These are all the noteworthy films I've seen (FOREVER IN PROGRESS). Black backgrounds are features (40+ minutes) and gray backgrounds are shorts.

☆☆☆☆☆ - ESSENTIAL: Highest level of recommendation. A very special work to me.
☆☆☆☆ - EXCELLENT: Superb. A very accomplished work that I love.
☆☆☆ - RECOMMENDED: Good. Not one of my all-time favorites, but certainly worth checking out.
☆☆ - HAS MERITS: Has some redeeming features that make it interesting, but generally I would reserve this for specialists.
☆ - NOT RECOMMENDED: Skip this. Not worth it.
These are all completely subjective ratings, of course.

Annabelle Butterfly Dance (1894) William K.L. Dickson USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Caicedo (With Pole) (1894) William K.L. Dickson USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Dickson Experimental Sound Film (1894) William K.L. Dickson USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Luis Martinetti, Contortionist (1894) William K.L. Dickson USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Rough Sea at Dover (1895) Birt Acres & Robert W. Paul UK ☆☆☆
Sortie d'usine (1895)
Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory
Louis Lumière & Auguste Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
L'Arroseur arrosé (1895)
The Waterer Watered
Louis Lumière & Auguste Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Repas de bébé (1895)
Baby's Meal
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Neuville-sur-Saône: Débarquement du congrès des photographes à Lyon (1895)
The Photographical Congress Arrives in Lyon
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Démolition d'un mur, II (1896)
Demolition of a Wall
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Pompiers à Lyon (1896)
A Fire Run (Lyons)
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Le partie de cartes (1896)
Card Game
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Barque sortant du port (1896)
Boat Leaving the Port
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Le Cauchemar (1896)
A Nightmare
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Escamotage d'une dame chez Robert Houdin (1896)
The Vanishing Lady
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Une nuit terrible (1896)
A Terrible Night
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Une partie de cartes (1896)
Playing Cards
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
The Derby (1896) Robert W. Paul UK ☆☆
Les Chutes (1897)
Niagara Falls
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Danse serpentine (1897)
The Serpentine Dance
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Départ de Jérusalem en chemin de fer (1897)
Leaving Jerusalem by Railway
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆☆
Bataille de boules de neige (1897)
Snowball Fight
Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆☆☆
Very fun :D
L'Auberge ensorcelée (1897)
The Bewitched Inn
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Château hanté (1897)
The Devil's Castle
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Entre Calais et Douvres (1897)
Between Calais and Dover
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Faust et Marguerite (1897)
Faust and Marguerite
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Prise de Tournavos (1897)
The Surrender of Tournavos
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
The Miller and the Sweep (1897) G.A. Smith UK George Albert Smith Films ☆☆
Dewar's - It's Scotch (1897) USA International Film Mfg. Company
Apparently this is the first film advertisement. AKA, the moment filmmaking got corrupted by consumerism. It was all downhill from here folks! xD
Guillaume Tell et le clown (1898)
Adventures of William Tell
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Un homme de têtes (1898)
The Four Troublesome Heads
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Illusions fantasmagoriques (1898)
The Famous Box Trick
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Lune à un mètre (1898)
The Astronomer's Dream
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Magicien (1898)
The Magician
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Panorama pris d'un train en marche (1898)
Panorama From Top of Moving Train
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
La Tentation de Saint Antoine (1898)
The Temptation of St. Anthony
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Visite sous-marine du Maine (1898)
Divers at Work on the Wreck of the Maine
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Come Along Do! (1898) Robert W. Paul UK ☆☆
Panorama From the Tower of the Brooklyn Bridge (1899) G.W. Bitzer USA American Mutoscope Company ☆☆
La Case de Dreyfus à l'île du Diable (1899)
Devil's Island - Within the Palisade
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Cendrillon (1899)
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Chevalier mystère (1899)
The Mysterious Knight
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Danse du feu (1899)
Haggard's She: The Pillar of Fire
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Débarquement de Dreyfus à Quiberon (1899)
Landing of Dreyfus at Quiberon
