aussi (1953) Chris Marker & Alain Resnais France Présence Africaine ☆☆☆
The Band Wagon (1953) Vincente Minnelli USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆
祇園囃子 (1953)
Gion Bayashi
溝口健二 [Mizoguchi Kenji] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆☆☆
雨月物語 (1953)
Ugetsu Monogatari
溝口健二 [Mizoguchi Kenji] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆☆☆☆
夫婦 (1953)
Husband and Wife
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆
あにいもうと (1953)
Older Brother, Younger Sister
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆☆
Madame de... (1953)
The Earrings of Madame de...
Max Ophüls France Gaumont ☆☆☆☆
東京物語 (1953)
Toukyou Story
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆☆
Daybreak Express (1953) D.A. Pennebaker USA ☆☆☆
Kiss Me Kate (1953) George Sidney USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆
Anatahan (1953)
The Saga of Anatahan
Josef von Sternberg USA/Japan Towa ☆☆☆☆
Shane (1953) George Stevens USA Paramount Pictures
恋文 (1953)
Love Letter
田中絹代 [Tanaka Kinuyo] Japan 新東宝 [Shintouhou] ☆☆☆☆
Wild Geese
豊田四郎 [Toyoda Shirou] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆☆☆
Robot Monster (1953) Phil Tucker USA Astor Pictures Corporation ☆☆☆☆
Truly surreal.
Glen or Glenda (1953) Ed Wood USA Screen Classics
Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome (1954) Kenneth Anger USA ☆☆☆☆
Desistfilm (1954) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆
The Extraordinary Child (1954) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆
The Way to Shadow Garden (1954) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆
Like a Breeze (1954) James Edward Davis USA ☆☆
Riding Shotgun (1954) André De Toth USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆
The Raid (1954) Hugo Fregonese USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆☆
La strada (1954) Federico Fellini Italy Paramount Films of Italy ☆☆☆☆
Un chant d'amour (1954) Jean Genet France Jacques Le Glou Audiovisuel ☆☆☆
大阪の宿 (1954)
An Inn at Oosaka
五所平之助 [Gosho Heinosuke] Japan 新東宝 [Shintouhou] ☆☆☆☆
Dial M for Murder (1954) Alfred Hitchcock USA Warner Bros. ☆☆
ゴジラ (1954)
本多猪四郎 [Honda Ishirou] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
宮本武蔵 (1954)
Samurai I: Miyamoto Musashi
稲垣浩 [Inagaki Hiroshi] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆
二十四の瞳 (1954)
Twenty-Four Eyes
木下惠介 [Kinoshita Keisuke] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
七人の侍 (1954)
Seven Samurai
黒澤明 [Kurosawa Akira] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆
近松物語 (1954)
The Crucified Lovers
溝口健二 [Mizoguchi Kenji] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆☆☆☆
山椒大夫 (1954)
Sansho the Bailiff
溝口健二 [Mizoguchi Kenji] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆☆☆☆
噂の女 (1954)
The Woman in the Rumor
溝口健二 [Mizoguchi Kenji] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆☆☆
山の音 (1954)
Sound of the Mountain
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆☆
晩菊 (1954)
Late Chrysanthemums
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆☆
Johnny Guitar (1954) Nicholas Ray USA Republic Pictures ☆☆☆☆☆
Viaggio in Italia (1954)
Journey to Italy
Roberto Rossellini Italy Titanus ☆☆☆☆
Magnificent Obsession (1954) Douglas Sirk USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Susan Slept Here (1954) Frank Tashlin USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆
Track of the Cat (1954) William A. Wellman USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆
Jail Bait (1954) Ed Wood USA Howco Productions
Kiss Me Deadly (1955) Robert Aldrich USA United Artists ☆☆☆☆
The Big Knife (1955) Robert Aldrich USA United Artists ☆☆☆
Centuries of June (1955) Stan Brakhage & Joseph Cornell USA ☆☆☆
Reflections on Black (1955) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆
The Wonder Ring (1955) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆
The Aviary (1955) Joseph Cornell & Rudy Burckhardt USA ☆☆☆
Gnir Rednow (1955) Joseph Cornell USA ☆☆☆
Shack Out on 101 (1955) Edward Dein USA Allied Artists Pictures ☆☆
Ordet (1955) Carl Theodor Dreyer Denmark Palladium Film ☆☆☆☆
The Long Gray Line (1955) John Ford USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆☆☆
House of Bamboo (1955) Samuel Fuller USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆☆
こころ (1955)
The Heart
市川崑 [Ichikawa Kon] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆
続宮本武蔵 一乗寺決闘 (1954)
Samurai II: Duel at Ichijouji Temple
稲垣浩 [Inagaki Hiroshi] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆
양산도 (1955)
Yangsan Island
김기영 [Kim Ki-young] South Korea 변순제 [Seorabyol Public Films] ☆☆☆
Mosaik im Vertrauen (1955)
Mosaic in Trust
Peter Kubelka Austria Cinédoc PFC ☆☆☆
生きものの記録 (1955)
I Live in Fear
黒澤明 [Kurosawa Akira] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
The Night of the Hunter (1955) Charles Laughton USA Paul Gregory Productions ☆☆☆☆
The Man From Laramie (1955) Anthony Mann USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆☆
楊貴妃 (1955)
Empress Yang Kuei-fei
溝口健二 [Mizoguchi Kenji] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆☆☆
浮雲 (1955)
Floating Clouds
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆☆
くちづけ (1955)
The Kiss
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou]
Lola Montès (1955) Max Ophüls France/Germany Gamma Film ☆☆☆☆
Dementia (1955) John Parker USA Herman G. Weinberg ☆☆
My Sister Eileen (1955) Richard Quine USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆
Rebel Without a Cause (1955) Nicholas Ray USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆☆
Run for Cover (1955) Nicholas Ray USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆
পথের পাঁচালী (1955)
Pather Panchali
সত্যজিৎ রায় [Satyajit Ray] India অরোরা ফিল্ম করপোরেশন [Aurora Film Corporation] ☆☆☆
Les Maîtres fous (1955) Jean Rouch France Les Films de la Pléiade ☆☆☆☆
しいのみ學園 (1955)
The Shiinomi School
清水宏 [Shimizu Hiroshi] Japan 新東宝 [Shintouhou] ☆☆
All That Heaven Allows (1955) Douglas Sirk USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆☆
月は上りぬ (1955)
The Moon Has Arisen
田中絹代 [Tanaka Kinuyo] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆☆
乳房よ永遠なれ (1955)
The Eternal Breasts
田中絹代 [Tanaka Kinuyo] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆☆
Artists and Models (1955) Frank Tashlin USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Wichita (1955) Jacques Tourneur USA Allied Artists Pictures ☆☆☆☆
血槍富士 (1955)
Bloody Spear at Mount Fuji
内田吐夢 [Uchida Tomu] Japan 東映 [Touei] ☆☆☆☆
Aguaespejo granadino (1955) José Val del Omar Spain ☆☆☆☆
Mr. Arkadin (1955) Orson Welles France/Spain/
Warner Bros. ☆☆☆☆
Bride of the Monster (1955) Ed Wood USA Banner Productions
Seven Man From Now (1956) Budd Boetticher USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆☆
Loving (1956) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆
Un condamné à mort s'est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut (1956)
A Man Escaped or The Wind Bloweth Where It Listeth
Robert Bresson France Gaumont ☆☆☆☆
Сорок первый (1956)
The Forty-First
Григорий Чухрай [Grigory Chukhrai] Soviet Union [Russia] Мосфильм [Mosfilm] ☆☆☆☆
It Conquered the World (1956) Roger Corman USA American International Pictures
Körhinta (1956)
Fábri Zoltán Hungary Mafilm / Mokép ☆☆
The Searchers (1956) John Ford USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆
The Bottom of the Bottle (1956) Henry Hathaway USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆
The Wrong Man (1956) Alfred Hitchcock USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆
宮本武蔵 完結篇 決闘巌流島 (1956)
Samurai III: Duel on Ganryuu Island
稲垣浩 [Inagaki Hiroshi] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆
