More than an "anime" or "manga" fan, it would be more accurate to describe me as a cute 2-D girl fan. Anime/manga is just the most efficient way for me to be supplied with cute 2-D girls! I don't use the term "waifu" anymore. It's been dragged through the mud by normies, and I never really had that much in common with the idea of being monogamously dedicated to one character. Why limit yourself and not have a 2D harem?

Anyway, these are 30 characters who I love. These don't necessarily correlate with my favorite anime series in general, although I do like pretty much every one of the series they are from. Some things I like in characters are bakunyuu, miko, megane, girls with carefree attitudes, oddballs/outcasts, and perverts/exhibitionists. Enjoy.

Note 1: I limited this to one girl per series.

Note 2: I am a shameless hentai and make no apologies.

Kasuga Maori

CV: 土谷麻貴・Tsuchiya Maki
Age: 14
Birthday: November 26
Height: 153 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Blood Type: AB
Three Sizes: 88・58・87

アルカナハート [Arcana Heart] (2006) - エクサム [EXAMU]
すっごい!アルカナハート2 [Suggoi! Arcana Heart 2](2007) - エクサム [EXAMU]
アルカナハート3 LOVEMAX SIXSTARS!!!!!! XTEND [Arcana Heart 3 LOVEMAX SIXSTARS!!!!!! XTEND](2021) - エクサム [EXAMU]

I first played Arcana Heart in 2016 and it was love at first sight. I played it at an arcade in Japan when I was on a trip there. I had previously heard that it was the apex of otaku fighting games, made for the most moebuta of any fighting game players you could imagine. Clearly, I was destined to play it! I loved so many of the characters from it that I had trouble picking a favorite to want to play as. But the one I ultimately was drawn to most was Kasuga Maori. I love girls who have a traditional Japanese beauty thing going on, and especially ones who are miko. On top of that, I love her petite stature and HUGE KNOCKERS. Her ribbons are super cute. It's hard to really know what more to say. I love Maori so much! And she is also a very interesting and fun character to play in the game, as much as she has a steep learning curve.

Kochiya Sanae

CV: None
Age: ?
Birthday: ?
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Blood Type: ?
Three Sizes: ?

東方Project [Touhou Project] (2007-) - 上海アリス幻樂団 [Team Shanghai Alice]

Only Touhou Project can rival Arcana Heart for me in terms of a wonderful cast of cute girls to choose from. In the near-infinite potential girls to select for a favorite, I am drawn to the miko characters above all, of course. At first, Reimu was by far my favorite. I generally like girls with dark hair, and Reimu has a great no-nonsense personality. However, in time I have learned to love Sanae even more. I really think the Moriya shrine has some of the most interesting iconography in Touhou with its frogs and snakes and its connection to the most ancient, original religious traditions of Japan in the Suwa region. This would make Suwako and Kanako close characters to Sanae for me, but I have to go with the miko! She is so holy and pure! And aren't Sanae's frog and snake pendants just the cutest things ever?

Harumachi Komoe

CV: 大野まりな・Oono Marina
Age: 11
Birthday: ?
Height: 145 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Blood Type: ?
Three Sizes: 111・18・25

エイケン [Eiken] (2003-2004) - J.C.Staff

Sometime around 2006 I saw a clip of an anime that looked absoutely insane and had the largest, most ridiculous tits I'd ever seen. I later got the courage to look it up on my own and found out that the series was called Eiken. A lot of people hate this series because they're fags but I think it's pretty awesome in how absurd and over-the-top it is, with absolutely no regard for anything approaching the realm of "good taste." It also broke my brain in terms of what I find attractive. The most ridiculous character is this one, the ORIGINAL oppai loli: an 11-year-old girl with 111 CM BREASTS. She must have been force-fed soy and estrogen since the womb. I love how the complete absurdity of this is never brought up and explained in the series. And I think she's just very cute in general. I love her bushy eyebrows, her big circular glasses, and her completely ridiculous rack. The more preposterous, the more eroi!