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Le Diable au couvent (1899)
The Devil in a Convent
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Dictée du bordereau (1899)
Dreyfus Court-Martial - Arrest of Dreyfus
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Dreyfus mis aux fers (1899)
Dreyfus Put in Irons
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Entrevue de Dreyfus et de sa femme (1899)
Dreyfus Meets His Wife at Rennes
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
L'Impressioniste fin de siècle (1899)
An Up-to-Date Conjurer
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
The Kiss in the Tunnel (1899) G.A. Smith UK George Albert Smith Films ☆☆
The Biter Bit (1899) UK Bamforth Films ☆☆
Ladies' Skirts Nailed to a Fence (1899) UK Bamforth Films ☆☆☆☆
Davy Jones' Locker (1900) Frederick S. Armitage USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆☆☆
Neptune's Daughters (1900) Frederick S. Armitage USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆☆☆
A Nymph of the Waves (1900) Frederick S. Armitage USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆☆☆
Explosion of a Motor Car (1900) Cecil M. Hepworth UK Hepworth ☆☆
How It Feels to Be Run Over (1900) Cecil M. Hepworth UK Hepworth ☆☆☆
Spanish Bullfight (1900) Louis Lumière France Lumière ☆☆
Le Déshabillage impossible (1900)
Going to Bed Under Difficulties
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
L'Homme orchestre (1900)
The One Man Band
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆
L'Illusionniste double et la tête vivante (1900)
The Triple Conjurer and the Living Head
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Les Infortunes d'un explorateur ou Les momies récalcitrantes (1900)
The Misfortunes of an Explorer
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Jeanne d'Arc (1900)
Joan of Arc
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆☆
Le Livre magique (1900)
The Magic Book
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Nouvelles luttes extravagantes (1900)
Fat and Lean Wrestling Match
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Le Repas fantastique (1900)
A Fantastical Meal
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Rêve de Noël (1900)
The Christmas Dream
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Le Rêve du radjah ou La Forêt enchantée (1900)
The Rajah's Dream
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Le Réveil d'un monsieur pressé (1900)
How He Missed His Train
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Le Savant et le Chimpanzé (1900)
The Doctor and the Monkey
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Le Sorcier, le Prince et le Bon Génie (1900)
The Wizard, the Prince and the Good Fairy
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Spiritisme abracadabrant (1900)
The Up-to-Date Spiritualism
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Tom Whisky ou L'Illusionniste toqué (1900)
Addition and Subtraction
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
Le tonneau des Danaïdes (1900)
Eight Girls in a Barrel
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
La Vengeance du gâte-sauce (1900)
The Cook's Revenge
Georges Méliès France Star Films ☆☆☆
As Seen Through a Telescope (1900) G.A. Smith UK George Albert Smith Films ☆☆
Grandma's Reading Glass (1900) G.A. Smith UK George Albert Smith Films ☆☆
Let Me Dream Again (1900) G.A. Smith UK George Albert Smith Films ☆☆
Champs de Mars (1900) James H. White USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Eiffel Tower From Trocadero Palace (1900) James H. White USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Palace of Electricity (1900) James H. White USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆☆
Panorama of Eiffel Tower (1900) James H. White USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Scene From the Elevator Ascending Eiffel Tower (1900) James H. White USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Attack on a China Mission (1900) James Williamson UK Williamson Kinematograph Company ☆☆☆
Demolishing and Building Up the Star Theatre (1901) Frederick S. Armitage USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆
L'Antre des esprits (1901)
The Magician's Cavern
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Barbe-Bleue (1901)
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Le Chapeau à surprises (1901)
A Hat With Many Surprises
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Chez la sorcière (1901)
The Bachelor's Paradise
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Chrysalide et le papillon d'or (1901)
The Brahmin and the Butterfly
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Le Diable géant ou Le Miracle de la madonne (1901)
The Devil and the Statue
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Dislocation Mystérieuse (1901)
Dislocation Extraordinary
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Excelsior! (1901)
The Prince of Magicians
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
L'Homme à la tête en caoutchouc (1901)
The Man With the Rubber Head
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Maison tranquille (1901)
What Is Home Without the Boarder?