洲崎パラダイス 赤信号 (1956)
Suzaki Paradise: Red Light District
川島雄三 [Kawashima Yuuzou] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆
Dimanche à Pekin (1956)
Sunday in Peking
Chris Marker France Pavox Film ☆☆
赤線地帯 (1956)
Street of Shame
溝口健二 [Mizoguchi Kenji] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆☆☆
狂った果実 (1956)
Crazed Fruit
中平康 [Nakahira Kou] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆
驟雨 (1956)
Sudden Rain
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆
妻の心 (1956)
A Wife's Heart
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆
流れる (1956)
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆☆
O Pintor e a Cidade (1956)
The Artist and the City
Manoel de Oliveira Portugal Doperfilme ☆☆☆
早春 (1956)
Early Spring
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆☆
Илья Муромец (1956)
The Sword and the Dragon
Александр Птушко [Aleksander Ptushko] Soviet Union [Russia] Мосфильм [Mosfilm]
Hot Blood (1956) Nicholas Ray USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆
Bigger Than Life (1956) Nicholas Ray USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆☆☆
Nuit et brouillard (1956)
Night and Fog
Alain Resnais France Argos Films ☆☆☆
Toute la mémoire du monde (1956)
All the World's Memory
Alain Resnais France Les Films de la Pléiade ☆☆☆
There's Always Tomorrow (1956) Douglas Sirk USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Backlash (1956) John Sturges USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆
Great Day in the Morning (1956) Jacques Tourneur USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆
猫と庄造と二人のをんな (1956)
Shouzou, a Cat,and Two Women
豊田四郎 [Toyoda Shirou] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆
Des gens sans importance (1956)
People of No Importance
Henri Verneuil France Cocinor ☆☆☆☆
Tension at Table Rock (1956) Charles Marquis Warren USA RKO Radio Pictures ☆☆☆
Forbidden Planet (1956) Fred M. Wilcox USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
لا أنام (1957)
صلاح أبوسيف [Salah Abu Seif] Egypt ☆☆
El pantano de las ánimas (1957) Rafael Baledón Mexico Películas Mexicanas
Det sjunde inseglet (1957)
The Seventh Seal
Ingmar Bergman Sweden Svensk Filmindustri ☆☆
Smultronstället (1957)
Wild Strawberries
Ingmar Bergman Sweden Svensk Filmindustri ☆☆
The Tall T (1957) Budd Boetticher USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Decision at Sundown (1957) Budd Boetticher USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Angel (1957) Joseph Cornell & Rudy Burckhardt USA ☆☆☆☆
Nymphlight (1957) Joseph Cornell & Rudy Burckhardt USA ☆☆☆☆
3:10 to Yuma (1957) Delmer Daves USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆
Energies (1957) James Edward Davis USA ☆☆☆
प्यासा (1957)
गुरु दत्त [Guru Dutt] India गुरू दत्त फिल्म्स [Guru Dutt Films Pvt. Ltd.] ☆☆
Le notti di Cabiria (1957)
The Nights of Cabiria
Federico Fellini Italy Paramount Italiana ☆☆☆☆
China Gate (1957) Samuel Fuller USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆☆
挽歌 (1957)
Elegy of the North
五所平之助 [Gosho Heinosuke] Japan 歌舞伎座 [Kabukiza] ☆☆☆
La Seine a rencontré Paris (1957)
The Seine Meets Paris
Joris Ivens France Garance ☆☆☆☆
What's Opera, DOc? (1957) Chuck Jones USA Warner Bros. ☆☆
Летят журавли (1957)
The Cranes Are Flying
Михаил Калатозов [Mikhail Kalatozov] Soviet Union [Russia] Мосфильм [Mosfilm] ☆☆☆☆☆
幕末太陽傳 (1957)
The Sun Legend of the End of the Tokugawa Era
川島雄三 [Kawashima Yuuzou] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆☆
喜びも悲しみも幾歳月 (1957)
Times of Joy and Sorrow
木下惠介 [Kinoshita Keisuke] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆☆
1/57: Versuch mit synthetischem ton (Test) (1957)
1/57: Experiment With Synthetic Sound (Test)
Kurt Kren Austria ☆☆
Adebar (1957) Peter Kubelka Austria ☆☆☆
俺は待ってるぜ (1957)
I Am Waiting
蔵原惟繕 [Kurahara Koreyoshi] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆☆
蜘蛛巣城 (1957)
Throne of Blood
黒澤明 [Kurosawa Akira] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆
Desk Set (1957) Walter Lang USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
Rhythm (1957) Len Lye USA
The Man Who Invented Gold (1957) Christopher Maclaine USA ☆☆☆
あらくれ (1957)
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
東京暮色 (1957)
Toukyou Twilight
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆☆
The Tarnished Angels (1957) Douglas Sirk USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? (1957) Frank Tashlin USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆☆
雪国 (1957)
Snow Country
豊田四郎 [Toyoda Shirou] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
Plan 9 From Outer Space (1957) Ed Wood USA Reynolds Pictures
Buchanan Rides Alone (1958) Budd Boetticher USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Anticipation of the Night (1958) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Les Raquetteurs (1958) Michel Brault & Gilles Groulx Canada Office national du film du Canada ☆☆
Shadows (1958) John Cassavetes USA Lion International Films ☆☆☆
Bridges-Go-Round (1958) Shirley Clarke USA
A Movie (1958) Bruce Conner USA ☆☆
The Very Eye of Night (1958) Maya Deren USA ☆☆
Иван Грозный II (1944)
Ivan the Terrible, Part II
Сергей М. Эйзенштейн [Sergei M. Eisenstein] Soviet Union [Russia] Мосфильм [Mosfilm] ☆☆☆☆☆
Dracula (1958) Terence Fisher UK Hammer Film Productions ☆☆
Vertigo (1958) Alfred Hitchcock USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
楢山節考 (1958)
The Ballad of Narayama
木下惠介 [Kinoshita Keisuke] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
Schwechater (1958) Peter Kubelka Austria ☆☆☆
Terror in a Texas Town (1958) Joseph H. Lewis USA United Artists ☆☆☆
Free Radicals (1958) Len Lye USA New Zealand Film Commission ☆☆☆
God's Little Acre (1958) Anthony Mann USA United Artists ☆☆☆☆
Man of the West (1958) Anthony Mann USA United Artists ☆☆☆☆
Lettre de Sibérie (1956)
Letter From Siberia
Chris Marker France Argos Films ☆☆
錆びたナイフ (1958)
Rusty Knife
舛田利雄 [Masuda Toshio] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆
Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys! (1958) Leo McCarey USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆
Some Came Running (1958) Vincente Minnelli USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆☆
杏っ子 (1958)
Little Peach
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆
鰯雲 (1958)
Summer Clouds
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆
彼岸花 (1958)
Equinox Flower
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆☆
Party Girl (1958) Nicholas Ray USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆☆
জলসাঘর (1958)
The Music Room
সত্যজিৎ রায় [Satyajit Ray] India অরোরা ফিল্ম করপোরেশন [Aurora Film Corporation] ☆☆☆
A Time to Love and a Time to Die (1958) Douglas Sirk USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Поэма о море (1958)
Poem of the Sea
Юлия Солнцева [Yuliya Solntseva] Soviet Union [Russia] Мосфильм [Mosfilm] ☆☆☆☆
Carrousel boréal (1958)
Winter Carousel
Владислав Старевич [Vladislav Starevich] France
Rock-a-Bye Baby (1958) Frank Tashlin USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Mon oncle (1958) Jacques Tati France Gaumont ☆☆
Touch of Evil (1958) Orson Welles USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Vynález zkázy (1958)
Invention for Destruction
Karel Zeman Czechoslovakia [Czech Republic] Ústřední Půjčovna Filmů ☆☆
دعاء الكروان (1959)
The Nightingale's Prayer
هنري بركات [Henry Barakat] Egypt ☆☆
Ride Lonesome (1959) Budd Boetticher USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Les Astronautes (1959) Walerian Borowczyk & Chris Marker France ☆☆☆
Dom (1959) Walerian Borowczyk & Jan Lenica Poland ☆☆☆☆