Kuribayashi Yayoi

CV: 福井裕佳梨・Fukui Yukari
Age: 22
Birthday: ?
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Blood Type: ?
Three Sizes: ?

MOUSE (2003) - スタジオディーン [Studio Deen]

Another classic ecchi series with very few restraints or cares, which makes me adore it. It focuses on a cool, handsome master thief with three sexy maid assistants who are in love with him. Out of the three, my favorite is Yayoi. She is a biology expert and nerdy scientist type. She has deeply-set masochistic and exhibitionist tendencies and loves to be ordered around. And yet, she can also kick ass. Mostly she wears a lab coat which is subtly very eroi. I love these fucking glasses. I love glasses in general, but these big round ones (just like Komoe wears above) are the best of the best! Big round glasses and big round tits just belong together.

Furude Rika

CV: 田村ゆかり・Tamura Yukari
Age: 10
Birthday: August 21
Height: 137 cm
Weight: ?
Blood Type: A
Three Sizes: ?

ひぐらしのなく頃に [Higurashi no Naku Koro ni] (2002) - 07th Expansion

I still haven't finished reading Higurashi no Naku Koro ni! But I can already rank Rika this high. Of course, I adore miko so she has to be on this list. But in general she is one of the cutest characters in anything. I love the way she tugs onto taller people's hands and clothes and drags them around. And of course all the mii〜 sounds will melt your heart. She is the ORIGINAL desu queen, before Suiseiseki even. Everyone seems to love Rika. Of course, I love Satoko a lot too and find her very charming and protectable, but Rika still wins for me. I think Ryukishi's "interesting" art style just works better with loli characters. And I suppose Rika usually hiding her hands helps as well...

Mizuhara Tsudzumi

CV: 田中涼子・Tanaka Ryouko aka 一色ヒカル・Isshiki Hikaru
Age: ?
Birthday: ?
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Blood Type: ?
Three Sizes: 82・58・83

ピリオド [Period] (2007) - LittleWitch

Period is perhaps the best moege I've ever played, although admittedly I haven't played very many of DA CLASSICS. It has beautiful CGs with a bright, breezy, summery feeling, befitting of a game set in Nagasaki Prefecture. A lot of it looks kind of watercolor-ish. And the characters are made by the tube-loli king, Ooyari Ashito. I like the way he draws girls, even if the extremely thin and curveless nature of it takes a bit to get used to. Anyway, all of the cast is great, but Tsudzumi was far and away my favorite. She is a very strange girl who seems completely unfamiliar with the norms and rules of society. I generally love characters like this, because it makes it all the more meaningful when she starts to like and be friendly to the MC. And it just makes for some very funny scenarios. And her route has one of the most emotionally powerful endings in the game.


CV: 浅川悠・Asakawa Yuu
Age: ?
Birthday: ?
Height: 174 cm
Weight: ?
Blood Type: ?
Three Sizes: ?

あずまんが大王 [Azumanga Daiou] (2002) - J.C.Staff

Out of all the anime out there, very few compare to Azumanga Daiou in terms of what they mean to me, how happy they make me, and how much of an important role they had in making me who I am. It remains one of the funniest anime shows ever, which is what keeps it still head and shoulders above every other moe show ever made (including some very good ones like Lucky Star). I love every girl in the show for their own reasons, but always loved Sakaki-san the most. Of course, I love long black hair and I love big boobs, but the reasons go beyond appearances. I love her shy, outsider-ish demeanor which is kind-hearted but reserved and a bit awkward. Oosaka makes me laugh most, but Sakaki is who I will marry. Also I love her seiyuu very much. Asakawa Yuu's husky voice is very distinct and just eargasmic to listen to.

Iwato Kasumi

CV: 大原さやか・Oohara Sayaka
Age: ?
Birthday: July 16
Height: 164 cm
Weight: ?
Blood Type: ?
Three Sizes: ?