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Nain et géant (1901)
The Dwarf and the Giant
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
The Countryman and the Cinematograph (1901) Robert W. Paul UK ☆☆☆
The Big Swallow (1901) James Williamson UK Williamson Kinematograph Company ☆☆☆
Fire! (1901) James Williamson UK Williamson Kinematograph Company ☆☆
Stop Thief! (1901) James Williamson UK Williamson Kinematograph Company ☆☆
Histoire d'un crime (1901)
History of a Crime
Ferdinand Zecca France Pathé Frères ☆☆
Par le trou de la serrure (1901)
Peeping Tom
Ferdinand Zecca France Pathé Frères ☆☆
Rêve et réalité (1901) Ferdinand Zecca France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆
Captain Nissen Going Through Whirlpool Rapids, Niagara Falls (1901) USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆☆
Seeing New York by Yacht (1902) Frederick S. Armitage & A.E. Weed USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆
Starting a Skyscraper (1902) Robert K. Bonine USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆
Jack and the Beanstalk (1902) George S. Fleming & Edwin S. Porter USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆☆
La Clownesse fantôme (1902)
The Shadow-Girl
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Danseuse microscopique (1902)
The Dancing Midget
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Douche du colonel (1902)
The Colonel's Shower Bath
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
L'Équilibre impossible (1902)
An Impossible Balancing Feat
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
L'Homme-mouche (1902)
The Human Fly
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Sacre d'Édouard VII (1902)
The Coronation of Edward VII
Georges Méliès France
Star Film
Warwick Trading Company
Les Trésors de Satan (1902)
The Treasures of Satan
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Voyage dans la Lune (1902)
A Trip to the Moon
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
One of the most important films for me in my history. I saw this probably around 13 and was completely bewitched.
Le Voyage de Gulliver à Lilliput et chez les géants (1902)
Gulliver's Travels Among the Lilliputians and the Giants
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Down the Hudson (1903) Frederick S. Armitaage & A.E. Weed USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆
The Ghost Train (1903) Frederick S. Armitage USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆☆☆
Simple idea, but very cool and even a bit legitimately eerie.
Scene on Lower Broadway (1903) Robert K. Bonine USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆
A Desperate Poaching Affray (1903) William Haggar UK Haggar & Sons ☆☆
Alice in Wonderland (1903) Cecil M. Hepworth & Percy Stow UK Hepworth ☆☆☆
L'Auberge du bon repas (1903)
The Inn Where No Man Rests
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Bob Kick, l'enfant terrible (1903)
Bob Kick, the Mischievous Kid
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
La Boîte à malice (1903)
The Mysterious Box
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Le Cake-walk infernal (1903)
The Cake Walk Infernal
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Chaudron infernal (1903)
The Infernal Cauldron
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
L'Enchanteur Alcofribas (1903)
Alcofribas, the Master Magician
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Faust aux enfers (1903)
The Damnation of Faust
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
La Guirlande merveilleuse (1903)
The Marvellous Wreath
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Illusions funambulesques (1903)
Extraordinary Illusions
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Jack et Jim (1903)
Jack and Jim
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
La Lanterne magique (1903)
The Magic Lantern
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Mélomane (1903)
The Melomaniac
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Monstre (1903)
The Monster
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
L'Oracle de Delphes (1903)
The Oracle of Delphi
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Le Parapluie fantastique (1903)
Ten Ladies in One Umbrella
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Portrait spirite (1903)
A Spiritualist Photographer
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Puits fantastique (1903)
The Enchanted Well
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Rêve du maître de ballet (1903)
The Ballet Master's Dream
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Revenant (1903)
The Apparition or Mr. Jones' Comical Experience With a Ghost
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Royaume des fées (1903)
The Kingdom of the Fairies
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Le Sorcier (1903)
The Witch's Revenge
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Tom Tight et Dum Dum (1903)
Jack Haggs and Dum Dum
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Tonnerre de Jupiter (1903)
Jupiter's Thunderbolts or The Home of the Muses
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
A Daring Daylight Burglary (1903) Frank S. Mottershaw UK Sheffield Films ☆☆
A Chess Dispute (1903) Robert W. Paul UK Robert W. Paul ☆☆
An Extraordinary Cab Accident (1903) Robert W. Paul & Walter R. Booth UK Robert W. Paul ☆☆
The Gay Shoe Clerk (1903) Edwin S. Porter USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
The Great Train Robbery (1903) Edwin S. Porter USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Mary Jane's Mishap (1903) G.A. Smith UK George Albert Smith Films ☆☆
The Sick Kitten (1903) G.A. Smith UK George Albert Smith Films ☆☆