Cat's Cradle (1959) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Sirius Remembered (1959) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆
Wedlock House: An Intercourse (1959) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Window Water Baby Moving (1959) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Eyewash (1959) Robert Breer USA ☆☆☆☆
Pickpocket (1959) Robert Bresson France Lux Compagnie Cinématographique de France ☆☆☆☆☆
Nazarín (1959) Luis Buñuel Mexico Películas Nacionales ☆☆☆
Impulses (1959) James Edward Davis USA ☆☆☆☆
Pennsylvania / Chicago / Illinois (1959) James Edward Davis USA
Day of the Outlaw (1959) André De Toth USA United Artists ☆☆☆
Warlock (1959) Edward Dmytryk USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆
Rio Bravo (1959) Howard Hawks USA Warner Bros. ☆☆
North by Northwest (1959) Alfred Hitchcock USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆
野火 (1959)
Fires on the Plain
市川崑 [Ichikawa Kon] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆☆
Attack of the Giant Leeches (1959) Bernard L. Kowalski USA American International Pictures
L'Imitation du cinéma (1959) Marcel Mariën Belgium ☆☆☆
怪談 鏡ヶ渕 (1959)
The Ghosts of Kagami Pond
毛利正樹 [Mouri Masaki] Japan 新東方 [Shintouhou] ☆☆
愛と希望の街 (1959)
A Town of Love and Hope
大島渚 [Ooshima Nagisa] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆
お早よう (1959)
Good Morning
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
浮草 (1959)
Floating Weeds
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆☆☆☆
Anatomy of a Murder (1959) Otto Preminger USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Le Testament du docteur Cordelier (1959)
The Testament of Doctor Cordelier
Jean Renoir France Pathé Consortium Cinéma ☆☆☆☆
Hiroshima, mon amour (1959) Alain Resnais France/Japan Cocinor ☆☆☆
India: Matri Bhumi (1959) Roberto Rossellini Italy/France Cineriz ☆☆☆☆
Odds and Ends (1959) Jane Conger Belson Shimané USA ☆☆
Imitation of Life (1959) Douglas Sirk USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆☆
Last Train From Gun Hill (1959) John Sturges USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆☆
La battaglia di Maratona (1959)
The Battle of Marathon
Jacques Tourneur Italy/France Lux Film
Lux Film :DDD
Die Nackte und der Satan (1959)
The Head
Victor Trivas West Germany [Germany] Prisma ☆☆☆☆
Les Quatre Cents Coups (1959)
The 400 Blows
François Truffaut France Cocinor ☆☆
Some Like It Hot (1959) Billy Wilder USA United Artists
Sterne (1959)
Konrad Wolf East Germany
Deutsche Film ☆☆☆
L'Avventura (1960) Michelangelo Antonioni Italy Cino del Dulca ☆☆☆☆
La maschera del demonio (1960)
Black Sunday
Mario Bava Italy Unidis ☆☆☆☆
Le Trou (1960)
The Hole
Jacques Becker France Cinédis ☆☆☆
Jungfrukällan (1960)
The Virgin Spring
Ingmar Bergman Sweden Svensk Filmindustri ☆☆☆☆
Comanche Station (1960) Budd Boetticher USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆☆
The Dead (1960) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆
The Young One (1960) Luis Buñuel USA/Mexico Valiant Films ☆☆☆
Punto e contrappunto (1960)
Point and Counterpoint
Cioni Carpi Italy ☆☆
Le Testament d'Orphée ou ne me demandez pas pourquoi! (1960)
Testament of Orpheus
Jean Cocteau France Cinédis ☆☆☆☆
Sergeant Rutledge (1960) John Ford USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆☆
Les Yeux sans visage (1960)
Eyes Without a Face
Georges Franju France Lux Compagnie Cinématographique de France ☆☆
মেঘে ঢাকা তারা (1960)
The Cloud-Capped Star
ঋত্বিক ঘটক [Ritwik Ghatak] India চিত্রকল্প [Chitrakalpa] ☆☆☆
À bout de souffle (1960)
Jean-Luc Godard France Les Films Impéria ☆☆
怪猫 お玉が池 (1960)
The Ghost Cat of Otama Pond
石川義寛 [Ishikawa Yoshihiro] Japan 新東宝 [Shintouhou] ☆☆
Неотправленное письмо (1960)
Letter Never Sent
Михаил Калатозов [Mikhail Kalatozov] Soviet Union [Russia] Мосфильм [Mosfilm] ☆☆☆☆☆
Wild River (1960) Elia Kazan USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆☆
Wail (1960) Jeff Keen UK
Paris à l'aube (1960)
Paris at Dawn
Johan van der Keuken Netherlands ☆☆☆
하녀 (1960)
The Housemaid
김기영 [Kim Ki-young] South Korea 김기영 프로덕션 [Kim Ki-young Production Company] ☆☆
2/60: 48 Köpfe aus dem Szondi-Test (1960)
2/60: 48 Heads Frmo the Szondi-Test
Kurt Kren Austria ☆☆
3/60: Bäume im Herbst (1960)
3/60: Trees in Autumn
Kurt Kren Austria ☆☆☆
Arnulf Rainer (1960) Peter Kubelka Austria ☆☆☆
ある脅迫 (1960)
蔵原惟繕 [Kurahara Koreyoshi] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆
狂熱の季節 (1960)
The Warped Ones
蔵原惟繕 [Kurahara Koreyoshi] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆☆
The Bellboy (1960) Jerry Lewis USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
Zazie dans le métro (1960)
Zazie in the Metro
Louis Malle France Consortium Pathé ☆☆☆☆
Home From the Hill (1960) Vincente Minnelli USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆☆
地獄 (1960)
中川信夫 [Nakagawa Nobuo] Japan 新東宝 [Shintouhou] ☆☆☆
女が階段を上る時 (1960)
When a Woman Ascends the Stairs
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆☆
娘・妻・母 (1960)
Daughters, Wives, and a Mother
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆
夜の流れ (1960)
Evening Stream
成瀬巳喜男 & 川島雄三 [Naruse Mikio & Kawashima Yuuzou] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆
秋立ちぬ (1960)
The Approach of Autumn
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆
青春残酷物語 (1960)
Cruel Story of Youth
大島渚 [Ooshima Nagisa] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
太陽の墓場 (1960)
The Sun's Burial
大島渚 [Ooshima Nagisa] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
秋日和 (1960)
Late Autumn
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆☆
Comment naissent des méduses (1960)
How Some Jellyfish Are Born
Jean Painlevé & Geneviève Hamon France ☆☆☆
L'Amour existe (1960)
Love Exists
Maurice Pialat France Les Films de la Pléiade ☆☆
Strangers When We Meet (1960) Richard Quine USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆
The Savage Innocents (1960) Nicholas Ray Italy/UK/France Magic Film ☆☆☆☆
裸の島 (1960)
The Naked Island
新藤兼人 [Shindou Kaneto] Japan 近代映画協会 [Kindai Eiga Kyoukai] ☆☆☆☆☆
13号待避線より その護送車を狙え (1960)
Take Aim at the Police Van
鈴木清順 [Suzuki Seijun] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆
Tirez sur le pianiste (1960)
Shoot the Piano Player
François Truffaut France Cocinor ☆☆
...Et mourir de plaisir (1960)
Blood and Roses
Roger Vadim France/Italy Paramount Pictures ☆☆
Rocco e i suoi fratelli (1960)
Rocco and His Brothers
Luchino Visconti Italy Titanus ☆☆☆
Holubice (1960)
The White Dove
František Vláčil Czechoslovakia [Czech Republic] Ceskoslovenský Filmexport ☆☆☆
野玫瑰之恋 (1960)
The Wild, Wild Rose
王天林 [Wong Tin-lam] Hong Kong ☆☆
ろくでなし (1960)
吉田喜重 [Yoshida Yoshishige] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
血は渇いてる (1960)
Blood Is Dry
吉田喜重 [Yoshida Yoshishige] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
La notte (1961) Michelangelo Antonioni Italy Dino de Laurentiis Distribuzione ☆☆☆
Mr. Hayashi (1961) Bruce Baillie USA ☆☆☆☆
Allures (1961) Jordan Belson USA Jordan Belson ☆☆
Såsom i en spegel (1961)
Through a Glass Darkly
Ingmar Bergman Sweden Svensk Filmindustri ☆☆☆
Thigh Line Lyre Triangular (1961) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
La lutte (1961) Michel Brault Canada Office national du film du Canada ☆☆
Viridiana (1961) Luis Buñuel Spain José Esteban Alenda Distribución ☆☆☆
L'uccello di Maya (1961) Cioni Carpi Italy ☆☆
Ercole alla conquista di Atlantide (1961)
Hercules Conquers Atlantis
Vittorio Cottafavi Italy SpA Cinematografica ☆☆☆
Death and Transfiguration (1961) James Edward Davis USA ☆☆☆☆
Two Rode Together (1961) John Ford USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆
The Beast of Yucca Flats (1961) Coleman Francis USA Cinema Associates ☆☆☆
Basically an avant-garde work of brilliance.