咲-Saki-全国編 [Saki Zenkoku-hen](2014) - Studio五組 [Studio GOKUMI]

I don't like this show because I don't understand anything about mahjong and think it's boring. It's a shame because the cast is stellar. I will put this long-black-hair big-boobie miko up here solely on the basis of appearances, which shows how much this archetype means to me. I guess her lore about being some ancient Shintou technique-wielding miko family from Kagoshima is kind of cool, but if only it wasn't mahjong. Dammit! Also her birthday is the closest to mine on this list.


9. ナコルル・NAKORURU
CV: 千葉麗子・Chiba Reiko / 生駒治美・Ikoma Harumi
Age: 16
Birthday: ?
Height: 154.5 cm
Weight: ?
Blood Type: AB
Three Sizes: 73・50・82

ムライスピリッツ 破天降魔の章 [Samurai Spirits: Haten Gouma no Shou] (1994) - スタジオコメット [Studio Comet]、 スタジオガゼール [Studio Gazelle]
サムライスピリッツ2 アスラ斬魔伝 [Samurai Spirits 2: Asura Zanmaden] (1999) - 亜細亜堂 [Ajia-dou]

Never played the Samurai Spirits (aka Samurai Shodown) games a ton, but I do enjoy them. But the thing that draws me to them mostly is an amazing girl character: Nakoruru, and an honorable mention to her equally adorable younger sister Rimururu. These two are basically "miko" in that they are priestesses who are devoted to protecting the gods of nature and repelling evil spirits, but they are unique in that they are part of the Ainu tradition in particular rather than the "typical" Japanese one. The whole "connection to nature" thing is made much more explicit with her and she is a big environmentalist, which of course appeals to me. Though young, she seems to have the wisdom of a lifetime and looks at the world with a kind of sad acceptance, which seems like a very classic Japanese beauty thing that a lot of old guys get off on.

Miyasumi Misato

CV: 及川ひとみ・Ooikawa Hitomi aka 鳩野比奈・Hatono Hina
Age: ?
Birthday: ?
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Blood Type: ?
Three Sizes: ?

CROSS†CHANNEL (2003) - FlyingShine

CROSS†CHANNEL is subtly one of the strangest VNs out there. We slowly get hints that almost everyone in the cast seems to be harboring some kind of trauma or mental disturbance. Their school seems to be a pretty unconventional one. The first hint is that it doesn't seem to have uniforms, which would normally be cause for a riot, but luckily most of the girls continue to wear very cute outfits. My favorite is the broadcast club leader MiMiMi-senpai, as the MC calls her (because her name is MIyasuMI MIsato). I have a weird thing for these overalls. Of course her big boobs and glasses make her appealing to me, but I also like her personality a lot. She's very spacy and a little ditzy, maybe even to the point where you suspect she might be a little... uh... touched in the head. But she is a very hard worker and seems to have a deep desire to improve the world, even when no one else will help or follow her.

Hikawa Yayoi

11. 氷川弥生・HIKAWA YAYOI aka ソウルレイカー・SOUL LAKER
CV: 及川ひとみ・Ooikawa Hitomi
Age: 17
Birthday: September 24
Height: 158 cm
Weight: ?
Blood Type: A
Three Sizes: 80・57・85

聖少女戦隊レイカーズ [Battle Team Lakers EX] (1996) - アニメイト [animate Film]

I think am one of the three niggas who watched this OVA. Someday I have to play the original PC-98 game. It's kind of like a mahou shoujo show about a bunch of girls in high school who transform, Sailor Moon-style, into a group called the LAKERS (??) to take care of evil. In the OVA, it's a bunch of HAWT alien girls (well actually the main Lakers are more HAWT, but still) who try to invade the earth after their planet is destroyed. Also it's a hentai (the animation kinda sucks but whatever). Out of the main cast, it seems like the fan favorite is the short but incredibly busty judou practitioner Natsume. Certainly I can sympathize, but of course I have to go for the miko with the glasses! Isn't Yayoi a great name? Japanese people need to get over the idea of it being a grandma name and go back to using it!