Skyscrapers of New York City, From the North River (1903) J.B. Smith USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Panorama View, Street Car Motor Room (1904) G.W. Bitzer USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆☆
Le Bourreau turc (1904)
The Terrible Turkish Executioner or It Served Him Right
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Cascade de feu (1904)
The Firefall
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Au clair de la Lune ou Pierrot malheureux (1904)
A Moonlight Serenade or The Miser Punished
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Coffre enchanté (1904)
The Bewitched Trunk
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Merveilleux éventail vivant (1904)
The Wonderful Living Fan
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Un miracle sous l'inquisition (1904)
A Miracle Under the Inquisition
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Planche du diable (1904)
The Devilish Plank
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Un prêté pour un rendu (1904)
Tit For Tat or A Good Joke on My Head
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Le Rêve de l'horloger (1904)
The Clockmaker's Dream
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Roi du maquillage (1904)
The Untamable Whiskers
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Sirène (1904)
The Mermaid
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Sorcellerie culinaire (1904)
The Cook in Trouble
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Thaumaturge chinois (1904)
Tchin-Chao, the Chinese Conjuror
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Les Transmutations imperceptibles (1904)
The Imperceptible Transmutations
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Voyage à travers l'impossible (1904)
An Impossible Voyage
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Buy Your Own Cherries (1904) Robert W. Paul UK Robert W. Paul ☆☆
Dog Factory (1904) Edwin S. Porter USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆☆
An Interesting Story (1904) James Williamson UK Williamson Kinematograph Company ☆☆
New York Subway (1905) G.W. Bitzer USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆
The Other Side of the Hedge (1905) Lewin Fitzhamon UK Hepworth ☆☆
Rescued by Rover (1905) Cecil M. Hepworth & Lewin Fitzhamon UK Cecil M. Hepworth ☆☆☆
Panorama From Times Building, New York (1905) Wallace McCutcheon USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆
Les Cartes vivantes (1905)
The Living Playing Cards
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Chaise à porteur enchantée (1905)
The Enchanted Sedan Chair
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Compositeur toqué (1905)
A Crazy Composer
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Diable noir (1905)
The Black Imp
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Un Feu d'artifice improvisé (1905)
Unexpected Fireworks
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Légende de Rip van Vinckle (1905)
Rip's Dream
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
La Menuet lilliputien (1905)
The Lilliputian Minuet
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Le Palais des mille et une nuits (1905)
The Palace of the Arabian Nights
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Le Phénix ou Le coffret de cristal (1905)
The Crystal Casket
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Le Tripot clandestin (1905)
The Scheming Gambler's Paradise
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le raid Paris-Monte Carlo en deux heures (1905)
Paris to Monte Carlo
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Coney Island at Night (1905) Edwin S. Porter USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆☆☆
One of the prettiest films from this period. Stunning!
The Impossible Convicts (1906) G.W. Bitzer USA American Mutoscope & Biograph ☆☆☆☆
The (?) Motorist (1906) Walter R. Booth UK Robert W. Paul ☆☆☆
Aladin ou la lampe merveilleuse (1906)
Aladdin and His Wonder Lamp
Albert Capellani France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆☆
La Maison ensorcelée (1906)
The House of Ghosts
Segundo de Chomón France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆☆
Les Affiches en goguette (1906)
The Hilarious Posters
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Alchimiste Parafaragamus ou La cornue infernale (1906)
The Mysterious Retort
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
L'Anarchie chez guignol (1906)
Punch and Judy
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Les Bulles de savon vivantes (1906)
Soap Bubbles
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Cardeuse de matelas (1906)
The Tramp and the Mattress Makers
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Une chute de cinq étages (1906)
A Mix-Up in the Gallery
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La fée Carabosse ou Le poignard fatal (1906)
The Witch
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
L'Hôtel des voyageurs de commerce ou Les suites d'une bonne cuite (1906)
A Roadside Inn
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Les Incendiaires (1906)
A Desperate Crime
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Jack le ramoneur (1906)
Chimney Sweep
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Révolution en Russie (1906)
Revolution in Russia
Lucien Nonguet France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆
Dream of a Rarebit Fiend (1906) Edwin S. Porter & Wallace McCutcheon USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆☆
Three American Beauties (1906) Edwin S. Porter & Wallace McCutcheon USA Edison Manufacturing Company ☆☆☆☆
Beautiful women are what cinema is all about and have been since the beginning!