Le Ciel et la Boue (1961)
The Sky Above, the Mud Below
Pierre-Dominique Gaisseau France ☆☆☆
Yanco (1961) Servando González Mexico Películas Mexicanas ☆☆☆
不良少年 (1961)
Bad Boys
羽仁進 [Hani Susumu] Japan ☆☆☆
Night Tide (1961) Curtis Harrington USA The Filmgroup ☆☆
Ples v dežju (1961)
Dancing in the Rain
Boštjan Hladnik Yugoslavia [Slovenia] ☆☆☆☆
豚と軍艦 (1961)
Pigs and Battleships
今村昌平 [Imamura Shouhei] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆☆
Matka Joanna od aniołów (1961)
Mother Joan of the Angels
Jerzy Kawalerowicz Poland Film Polski Film Agency ☆☆☆☆
Splendor in the Grass (1961) Elia Kazan USA Warner Bros. ☆☆☆
Like the Time Is Now (1961) Jeff Keen UK
Der Fall Gleiwitz (1961) Gerhard Klein East Germany [Germany] Progress Film-Verleih ☆☆☆
4/61: Mauern Pos.-Neg. und Weg (1961)
4/61: Walls Pos.-Neg. and Way
Kurt Kren Austria ☆☆
用心棒 (1961)
黒澤明 [Kurosawa Akira] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
The Ladies Man (1961) Jerry Lewis USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
The Errand Boy (1961) Jerry Lewis USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
Very Nice, Very Nice (1961) Arthur Lipsett Canada ☆☆
妻は告白する (1961)
A Wife Confesses
増村保造 [Masumura Yasuzou] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆
西陣 (1961)
The Weavers of Nishijin
松本俊夫 [Matsumoto Toshio] Japan ☆☆☆
名もなく貧しく美しく (1961)
Happiness of Us Alone
松山善三 [Matsuyama Zenzou] Japan 東京映画 [Toukyou Eiga] ☆☆
妻として女として (1961)
As a Wife, As a Woman
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
小早川家の秋 (1961)
The End of Summer
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆☆
L'Année dernière à Marienbad (1961)
Last Year at Marienbad
Alain Resnais France Cocinor ☆☆☆☆☆
A Taste of Honey (1961) Tony Richardson UK Bryanston Distributing ☆☆
Paris nous appartient (1961) Jacques Rivette France AJYM Films ☆☆☆
The Hustler (1961) Robert Rossen USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆
Chronique d'un été (Paris 1960) (1961)
Chronicle of a Summer
Jean Rouch & Edgar Morin France Sigmadis ☆☆☆
Fuego en Castilla (Tactilvisión del páramo del espanto) (1961)
Fire in Castilla (Tactilevision of the Plateau of Fright)
José Val del Omar Spain Hermic Films ☆☆☆☆
甘い夜の果て (1961)
Bitter End of a Sweet Night
吉田喜重 [Yoshida Yoshishige] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962) Robert Aldrich USA Warner Bros. ☆☆
L'Eclisse (1962) Michelangelo Antonioni Italy Cineriz ☆☆☆☆
Das Rätsel der roten Orchidee (1962)
Secret of the Rec Orchid
Helmuth Ashley West Germany [Germany] Rialto Film Gmbh
Here I Am (1962) Bruce Baillie USA ☆☆☆☆
Blue Moses (1962) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆
Les Enfants du silence (1962) Michel Brault Canada ☆☆☆
Québec-U.S.A. ou L'invasion pacifique (1962) Michel Brault & Claude Jutra Canada ☆☆
Procès de Jeanne d'Arc (1962)
The Trial of Joan of Arc
Robert Bresson France Pathé Consortium Cinéma ☆☆☆☆☆
The World's Greatest Sinner (1962) Timothy Carey USA Frenzy Productions ☆☆☆☆
Voglio non voglio (1962) Cioni Carpi Italy ☆☆
Cosmic Ray (1962) Bruce Conner USA ☆☆
Thanatopsis (1962) Ed Emshwiller USA ☆☆☆☆
Le Soupirant (1962) Pierre Étaix France Cocinor ☆☆☆☆
Gritos en la noche (1962)
The Awful Dr. Orloff
Jesús Franco Spain/France Delta Films
Vivre sa vie: Film en douze tableaux (1962) Jean-Luc Godard France Panthéon Distribution ☆☆☆☆
Carnival of Souls (1962) Herk Harvey USA Harcourt Productions ☆☆
Herakles (1962) Werner Herzog West Germany [Germany] Werner Herzog Filmproduktion
妖星ゴラス (1962)
本多猪四郎 [Honda Ishirou] Japan 東宝 [Touhou]
キングコング対ゴジラ (1962)
King Kong vs. Godzilla
本多猪四郎 [Honda Ishirou] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
The Wall (1962) Walter de Hoog USA Hearst Metrotone News
くず (1962)
飯村隆彦 [Iimura Takahiko] Japan ☆☆☆
飯村隆彦 [Iimura Takahiko] Japan ☆☆☆
視姦について (1962)
On Eye Rape
飯村隆彦 [Iimura Takahiko] Japan ☆☆
しとやかな獣 (1962)
The Graceful Brute
川島雄三 [Kawashima Yuuzou] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆
Breakout (1962) Jeff Keen UK
Die Parallelstraße (1962)
The Parallel Street
Ferdinand Khittl West Germany [Germany] Gesellschaft für bildende Filme ☆☆☆
切腹 (1962)
小林正樹 [Kobayashi Masaki] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
5/62: Fenstergucker, Abfall etc (1962)
5/62: People Looking Out of the Window, Trash etc.
Kurt Kren Austria ☆☆☆☆
憎いあンちくしょう (1962)
I Hate But Love
蔵原惟繕 [Kurahara Koreyoshi] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆
椿三十郎 (1962)
黒澤明 [Kurosawa Akira] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
The Damned (1962) Joseph Losey UK Columbia Pictures Corporation ☆☆☆
La Jetée (1962) Chris Marker France Argos Film ☆☆☆☆☆
Wild Gals of the Naked West (1962) Russ Meyer USA ☆☆☆
La taranta (1962)
Gianfranco Mingozzi Italy ☆☆
To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) Robert Mulligan USA Universal International Pictures
危いことなら銭になる (1962)
Danger Pays
中平康 [Nakahira Kou] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆
女の座 (1962)
A Woman's Place
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
放浪記 (1962)
A Wanderer's Notebook
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆
秋刀魚の味 (1962)
An Autumn Afternoon
小津安二郎 [Ozu Yasujirou] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆☆
Mamma Roma (1962) Pier Paolo Pasolini Italy Cineriz ☆☆☆
Ride the High Country (1962) Sam Peckinpah USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆☆
Le Caporal épinglé (1962)
The Elusive Corporal
Jean Renoir France Pathé Consortium Cinéma ☆☆☆
Atami Blues (1962) Donald Richie Japan ☆☆☆
War Games (1962) Donald Richie Japan ☆☆☆☆
Caperucita y Pulgarcito contra los monstruos (1962)
Little Red Riding Hood and Tom Thumb vs. the Monsters
Roberto Rodríguez Mexico Películas Mexicanas ☆☆☆
Melted my brain. Watch English dub for extra uncomfortable points.