Kokubunji Koyori

CV: 大谷育江・Ootani Ikue
Age: ?
Birthday: ?
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Blood Type: ?
Three Sizes: ?

ナースウィッチ小麦ちゃんマジカルて [Nurse Witch Komugi-chan Magikarte] (2002-2004) - 京都アニメーション [Kyouto Animation]、 タツノコプロダクション [Tatsunoko Production]

This OVA is pretty silly and over-the-top and I love it! Apparently it's a parody of a show called The SoulTaker that I haven't seen. It's about a girl named Komugi aiming to become a cosplay idol who is chosen by the goddess of the Vaccine World to become a magical nurse and save the world from viruses. Her rival, Koyori, sometimes is possessed and turns into an evil form who tries to spread viruses. Of course, the villain is always hotter in these shows and this one is no exception. The same goes for the one-time appearance of the even more busty Komachi-sensei in episode 5, but I have to go for Koyori. She is very funny because she's an omega-dork and bumbling idiot the entire time. She has the most adorable, dorky little voice I've ever heard. She screams ideal otaku gf. And she has amazing knockers. Kemono-mimi aren't really my thing but they definitely make her cuter!

Otohime Mutsumi

CV: ゆきのさつき・Yukino Satsuki
Age: 21
Birthday: March 3
Height: 162 cm
Weight: ?
Blood Type: B
Three Sizes: 90・56・85

ラブひな [Love Hina] (2000) - ジーベック [Xebec]
素子のセンタク, 恋か剣... 「泣くな」 [Love Hina: Motoko's Choice Between Love or Swords... "Don't Cry!"] (2000) - ジーベック [Xebec]
ラブひなクリスマススペシャル ~サイレント・イヴ~ [Love Hina Christmas Special: Silent Eve] (2000) - ジーベック [Xebec]
ラブひな Again [Love Hina Again] (2002) - ジーベック [Xebec]

The classic harem show. Of course I like it a lot, even if there are other harem shows that I prefer. The biggest problem I have with this show is that Keitarou is a massive fag and chases after the most insufferable girl of the bunch. This started a trend which has infected a lot of harem shows. But I guess that just leaves the other girls for us, so I can't complain. But it is annoying when a girl THIS good is there for the taking! She's basically the female version of the MC: clusmy, a bit aloof, and yet really good-hearted. She's the most chill and seemingly fun girl in the whole series. She's from Okinawa and has a very carefree island spirit. She shits all over Naru and her uptight ass. Also, I love hair antenna like this. They were very common around the early 2000s and I miss them.

Hino Rei

14. 火野レイ・HINO REI aka セーラーマーズ・SAILOR MARS
CV: 富沢美智恵・Tomizawa Michie
Age: 14
Birthday: April 17
Height: 162 cm
Weight: ?
Blood Type: AB
Three Sizes: ?

美少女戦士セーラームーン [Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon] (1992-1993) - 東映アニメーション [Touei Animation]
美少女戦士セーラームーン R [Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R] (1993-1994) - 東映アニメーション [Touei Animation]
美少女戦士セーラームーン S [Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S] (1994) - 東映アニメーション [Touei Animation]
美少女戦士セーラームーン SuperS [Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS] (1995-1996) - 東映アニメーション [Touei Animation]
美少女戦士セーラームーン セーラースターズ [Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Sailor Stars] (1996-1997) - 東映アニメーション [Touei Animation]

Hey, I'm not opposed to the classics! Sailor Moon was probably the first show I had any anime crushes in. But honestly, I don't remember having a favorite as a kid in particular. In retrospect though, it's gotta be Mars. I mean, she's a long-black-haired miko, which is enough of a reason. The other girl I have a lot of love for is Saturn, who has a nice kind of mystery and mystique to her personality and a beautiful, elegant design. But it's gotta be Mars. I like her attitude: confident, disciplined, and somewhat serious, but never bitchy or annoying. I love her dedication, her maturity, and her spirituality. Of course, I just love this old-fashioned shoujo artwork and Sailor Moon is the archetype of it. You gotta appreciate the pillars of the medium sometimes!