A Visit to Peek Frean and Co.'s Biscuit Works (1906) UK Cricks & Martin Films ☆☆☆
Ali Baba et les quarante voleurs (1907) Segundo de Chomón France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆☆
Satan s'amuse (1907)
Satan at Play
Segundo de Chomón France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆☆
That Fatal Sneeze (1907) Lewin Fitzhamon UK Hepworth ☆☆
Ali Barbouyou et Ali Bouf à l'huile (1907)
Delirium in a Studio
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Colle universelle (1907)
Good Glue Sticks
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Cuisine de l'ogre (1907)
In the Bogie Man's Cave
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
La Douche d'eau bouillante (1907)
Rogues' Tricks
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
L'Éclipse du soleil en pleine lune (1907)
The Eclipse or The Courtship of the Sun and the Moon
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Les Fromages automobiles (1907)
The Skipping Cheeses
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Tunnel sous la manche ou La Cauchemar franco-anglais (1907)
Tunneling the English Channel
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Pauvre John ou Les Aventures d'un buveur de whisky (1907)
Sightseeing Through Whisky
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Cochon danseur (1907)
The Dancing Pig
France Pathé
Blackhawk Films
The Thieving Hand (1908) J. Stuart Blackton USA Vitagraph Company of America ☆☆☆
Magic Bricks (1908) Segundo de Chomón France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆☆
Le Cheval emballé (1908)
The House That Bolted
Louis J. Gasnier France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆
Vive la vie de garçon (1908)
Troubles of a Glasswidower
Max Linder France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆
Amour et Mélasse (1908)
Love and Molasses
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Anaïc ou Le Balafré (1908)
Not Guilty
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
L'Avare (1908)
The Miser
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
La Bonne bergère et la mauvaise princesse (1908)
The Good Sheperdess and the Evil Princess
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Conseil du pipelet ou Un tour à la foire (1908)
Sidewshow Wrestlers
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Conte de la grand-mère et rêve de l'enfant (1908)
A Grandmother's Story
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Fakir de Singapour (1908)
The Indian Sorcerer
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
French Interpreter Policeman (1908) Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Le Génie du feu (1908)
The Genii of Fire
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Hallucinations pharmaceutiques ou Le Truc du potard (1908)
Pharmaceutical Hallucinations
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Il y a un dieu pour les ivrognes (1908)
The Good Luck of a Souse
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Lully ou Le Violon brisé (1908)
The Broken Violin
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Les Mésaventures d'un photographe (1908)
The Mischances of a Photographer
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Le Nouveau seigneur du village (1908)
No Trifling With Love
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Photographie électrique à distance (1908)
Long Distance Wireless Photography
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Pour l'étoile S.V.P. (1908)
Buncoed Stage Johnnie
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
La Prophétesse de Thèbes (1908)
The Prophetess of Thebes
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Le Rêve d'un fumeur d'opium (1908)
The Dream of an Opium Fiend
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆☆
Salon de coiffure (1908)
In the Barber Shop
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Le Tambourin fantastique (1908)
The Knight of Black Art
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Torches humaines (1908)
Justinian's Human Torches 548 A.D.
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
A Tricky Painter's Fate (1908) Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Why That Actor Was Late (1908) Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
The Woes of Roller Skates (1908) Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Princess Nicotine; or, The Smoke Fairy (1909) J. Stuart Blackton USA Vitagraph Company of America ☆☆☆
Les Illusions fantaisistes (1909)
Whimsical Illusions
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆
Le Locataire diabolique (1909)
The Fiendish Tenant
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Afgrunden (1910)
The Abyss
Urban Gad Denmark Kosmorama ☆☆☆
The House With Closed Shutters (1910) D.W. Griffith USA Biography Company ☆☆☆
White Fawn's Devotion: A Play Acted by a Tribe of Red Indians in America (1910) James Young Deer USA Pathé Frères ☆☆☆
Very interesting historical artifact. It's exactly what it says it is! I like the directness of something like this.