Adieu Philippine (1962) Jacques Rozier France Exploit Film
Wintercourse (1962) Paul Sharits USA ☆☆
Heaven and Earth Magic (1962) Harry Smith USA ☆☆☆
Иваново детство (1962)
Ivan's Childhood
Андрей Тарковский [Andrei Tarkovsky] Soviet Union [Russia] Мосфильм [Mosfilm] ☆☆☆☆☆
Bachelor Flat (1962) Frank Tashlin USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ☆☆☆
It's Only Money (1962) Frank Tashlin USA ☆☆☆
おとし穴 (1962)
勅使河原宏 [Teshigahara Hiroshi] Japan アート・シアター・ギルド [Art Theatre Guild] ☆☆☆☆☆
Ruke ljubičastih daljina (1962)
Hands of Purple Distances
Sava Trifković Yugoslavia [Serbia] ☆☆☆
Jules et Jim (1962)
Jules and Jim
François Truffaut France Cinédis ☆☆
Slnko v sieti (1962)
Sun in a Net
Štefan Uher Czechoslovakia [Slovakia] Slovenská Pozicovna Filmov ☆☆☆☆
Ďáblova past (1962)
The Devil's Trap
František Vláčil Czechoslovakia [Czech Republic] Filmové studio Barrandov ☆☆☆
秋津温泉 (1962)
Akitsu Springs
吉田喜重 [Yoshida Yoshishige] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
Baron Prášil (1962)
The Fabulous Baron Munchausen
Karel Zeman Czechoslovakia [Czech Republic] Československý Státní Film ☆☆
Confessions of an Opium Eater (1962) Albert Zugsmith USA Allied Artists ☆☆☆☆
Scorpio Rising (1963) Kenneth Anger USA Puck Film Productios ☆☆☆☆
To Parsifal (1963) Bruce Baillie USA ☆☆☆☆
La maldición de la Llorona (1963)
The Curse of the Crying Woman
Rafael Baledón Mexico Alameda Films ☆☆
La ragazza che sapeva troppo (1963)
The Girl Who Knew Too Much
Mario Bava Italy Galatea Film ☆☆☆
I tre volti della paura (1963)
Black Sabbath
Mario Bava Italy Galatea Film ☆☆
Nattvardsgästerna (1963)
Winter Light
Ingmar Bergman Sweden Svensk Filmindustri ☆☆☆☆
Tystnaden (1963)
The Silence
Ingmar Bergman Sweden Svensk Filmindustri ☆☆☆☆
Renaissance (1963) Walerian Borowczyk France ☆☆☆
Le concert de M. et Mme. Kabal (1963)
The Concert of Mr. and Mrs. Kabal
Walerian Borowczyk France ☆☆☆
Mothlight (1963) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
خانه سیاه است (1963)
The House Is Black
فروغ فرخزاد [Forough Farrokhzad] Iran استودیو گلستان [Golestan Studio] ☆☆☆☆☆
(1963) Federico Fellini Italy Cineriz ☆☆
Donovan's Reef (1963) John Ford USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
The Servant (1963) Samuel Fuller USA Allied Aritsts ☆☆☆☆
Dead Birds (1963) Robert Gardner USA Peabody Museum ☆☆☆
Le Mépris (1963)
Jean-Luc Godard France Cocinor ☆☆
にっぽん昆虫記 (1963)
The Insect Woman
今村昌平 [Imamura Shouhei] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆☆☆
À Valparaíso (1963) Joris Ivens France Argos Films ☆☆☆☆
Blonde Cobra (1963) Ken Jacobs USA ☆☆
One Got Fat (1963) Dale Jennings USA ☆☆☆
À tout prendre (1963) Claude Jutra France Les Films Cassiopée ☆☆☆
Even stilte (1963)
A Moment's Stillness
Johan van der Keuken USA ☆☆☆
妖僧 (1963)
Bronze Magician
衣笠貞之助 [Kinugasa Teinosuke] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆☆
天国と地獄 (1963)
High and Low
黒澤明 [Kurosawa Akira] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆☆
The Sadist (1963) James Landis USA Fairway International Pictures ☆☆
The Nutty Professor (1963) Jerry Lewis USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
The Servant (1963) Joseph Losey UK Springbok Films ☆☆☆
Le Feu follet (1963)
The Fire Within
Louis Malle France Lux Compagnie Cinématographique de France ☆☆☆
Le Joli mai (1963) Chris Marker & Pierre Lhomme France Potemkine Films ☆☆☆
Twice a Man (1963) Gregory J. Markopoulos USA Gregory J. Markopoulos ☆☆☆
石の歌 (1963)
The Song of Stone
松本俊夫 [Matsumoto Toshio] Japan ☆☆☆
Pasażerka (1963)
Andrzej Munk Poland Zespół Realizatorów Filmowych „Kamera” ☆☆☆
女の歴史 (1963)
A Woman's Story
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
I Could Go On Singing (1963) Ronald Neame UK United Artists ☆☆☆
Acto da Primavera (1963) Manoel de Oliveira Portugal Filmes Lusomundo ☆☆☆
Pour la suite du monde (1963) Pierre Perrault & Michel Brault Canada Office National du Film du Canada ☆☆☆☆
Méditerranée (1963) Jean-Daniel Pollet France Les Films du Losange ☆☆☆☆
মহানগর (1963)
The Big City
সত্যজিৎ রায় [Satyajit Ray] India আর. ডি. বনশল অ্যান্ড কোং [R.D. Banshal & Co.] ☆☆☆
Chumlum (1963) Ron Rice USA ☆☆☆
Muriel ou le Temps d'un retour (1963)
Muriel or the Time of Return
Alain Resnais France Les Films de la Pléiade ☆☆☆
L'Immortelle (1963) Alain Robbe-Grillet France Cocinor ☆☆☆☆
Normal Love (1963) Jack Smith USA ☆☆☆
Flaming Creatures (1963) Jack Smith USA ☆☆☆
Who's Minding the Store? (1963) Frank Tashlin USA Jerry Lewis Pictures ☆☆☆
嵐を呼ぶ十八人 (1963)
18 Who Cause a Storm
吉田喜重 [Yoshida Yoshishige] Japan ☆☆☆
Il deserto rosso (1964)
The Red Desert
Michelangelo Antonioni Italy Cineriz ☆☆☆☆
Mass for the Dakota Sioux (1964) Bruce Baillie USA ☆☆☆☆
Sei donne per l'assassino (1964)
Blood and Black Lace
Mario Bava Italy Unidis ☆☆☆☆
Prima della rivoluzione (1964)
Before the Revolution
Bernardo Bertolucci Italy Cineriz ☆☆☆☆
Les Jeux des anges (1964)
The Games of the Angels
Walerian Borowczyk France Les Cinéastes Associés ☆☆☆☆
Song 1 (1964) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Song 2 (1964) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Song 3 (1964) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Song 4 (1964) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Song 5 (1964) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Song 6 (1964) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Song 7 (1964) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Song 8 (1964) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Le Temps perdu: Notes d'une fin de vacances (1964)
The End of Summer
Michel Brault Canada Office national du film du Canada ☆☆☆☆
The Naked Witch (1964) Larry Buchanan & Claude Alexander USA Alexander Enterprises
Strait-Jacket (1964) William Castle USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆
Я шагаю по Москве (1964)
Walking the Streets of Moscow
Георгий Данелия [Georgiy Daneliya] Soviet Union [Russia] Мосфильм [Mosfilm] ☆☆
Fathomless (1964) James Edward Davis USA ☆☆☆☆
Les Parapluies de Cherbourg (1964)
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg
Jacques Demy France Parc Film ☆☆☆
Gertrud (1964) Carl Theodor Dreyer Denmark Palladium Film ☆☆☆☆
यादें (1964)
सुनील दत्त [Sunil Dutt] India ☆☆☆
Seance on a Wet Afternoon (1964) Bryan Forbes UK Beaver Films ☆☆
Konkurs (1964)
Miloš Forman Czechoslovakia [Czech Republic] Ústřední Půjčovna Filmů ☆☆
拳銃残酷物語 (1964)
Cruel Gun Story
古川卓巳 [Furukawa Takumi] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆
Une femme mariée, suite de fragments d'un film tourné en 1964 (1964)
A Married Woman
Jean-Luc Godard France Columbia Films ☆☆☆☆
Le Chat dans le sac (1964)
The Cat in the Bag
Gilles Groulx Canada Office national du Film du Canada ☆☆☆
Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964) Byron Haskin USA Aubrey Schenck Productions ☆☆
Marnie (1964) Alfred Hitchcock USA Universal Pictures ☆☆☆
リリパット王国舞踏会 (1964)
A Dance Party in the Kingdom of Lilliput
飯村隆彦 [Iimura Takahiko] Japan ☆☆
越後つついし親不知 (1964)
A Story From Echigo
今井正 [Imai Tadashi] Japan 東映 [Touei] ☆☆☆
赤い殺意 (1964)
Intentions of Murder
今村昌平 [Imamura Shouhei] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆☆☆
Soy Cuba (1964)
I Am Cuba
Михаил Калатозов [Mikhail Kalatozov] Soviet Union [Russia]/Cuba Мосфильм [Mosfilm] ☆☆☆☆
The Pink Auto (1964) Jeff Keen UK ☆☆
Blind Kind (1964)
Blind Child
Johan van der Keuken Netherlands ☆☆☆
Surtur fer sunnan (1964)
Birth of an Island
Ósvaldur Knudsen Iceland ☆☆☆☆
怪談 (1964)
小林正樹 [Kobayashi Masaki] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆
6/64: Mama und Papa (Materialaktion Otto Mühl) (1964)
6/64: Mom and Dad (An Otto Muehl Happening)
Kurt Kren Austria ☆☆☆☆
7/64: Mama und Papa (Materialaktion Otto Mühl) (1964)
7/64: Leda mit dem Schwan (Leda and the Swan)
Kurt Kren Austria ☆☆☆☆
8/64: Ana - Aktion Brus (1964) Kurt Kren Austria ☆☆☆
9/64: O Tannenbaum (1964)
9/64: O Christmas Tree
Kurt Kren Austria ☆☆☆☆
Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) Stanley Kubrick USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆
黒い太陽 (1964)
Black Sun
蔵原惟繕 [Kurahara Koreyoshi] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆
Per un pugno di dollari (1964)
For a Few Dollars More
Sergio Leone Italy Unidis ☆☆☆
The Patsy (1964) Jerry Lewis USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
21-87 (1964) Arthur Lipsett Canada ☆☆☆
Limonádový Joe aneb Koňská opera (1964)
Lemonade Joe or The Horse Opera
Oldřich Lipský Czechoslovakia [Czech Republic] Ústřední Půjčovna Filmů ☆☆☆☆
増村保造 [Masumura Yasuzou] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆☆
The Brig (1964) Jonas Mekas USA ☆☆
Go! Go! Go! (1964) Marie Menken USA ☆☆
座頭市血笑旅 (1964)
Fight, Zatouichi, Fight
三隅研次 [Misumi Kenji] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆
乱れる (1964)
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆
Démanty noci (1964)
Diamonds of the Night
Jan Němec Czechoslovakia [Czech Republic] Ústřední Půjčovna Filmů ☆☆☆☆☆
Histoires de crevettes (1964)
Shrimp Stories
Jean Painlevé & Geneviève Hamon France ☆☆☆
7 Faces of Dr. Lao (1964) George Pál USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆
Not a great film (and no I don't care about the yellowface), but very nostalgic for me.