Yoshimine Mitsuka

CV: 井上喜久子・Inoue Kikuko
Age: ?
Birthday: ?
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Blood Type: ?
Three Sizes: ?

ディアーズ [DearS] (2004) - 童夢 [Daume]

DearS is a great show which is full of laughs, fun, and cuteness. It also has the most unbelievably over-the-top horny character I've seen in any series that isn't a hentai. She is the homeroom teacher for the MC and ostensibly an English teacher but is nothing more than a slave to her own libido. Pretty much all she does is pop up and show off how sexy she is by wearing the skimpiest and most revealing outfits and opines about how much she wants to fuck the MC and every other male (and female) character. Of course, she's also voiced by the QUEEN of sexy older women. Above all, she's pretty funny and makes the show very entertaining. I also really like her design. Those zig-zaggy hair strands are nice. I also like how she's a somewhat older lady character but still slender and young-looking.

Yanase Kaori

16. 梁瀬かおり・YANASE KAORI
CV: 今井由香・Imai Yuka
Age: 18
Birthday: ?
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Blood Type: ?
Three Sizes: 84・58・87

ヴァリアブル・ジオ [Variable Geo] (1996-1997) - カオスプロジェクト [Chaos Project]

Variable Geo is awesome. It's one of those ridiculous OVAs that they made with total freedom and disregard for whatever the squares would think. Of course, it's made by Chaos Project, so that's not a surprise. It's a story about waitresses who battle each other until the loser has to strip. Then there's some crazy shit that adds a lot of stuff that's way darker than you'd expect. The main character Yuuka has an awesome design, rocking the CLASSIC otaku waitress outfit. There's also an American named Elena Goldsmith who wears TEH BUNNEH outfit with pride. But my favorite has to be this lil' nerd named Kaori. She's a computer hacker type and also a taekwondo champion. Her pantyhose turn me into a monkey.


17. こより・KOYORI
CV: 江森浩子・Emori Hiroko / 川村万梨阿・Kawamura Maria
Age: ?
Birthday: ?
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Blood Type: ?
Three Sizes: ?

戦国エース [Sengoku Ace] (1993) - 彩京 [Psikyo]
戦国ブレード [Sengoku Blade] (1996) - 彩京 [Psikyo]

I hate to admit it but I haven't played Sengoku Blade, the game where we see Koyori's epic boobage in all its glory. That's mostly because I wasn't a big fan of the first game she appeared as a spunky little tomboy in, Sengoku Ace. But that won't stop me from putting another big titty miko on this list, because I'm an animal. Her facial design is kind of unique. She looks a little more like a westerner than a lot of other anime girls... more traditional bishoujo looks. But I still dig it! I like her magatama necklace, which was a big influence (read: thing to directly rip off) for my own website's mascot character. She has one of the best figures ever too.


18. 春麗・CHUN-LI
CV: 藤谷美紀・Fujitani Miki
Age: ?
Birthday: March 1
Height: 170 cm
Weight: ?
Blood Type: A
Three Sizes: 88・58・90

ストリートファイターII MOVIE [Street Fighter II Movie] (1994) - グループ・タック [Group TAC]

Well, once again I can't pretend I don't love some of the classics. I love dango buns and Chinese outfits in anime like crazy... not as much as traditional Japanese things like miko outfits, but pretty close! Of course, Chun-Li is one of the greatest classic designs ever. Sexy thighs and pantyhose, cute personality, nice voice... what's not to love? There are some other sexy and loveable Street Fighter ladies like Cammy, R. Mika, and Juri, but none of them beat Chunners for me. As far as playing Street Fighter goes, I did always enjoy playing as her too. I guess my favorite character to play in Street Fighter is actually Elena in Third Strike, even if she doesn't rank up there as much of a crush. It's not really the series I'm most familiar with, though. I need to watch the other OVAs someday...