A Day in the Life of a Coal Miner (1910) UK Kineto Films ☆☆☆
L'Inferno (1911)
Dante's Inferno
Francesco Bertolini, Adolfo Padovan, & Giuseppe de Liguoro Italy Milano Film ☆☆☆☆
The Lonedale Operator (1911) D.W. Griffith USA Biograph Company ☆☆☆
Les Hallucinations du baron de Münchausen (1911)
Baron Munchausen's Dream
Georges Méliès France Star Film ☆☆☆
Her Crowning Glory (1911) Laurence Trimble USA General Film Company ☆☆☆
The Confederate Ironclad (1912) Kenean Buel USA Kalem Company ☆☆
De Wigwam (1912)
The Flaming Arrow
Joris Ivens Netherlands ☆☆
À la conquête du pôle (1912)
The Conquest of the Pole
Georges Méliès France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆☆
Probably Méliès's most impressive crowning achievement, although A Trip to the Moon continues to be my favorite for very personal reasons.
Cendrillon ou La Pantoufle merveilleuse (1912)
Cinderella or The Glass Slipper
Georges Méliès France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆
Le Chevalier des neiges (1912)
The Knight of the Snow
Georges Méliès France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆
The Land Beyond the Sunset (1912) Harold M. Shaw USA Thomas A. Edison, Inc. ☆☆☆☆
Tender, lyrical, poignant little piece that is all too underappreciated. Very touching even to this day.
Месть кинематографического оператора (1912)
The Cameraman's Revenge
Владислав Старевич [Vladislav Starevich] Russia Ханжонков [Khanzhonkov] ☆☆☆
Сумерки женской души (1913)
Twilight of a Woman's Soul
Евгений Бауэр [Yevgeni Bauer] Russia Ханжонков [Khanzhonkov] ☆☆☆☆
L'Agonie de Byzance (1913)
The Agony of Byzance
Louis Feuillade France Gaumont ☆☆☆
Le Voyage de la famille Bourrichon (1913)
The Voyage of the Bourrichon Family
Georges Méliès France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆
Max fait de la photo (1913)
Max Takes a Photo
Lucien Nonguet France Pathé Frères ☆☆☆
L'Enfant de Paris (1913)
Child of Paris
Léonce Perret France Gaumont ☆☆☆
Der Student von der Prag (1913)
The Student of Prague
Stellan Rye Germany Deutsche Bioscop GmbH ☆☆
Рождество у обитателей леса (1913)
The Insects' Christmas
Владислав Старевич [Vladislav Starevich] Russia Ханжонков [Khanzhonkov] ☆☆☆
Richard Wagner (1913)
The Life and Works of Richard Wagner
William Wauer & Carl Froelich Germany Messter Film GmbH ☆☆☆
Suspense (1913) Lois Weber & Phillips Smalley USA Universal Film Manufacturing Company ☆☆
Max décoré (1914) Max Linder France Pathé Frères ☆☆
Figures de cire (1914)
The Men With Wax Faces
Maurice Tourneur France Éclair ☆☆☆
После смерти (1915)
After Death
Евгений Бауэр [Yevgeni Bauer] Russia Ханжонков [Khanzhonkov] ☆☆☆☆☆
Le Noël du poilu (1915) Louis Feuillade France Gaumont ☆☆
Les Vampires (1915) Louis Feuillade France Gaumont ☆☆☆
A little too long for its own good, but mostly very invigorating and entertaining.
The Birth of a Nation (1915) D.W. Griffith USA Epoch Producing Corporation ☆☆☆
Historically a very interesting work. I like watching stuff like this because it pisses so many people off, lmao.
Diana the Huntress (1916) Charles W. Allen & Francis Trevelyan Miller USA Pluragraph ☆☆☆
Very fun! Makes me remember playing pretend out in the woods and has that kind of atmosphere.
Christus (1916) Giulio Antamoro Italy ☆☆☆☆
Behind the Screen (1916) Charlie Chaplin USA Mutual Film Corporation ☆☆
Snow White (1916) J. Searle Dawley USA Paramount Pictures
Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages (1916) D.W. Griffith USA Triangle Distributing Corporation ☆☆☆
Als ich tot war (1916)
As I Was Dead
Ernst Lubitsch Germany Projektions AG Union
Cenere (1916) Febo Mari & Arturo Ambrosio Italy Società Anonima Ambrosio ☆☆
I'm Insured (1916) H.S. Palmer USA Gaumont American
Homunculus (1916) Otto Rippert Germany Deutsche Bioscop GmbH ☆☆☆
76 minutes of a huge 401-minute serial survive.