Il vangelo secondo Matteo (1964)
The Gospel According to St. Matthew
Pier Paolo Pasolini Italy Titanus ☆☆☆☆
চারুলতা (1964)
সত্যজিৎ রায় [Satyajit Ray] India আর. ডি. বনশল অ্যান্ড কোং [R.D. Banshal & Co.] ☆☆☆
Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol (1964)
Black God, White Devil
Glauber Rocha Brazil Produções Cinematográficas Herbert Richers S.A. ☆☆☆
Meat Joy (1964) Carolee Schneemann USA
鬼婆 (1964)
新藤兼人 [Shindou Kaneto] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆
乾いた花 (1964)
Pale Flower
篠田正浩 [Shinoda Masahiro] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
暗殺 (1964)
篠田正浩 [Shinoda Masahiro] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆☆
肉体の門 (1964)
Gate of Flesh
鈴木清順 [Suzuki Seijun] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆
Poslední trik pana Schwarcewalldea a pana Edgara (1964)
The Last Trick
Jan Švankmajer Czechoslovakia [Czech Republic] Krátký Film Praha ☆☆☆
白日夢 (1964)
武智鉄二 [Takeuchi Tetsuji] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
檻囚 (1964)
The Cage
寺山修司 [Terayama Shuuji] Japan ☆☆☆
砂の女 (1964)
Woman in the Dunes
勅使河原宏 [Teshigahara Hiroshi] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆☆
ドキュメント路上 (1964)
On the Road: A Document
土本典昭 [Tsuchimoto Noriaki] Japan ☆☆☆
Marš, marš, tra-ta-ta! (1964)
March, March! Tra-ta-ta!
Raimondas Vabalas Soviet Union [Lithuania] Lietuvos kino studija
Mario Banana I (1964) Andy Warhol USA
日本脱出 (1964)
Escape From Japan
吉田喜重 [Yoshida Yoshishige] Japan
Now! (1965) Santiago Álvarez Cuba Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industrias Cinematográficos ☆☆☆
Kustom Kar Kommandos (1965) Kenneth Anger USA Puck Film Prodcutions ☆☆☆
Quixote (1965) Bruce Baillie USA ☆☆☆☆
Fractions of Temporary Periods (1965) Piero Bargellini Italy ☆☆☆☆
Terrore nello spazio (1965)
Planet of the Vampires
Mario Bava Italy Cinecittà Studios ☆☆☆
La donna del lago (1965)
The Possessed
Luigi Bazzoni & Franco Rossellini Italy Telexport ☆☆☆☆
I pugni in tasca (1965)
Fists in the Pocket
Marco Bellocchio Italy Doria ☆☆☆
L'Enfer dans la peau (1965)
José Bénazéraf France Les Productions du Chesne ☆☆☆
The Art of Vision (1965) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆☆
Fire of Waters (1965) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆
Pasht (1965) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Song 9 (1965) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Song 10 (1965) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Song 11 (1965) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Song 12 (1965) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Song 13 (1965) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Song 14 (1965) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Two: Creeley / McClure (1965) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆
Dog Star Man (1965) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆☆
Geneviève (1965) Michel Brault Canada ☆☆☆☆
Vivian (1965) Bruce Conner USA ☆☆☆
A Legend for Fountains (1965) Joseph Cornell, Rudy Burckhardt, & Larry Jordan USA ☆☆
Peyote Queen (1965) Storm De Hirsch USA ☆☆
George Dumpson's Place (1965) Ed Emshwiller USA ☆☆☆
Yoyo (1965) Pierre Étaix France Warner Bros. ☆☆☆☆
Giulietta degli spiriti (1965)
Juliet of the Spirits
Federico Fellini Italy Cineriz ☆☆
Alphaville, une étrange aventure de Lemmy Caution (1965) Jean-Luc Godard France Athos Films ☆☆
Pierrot le fou (1965) Jean-Luc Godard France Société Nouvelle de Cinématographie ☆☆☆☆
Echoes of Silence (1965) Peter Emanuel Goldman USA Filmmakers Distribution Center ☆☆
Rękopis znaleziony w Saragossie (1965)
The Saragossa Manuscript
Wojciech Jerzy Has Poland Kamera Film Unit ☆☆☆☆
Death in the Forenoon (1965) Jerome Hill USA ☆☆☆
Magic Umbrella (1965) Jerome Hill USA ☆☆
Криниця для спраглих (1965)
A Well for the Thirsty
Юрій Іллєнко [Yuri Illienko] Soviet Union [Ukraine] ☆☆☆
Hamfat Asar (1965) Larry Jordan USA ☆☆
Flik Flak (1965) Jeff Keen UK ☆☆
Instant Cinema (1965) Jeff Keen UK ☆☆☆
Missing Close-Ups (1965) Jeff Keen UK
The Rounders (1965) Burt Kennedy USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Beppie (1965) Johan van der Keuken Netherlands ☆☆☆
Vier muren (1965)
Four Walls
Johan van der Keuken Netherlands ☆☆☆
10/65: Selbstverstümmelung (1965)
10/65: Self-Mutilation
Kurt Kren Austria ☆☆☆☆
10b/65: Silber - Aktion Brus (1965)
10b/65: Silver: Action Brus
Kurt Kren Austria ☆☆☆
10c/65: Brus wünscht euch seine weihnachten (1965)
10c/65: Brus Wishes You a Merry Christmas
Kurt Kren Austria ☆☆☆
11/65: Bild Helga Philipp (1965)
11/65: Helga Philipp Painting
Kurt Kren Austria ☆☆
Syrinx (1965) Ryan Larkin Canada ☆☆☆
The Family Jewels (1965) Jerry Lewis USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
Čovek nije tica (1965)
Man Is Not a Bird
Душан Макавејев [Dušan Makavejev] Yugoslavia [Serbia] Avala Film ☆☆☆
Le Mystère Koumiko (1965) Chris Marker France ☆☆☆☆
Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1965) Russ Meyer USA Eve Productions ☆☆☆☆
Oh Dem Watermelons (1965) Robert Nelson USA ☆☆☆
悦楽 (1965)
Pleasures of the Flesh
大島渚 [Ooshima Nagisa] Japan 創造社 [Souzousha] ☆☆☆☆
Тіні забутих предків (1965)
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors
Սերգեյ Փարաջանով [Sergei Parajanov] Soviet Union [Ukraine] Кіностудія імені О.П. Довженка [Dovzhenko Film Studios] ☆☆☆☆☆
Io la conoscevo bene (1965)
I Knew Her Well
Antonio Pietrangeli Italy Ultra Film
Repulsion (1965) Roman Polański UK Compton Films ☆☆☆☆
Vali, the Witch of Positano (1965) Sheldon Rochlin USA ☆☆
Berlino - Appuntamento per le spie (1965)
Spy in Your Eye
Vittorio Sala Italy Italian International Film
El charro de las calaveras (1965)
The Rider of the Skulls
Alfredo Salazar Mexico Películas Mexicanas ☆☆
Geißel des Fleisches (1965) Eddy Saller Austria Commerz-Film Herbert Heidmann ☆☆
Bodybuilding (1965) Ernst Schmidt Jr. Austria ☆☆☆☆
Steine (1965) Ernst Schmidt Jr. Austria ☆☆☆
Nicht versöhnt oder Es hilft nur Gewalt wo Gewalt herrscht (1965)
Not Reconciled or Only Violence Helps Where Violence Reigns
Jean-Marie Straub & Danièle Huillet West Germany [Germany] Straub-Huillet ☆☆
Spiel mit Steinen (1965)
A Game With Stones
Jan Švankmajer Austria Studio A ☆☆☆
飢餓海峡 (1965)
A Fugitive From the Past
内田吐夢 [Uchida Tomu] Japan 東映 [Touei] ☆☆☆☆
Organ (1965)
The Organ
Štefan Uher Czechoslovakia [Slovakia] Československý film Bratislava ☆☆☆
Fuga na černých klávesách (1965)
Fugue on the Black Keys
Drahomíra Vihanová Czechoslovakia [Czech Republic] ☆☆☆
壁の中の秘事 (1965)
Affairs Within Walls
若松孝二 [Wakamatsu Kouji] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆☆☆
Beauty #2 (1965) Andy Warhol USA ☆☆☆
Poor Little Rich Girl (1965) Andy Warhol USA ☆☆☆
Campanadas a medianoche (1965)
Chimes at Midnight
Orson Welles Spain/France/
Alpine Films ☆☆☆☆
水で書かれた物語 (1965)
A Story Written With Water
吉田喜重 [Yoshida Yoshishige] Japan 中日映画社 [Chuunichi Eigasha] ☆☆☆☆
All My Life (1966) Bruce Baillie USA ☆☆☆
Castro Street (1966) Bruce Baillie USA ☆☆☆☆☆
Tung (1966) Bruce Baillie USA ☆☆☆☆☆
Vi prego di accettare questo semplice bouquet di parentesi appena sbocciate ((())) (1966) Piero Bargellini Italy ☆☆☆☆
I coltelli del vendicatore (1966)
Knives of the Avenger
Mario Bava Italy Titanus Studios ☆☆☆☆
Operazione paura (1966)
Kill, Baby... Kill!