Hell's Hinges (1916) Charles F. Swickard, William S. Hart, & Clifford Smith USA Kay-Bee Pictures
New York Motion Picture
Умирающий лебедь (1917)
The Dying Swan
Евгений Бауэр [Yevgeni Bauer] Russia Ханжонков [Khanzhonkov] ☆☆☆☆☆
Thaïs (1917) Anton Giulio Bragaglia Italy Novissima Film ☆☆☆
Mater dolorosa (1917) Abel Gance France Pathé Frères ☆☆
Rapsodia satanica (1917) Nino Oxilia Italy Società Italiana Cines ☆☆☆
Tih-Minh (1918) Louis Feuillade France Gaumont ☆☆
Præsidenten (1919)
The President
Carl Theodor Dreyer Denmark Nordisk Films Kompagni ☆☆☆☆
Broken Blossoms, or The Yellow Man and the Girl (1919) D.W. Griffith USA United Artists ☆☆
True Heart Susie (1919) D.W. Griffith USA United Artists ☆☆☆
Best Griffith IMO.
Madame DuBarry (1919) Ernst Lubitsch Germany UFA-Filmverleih GmbH ☆☆☆
Anders als die Andern (1919)
Different From the Others
Richard Oswald Germany Richard Oswald-Film GmbH ☆☆
Nerven (1919)
Robert Reinert Germany Monumental-Film-Werke Berlin ☆☆☆
Herr Arnes pengar (1919)
Sir Arne's Treasure
Mauritz Stiller Sweden AB Svenska Biografteatern ☆☆☆☆☆
Victory (1919) Maurice Tourneur USA Paramount Pictures ☆☆☆
L'Homme du large (1920) Marcel L'Herbier France Gaumont ☆☆☆
Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (1920)
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Robert Wiene Germany Decla-Bioscop-Verleih GmbH ☆☆
The Penalty (1920) Wallace Worsley USA Goldwyn Distributing Company ☆☆☆
El Dorado (1921) Marcel L'Herbier France Gaumont ☆☆☆
Seven Years Bad Luck (1921) Max Linder France Max Linder Productions ☆☆☆
路上の霊魂 (1921)
Souls on the Road
村田実 [Minoru Murata] Japan 松竹 [Shouchiku] ☆☆☆
The Soul of the Cypress (1921) Dudley Murphey USA A Red Seal Pictures ☆☆
Film ist Rhythmus (1921) Hans Richter Germany Universum-Film AG
Manhatta (1921) Paul Strand & Charles Sheeler USA Film Arts Guild ☆☆☆
Häidenvietto Karjalan runomailla (1921)
Wedding in Poetic Karjala
A.O. Väisänen Finland Kalevalaseura-säätiö ☆☆☆
Häxan (1922) Benjamin Christensen Denmark/Sweden Universum Film ☆☆☆
Nanook of the North (1922) Robert J. Flaherty USA Pathé Exchange ☆☆☆☆
Os Faroleiros (1922)
The Lighthouse Keepers
Maurice Mariaud Portugal Caldevilla Films ☆☆☆☆☆
Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922)
Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror
F.W. Murnau Germany Excelsior-Film ☆☆☆
Danse Macabre (1922) Dudley Murphey USA Claude H. Macgowan
Salomé (1922) Alla Nazimova & Charles Bryant USA Nazimova Productions ☆☆☆
Nathan der Weise (1922)
Nathan the Wise
Manfred Noa Germany Bavaria Studios ☆☆☆
სურამის ციხე (1922)
The Suram Fortress
Иван Перестиани [Ivan Perestiani] Soviet Union [Georgia] Киносекция Наркомпроса Грузии [Kinosektsiya Narkomprosa Gruzii] ☆☆
Les Grenouilles qui demandent un roi (1922)
The Frogs Who Wanted a King
Владислав Старевич [Ladislas Starevich] France Polichinei-Film
Foolish Wives (1922) Erich von Stroheim USA Universal Film Manufacturing Company ☆☆,ss.e/14 [1923]
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