Mario Bava Italy I.N.D.I.E.F. ☆☆☆☆☆
Persona (1966) Ingmar Bergman Sweden Svensk Filmindustri ☆☆☆
Aleph (1966) Wallace Berman USA ☆☆
Rosalie (1966) Walerian Borowczyk France ☆☆☆
Au hasard Balthazar (1966) Robert Bresson France Athos Films ☆☆☆☆☆
Passages From James Joyce's Finnegans Wake (1966) Mary Ellen Bute USA ☆☆☆☆
Sedmikrásky (1966)
Věra Chytilová Czechoslovakia [Czech Republic] Ústřední Půjčovna Filmů ☆☆☆☆
Breakaway (1966) Bruce Conner USA ☆☆
Un uomo a metà (1966)
Half a Man
Vittorio De Seta Italy ☆☆
Tant qu'on a la santé (1966)
As Long as You've Got Your Health
Pierre Étaix France Carlotta Films ☆☆☆
7 Women (1966) John Ford USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆
Miss Muerte (1966)
The Diabolical Doctor Z
Jesús Franco Spain/France Mercurio Films ☆☆☆
Seconds (1966) John Frankenheimer USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
Masculin féminin (1966) Jean-Luc Godard France Anouchka Films ☆☆☆
The Shooting (1966) Monte Hellman USA Continental Distributing ☆☆☆☆
Elégia (1966)
Huszárik Zoltán Hungary Hungarofilm ☆☆☆
エロ事師たちより 人類学入門 (1966)
The Pornographers
今村昌平 [Imamura Shouhei] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆☆
Le Mistral (1966) Joris Ivens France ☆☆☆☆
Szegénylegények (1966)
The Round-Up
Jancsó Miklós Hungary MAFILM 4. Játékfilmstúdió ☆☆☆
Herman Slobbe - Blind kind 2 (1966)
Blind Child 2
Johan van der Keuken Netherlands ☆☆☆
Qui êtes-vous, Polly Maggoo ? (1966)
Who Are Your, Polly Maggoo?
William Klein France Solaris Distribution
Abschied von gestern (1966)
Yesterday Girl
Alexander Kluge West Germany [Germany] Kairos Film ☆☆☆☆
The Crazy-Quilt (1966) John Korty USA ☆☆☆☆
12/66: Cosinus Alpha (1966) Kurt Kren Austria ☆☆☆
Unsere Afrikareise (1966)
Our Trip to Africa
Peter Kubelka Austria ☆☆☆☆
Hold Me While I'm Naked (1966) George Kuchar USA ☆☆☆
愛の渇き (1966)
Thirst for Love
蔵原惟繕 [Kurahra Koreyoshi] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆
とべない沈黙 (1966)
Silence Has No Wings
黒木和雄 [Kuroki Kazuo] Japan アート・シアター・ギルド [Art Theatre Guild] ☆☆☆☆
Three on a Couch (1966) Jerry Lewis USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆
Un fiume di dollari (1966)
The Hills Run Red
Carlo Lizzani Italy United Artists ☆☆☆
Particles in Space (1966) Len Lye USA ☆☆
Six Figures Getting Sick (Six Times) (1966) David Lynch USA Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
Ming Green (1966) Gregory J. Markopoulos USA ☆☆☆
赤い天使 (1966)
Red Angel
増村保造 [Masumura Yasuzou] Japan 大映 [Daiei] ☆☆☆
憂国 (1966)
三島由紀夫 [Mishima Yukio] Japan アート・シアター・ギルド [Art Theatre Guild] ☆☆☆☆☆
Brigitte et Brigitte (1966)
Brigitte and Brigitte
Luc Moullet France ☆☆
女の中にいる他人 (1966)
The Stranger Within a Woman
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
ひき逃げ (1966)
Hit and Run
成瀬巳喜男 [Naruse Mikio] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
Käpy selän alla (1966)
Under Your Skin
Mikko Niskanen Finland FJ-Filmi ☆☆☆☆
Voyageur diurne (1966)
Day Tripper
Etienne O'Leary Canada ☆☆
白昼の通り魔 (1966)
Violence at Noon
大島渚 [Ooshima Nagisa] Japan 創造社 [Souzousha] ☆☆☆☆
Земля людей (1966)
Earth of People
Արտավազդ Փելեշյան [Artavazd Peleshyan] Soviet Union [Armenia] ВГИК [VGIK] ☆☆☆
Boy With Cat (1966) Donald Richie Japan ☆☆
Suzanne Simonin, la Religieuse de Denis Diderot (1966)
The Nun
Jacques Rivette France Imperia Films ☆☆☆☆
Chappaqua (1966) Conrad Rooks USA Regional ☆☆
La Prise de pouvoir par Louis XIV (1966)
The Taking of Power by Louis XIV
Roberto Rossellini France Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française ☆☆☆☆
Filmreste (1966) Ernst Schmidt Jr. Austria ☆☆☆
La Noire de... (1966)
Black Girl
Ousmane Sembène Senegal/France Médiathèque des Trois Mondes ☆☆
Piece Mandala / End War (1966) Paul Sharits USA ☆☆☆
Ray Gun Virus (1966) Paul Sharits USA ☆☆
خاتهران پایتخت ایران است (1966)
Tehran Is the Capital of Iran
کامران شیردل [Kamran Shirdel] Iran ☆☆
La resa dei conti (1966)
The Big Gundown
Sergio Sollima Italy Produzioni Europee Associati (PEA) ☆☆☆☆
Rakvičkárna (1966)
Punch and Judy
Jan Švankmajer Czechoslovakia [Czech Republic] Krátky Film ☆☆☆
Андрей Рублёв (1966)
Andrei Rublev
Андрей Тарковский [Andrei Tarkovsky] Soviet Union [Russia] Мосфильм [Mosfilm] ☆☆☆☆☆
他人の顔 (1966)
The Face of Another
勅使河原宏 [Teshigahara Hiroshi] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆☆☆
胎児が密猟する時 (1966)
The Embryo Hunts in Secret
若松孝二 [Wakamatsu Kouji] Japan 若松プロダクション [Wakamatsu Production] ☆☆☆☆☆
Outer and Inner Space (1966) Andy Warhol USA ☆☆☆☆
Chelsea Girls (1966) Andy Warhol & Paul Morrissey USA Film-Makers' Cooperative ☆☆☆
Manos: The Hands of Fate (1966) Harold P. Warren USA Emerson Film Enterprises ☆☆☆
女のみづうみ (1966)
Woman of the Lake
吉田喜重 [Yoshida Yoshishige] Japan 現代映画社 [Gendai Eigasha] ☆☆☆☆
ვედრება (1967)
The Plea
თენგიზ აბულაძე [Tengiz Abuladze] Soviet Union [Georgia] Грузия-фильм [Georgia Film] ☆☆☆☆
Holy Ghost People (1967) Peter Adair USA ☆☆☆
Samadhi (1967) Jordan Belson USA ☆☆☆
Point Blank (1967) John Boorman USA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆☆
Théâtre de Monsieur & Madame Kabal (1967)
Mr. and Mrs. Kabal's Theatre
Walerian Borowczyk France ☆☆☆
Eye Myth (1967) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆
Scenes From Under Childhood Section One (1967) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
23rd Psalm Branch (1967) Stan Brakhage USA ☆☆☆☆
Entre la mer et l'eau douce (1967)
Between Sweet and Salt Water
Michel Brault Canada ☆☆☆
Mouchette (1967) Robert Bresson France Argos Films ☆☆☆☆☆
To Sir, With Love (1967) James Clavell UK Columbia Pictures
Looking for Mushrooms (1967) Bruce Conner USA ☆☆☆
Report (1967) Bruce Conner USA ☆☆☆☆
The White Rose (1967) Bruce Conner USA
For Love and Money (1967) Donald A. Davis USA Crest Pictures Corporation
Les Demoiselles de Rochefort (1967)
The Young Girls of Rochefort
Jacques Demy France Comacico ☆☆☆
Вий (1967)
Константин Ершов & Георгий Кропачёв [Konstantin Ershov & Georgy Kropachyov] Soviet Union [Russia] Мосфильм [Mosfilm] ☆☆☆
The Touch of Her Flesh (1967) Michael Findlay USA ☆☆
Marie pour mémoire (1967) Philippe Garrel France Zanzibar Films ☆☆☆
Upside Down Feature (1967) Peter Gidal UK ☆☆☆
2 ou 3 choses que je sais d'elle (1967)
2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
Jean-Luc Godard France CFDC ☆☆☆☆
La Chinoise, ou plutôt à la chinoise : un film en train de se faire (1967) Jean-Luc Godard France Productions de la Guéville ☆☆
Wiazemsky and Berto are at their hottest here, but simping for Mao and the Cultural Revolution has to be some of the cringiest shit ever in retrospect.
Week End (1967) Jean-Luc Godard France Athos Films ☆☆☆☆
The best of Godard's dumbass Maoist period, bar none.
Die beispiellose Verteidigung der Festung Deutschkreuz (1967)
The Unprecedented Defence of the Fortress Deutschkreuz
Werner Herzog West Germany [Germany] Werner Herzog Filmproduktion ☆☆
Spider Baby (1967) Jack Hill USA American General Pictures ☆☆☆
人間蒸発 (1967)
A Man Vanishes
今村昌平 [Imamura Shouhei] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆☆
Kristove roky (1967)
Crucial Years
Juraj Jakubisko Czechoslovakia [Slovakia] Štúdio hraných filmov Bratislava - Koliba ☆☆
Csillagosok, katonák (1967)
The Red and the White
Jancsó Miklós Hungary MAFILM 4. Játékfilmstúdió ☆☆☆
Cineblatz (1967) Jeff Keen UK ☆☆
Marvo Movie (1967) Jeff Keen UK ☆☆☆
Big Ben - Ben Webster in Europe (1967) Johan van der Keuken Netherlands ☆☆
Warrendale (1967) Allan King Canada Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ☆☆☆☆
დიდი მწვანე ველი (1967)
The Big Green Valley
მერაბ კოკოჩაშვილი [Merab Kokochashvili] Soviet Union [Georgia] ☆☆☆☆
15/67: TV (1967) Kurt Kren Austria ☆☆☆
16/67: 20. September (1967) Kurt Kren Austria ☆☆☆
Eclipse of the Sun Virgin (1967) George Kuchar USA ☆☆☆
Les Souffrances d'un œuf meurtri (1967) Roland Lethem Belgium ☆☆☆
Herostratus (1967) Don Levy UK BFI Experimental Film Fund ☆☆
The Big Mouth (1967) Jerry Lewis USA Columbia Pictures ☆☆☆
Happy End (1967) Oldřich Lipský Czechoslovakia [Czech Republic] Filmové Studio Barrandov ☆☆☆☆
Ljubavni slučaj ili tragedija službenice P.T.T. (1967)
Love Affair or The Case of the Missing Switchboard Operator
Душан Макавејев [Dušan Makavejev] Yugoslavia [Serbia] Brandon Films ☆☆
母たち (1967)
松本俊夫 [Matsumoto Toshio] Japan ☆☆☆
Le Samouraï (1967) Jean-Pierre Melville France S.N. Prodis ☆☆☆☆
Fun fact: I had an old lady for an art teacher who had an incredibly storied life and lived in Paris during the 1960s and she said that she once bumped into Alain Delon's bumper car during a carnival!
Last of the American Hoboes (1967) Titus Moede USA ☆☆☆
The Off-Handed Jape... & How to Pull It Off (1967) Robert Nelson & William T. Wiley USA
宇宙大怪獣ギララ (1967)
The X From Outer Space
二本松嘉瑞 [Nihonmatsu Kazui] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆
拳銃は俺のパスポート (1967)
A Colt Is My Passport
野村孝 [Nomura Takashi] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆
殺人狂時代 (1967)
Epoch of Murder Madness
岡本喜八 [Okamoto Kihachi] Japan 東宝 [Touhou] ☆☆☆
Homeo (1967) Etienne O'Leary France ☆☆☆
7362 (1967) Pat O'Neill USA
日本春歌考 (1967)
A Treatise on Japanese Bawdy Songs
大島渚 [Ooshima Nagisa] Japan 創造社 [Souzousha] ☆☆☆☆
無理心中日本の夏 (1967)
Japanese Summer: Double Suicide
大島渚 [Ooshima Nagisa] Japan 創造社 [Souzousha] ☆☆☆☆
Les Amours de la pieuvre (1967)
The Love Life of the Octopus
Jean Painlevé & Geneviève Hamon France ☆☆☆
Հակոբ Հովնաթանյան (1966)
Hakob Hovnatanyan
Սերգեյ Փարաջանով [Sergei Parajanov] Soviet Union [Armenia] ☆☆
Edipo re (1967)
Oedipus Rex
Pier Paolo Pasolini Italy Euro International Film ☆☆☆☆
Начало (1967)
Արտավազդ Փելեշյան [Artavazd Peleshyan] Soviet Union [Armenia] ВГИК [VGIK] ☆☆☆☆☆
Le Règne du jour (1967) Pierre Perrault Canada Office National du Film du Canada ☆☆☆☆
Se sei vivo spara (1967)
Django, Kill... If You Live, Shoot!
Giulio Questi Italy Indipendenti Regionali ☆☆☆☆
Die Schlangengrube und das Pendel (1967)
The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism
Harald Reinl West Germany [Germany] Export Bischoff & Co GmbH
Dead Youth (1967) Donald Richie Japan ☆☆☆
Trans-Europ-Express (1967) Alain Robbe-Grillet France Lux Compagnie Cinématographique de France ☆☆☆☆
Far From the Madding Crowd (1967) John Schlesinger UK Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ☆☆☆
Almost deserves an extra star for stunning cinematography.
Konec srpna v Hotelu Ozon (1967)
The End of August at the Hotel Ozone
Jan Schmidt Czechoslovakia [Czech Republic] Ceskoslovenský armádní film ☆☆☆☆
Farbfilm (1967) Ernst Schmidt Jr. Austria ☆☆
Rotweißrot (1967) Ernst Schmidt Jr. Austria ☆☆
Fuses (1967) Carolee Schneemann USA ☆☆☆☆
Návrat ztraceného syna (1967)
Return of the Prodigal Son
Evald Schorm Czechoslovakia [Czech Republic] Filmové Studio Barrandov ☆☆☆
Jag är nyfiken – en film i gult (1967)
I Am Curious (Yellow)
Vilgot Sjöman Sweden Grove Press ☆☆
It's great to support this film as a fuck you to censors, but I just can't pretend it's very interesting...
Wavelength (1967) Michael Snow Canada Canyon Cinema ☆☆☆
An extremely hard film to rate.
殺しの烙印 (1967)
Branded to Kill
鈴木清順 [Suzuki Seijun] Japan 日活 [Nikkatsu] ☆☆☆☆
Play Time (1967) Jacques Tati France Jolly Film ☆☆☆☆
I lunghi giorni della vendetta (1967)
The Long Days of Vengeance
Florestano Vancini Italy Cinemaster International ☆☆☆
Marketa Lazarová (1967) František Vláčil Czechoslovakia [Czech Republic] Filmové Studio Barrandov ☆☆☆☆☆
犯された白衣 (1967)
Violated Angels
若松孝二 [Wakamatsu Kouji] Japan 若松プロダクション [Wakamatsu Production] ☆☆☆☆☆
Privilege (1967) Peter Watkins UK Rank Film Distributors
Jede Aktion löst eine Andere aus (1967) Peter Weibel West Germany [Germany]
Titicut Follies (1967) Frederick Wiseman USA Zipporah Films ☆☆☆☆
Zawał serca (1967)
Heart Attack
Wojciech Wiszniewski Poland ☆☆
Kusama's Self-Obliteration (1967) Jud Yalkut USA ☆☆☆
情炎 (1967)
The Affair
吉田喜重 [Yoshida Yoshishige] Japan ☆☆☆☆☆
炎と女 (1967)
Flame and Woman
吉田喜重 [Yoshida Yoshishige] Japan 現代映画社 [Gendai Eigasha] ☆☆☆☆,ss.e/70 [1968]
Back to the cinema/tv section.