Tedzuka Rin

CV: None
Age: 18
Birthday: March 13
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Blood Type: AB
Three Sizes: 83・54・78

かたわ少女 [Kawata Shoujo] (2009) - Four Leaf Studios

As far as Kawata Shoujo goes, I really liked Shizune's design the most, but unfortunately I just can't pick her. Her personality was often kind of annoying and I think it was definitely the worst-written route in the whole game. The best route in the game, on the other hand, is definitely the armless painter Rin. As far as appearances go, she might look a little plain at first, but her personality and story is what really made me love her. Similar to Tsudzumi above, Rin has a very strange personality. She uses many very bizarre, awkward analogies and metaphors to sketch out her feelings and ideas, which are difficult to follow. At first, this is mostly amusing and a great source of humor, but so much gets revealed over time. Her story is devastating and deeply emotionally resonant for anyone who has felt alone and had trouble connecting to others. You just want to support her and help her with whatever she wants.

Charlotte E. Yeager

20. シャーロット・E・イェーガー・CHARLOTTE E. YEAGER
CV: 小清水亜美・Koshimizu Ami
Age: 16
Birthday: February 13
Height: 167 cm
Weight: ?
Blood Type: ?
Three Sizes: ?

ストライクウィッチーズ [Strike Witches] (2008) - ゴンゾ [Gonzo]
ストライクウィッチーズ 2 [Strike Witches] (2010) - AICスピリッツ [AIC Spirits]

Ahhh, Strike Witches. The Mecca of buruma and pantsu. In case you don't know, it's basically an alternate history of World War II with aliens where aerial combat is carried out by teen girls who don't wear pants! It's fucking awesome and full of delicious, fun fanservice. I'm not even a big military otaku, but even I have to enjoy the autism about planes and shit. I like anime and games like this with international casts, so you get to enjoy the Japanese ideals of girls from all around the world. There are a lot of characters I really like. The golden-brown loli Francesca Lucchini is up there, as is the motherly and refined Lynette Bishop. But if I was going to choose one, it would be teh American bunneh Charlotte E. Yeager. She has the largest bust in the series, which obviously helps. But I just like her design with her beautiful red hair and feisty personality. Of course, I also think bunny girls are hot.

Nekoi Koshka

21. 猫井コーシュカ・NEKOI KOSHKA
CV: 根谷美智子・Neya Michiko
Age: ?
Birthday: ?
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Blood Type: ?
Three Sizes: ?

うさぎちゃんで CUE!! [Usagi-chan de Cue!!] (2001-2002) - カオスプロジェクト [Chaos Project]

More Chaos Project insanity. Also, produced by hentai legends Pink Pineapple even though this isn't really a hentai (some nips here and there though). The barely-comprehensible, ridiculous plot of this one is about a girl named Mikami who fights an evil organization but gets magically merged with a rabbit kept on the school roof and becomes a bunneh girl. I like bunny girls, but Mikami's design is a little too goofy... she has Bugs Bunny-esque rabbit teeth and silly Mickey Mouse gloves. However, the golden rule always applies: the villain will be hottest. In this case, it's an evil catgirl named Koshka with constantly-exposed cotton white pantsu!! She appears and mogs Mikami in the school idol competition for great justice!

Kanzaki Urumi

CV: 三石琴乃・Mitsuishi Kotono
Age: 15
Birthday: ?
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Blood Type: ?
Three Sizes: ?

GTO [Great Teacher Onizuka] (1999-2000) - ぴえろ [Pierrot]

Great Teacher Onizuka is one of the funniest damn shows ever made, and also has a lot of heart and soul. I love it and have seen it several times. It's about the seeming worst candidate to be a high school teacher ever: a lecherous, lazy, incredibly stupid street racer named Onizuka. And yet, he turns a struggling class and school around like no one else could. There are many memorable characters in the show, but my favorite is Kanzaki Urumi. She is a prodigy with an IQ of 200 who is bored with school and only goes there to torment the teachers by outsmarting them. But she cannot be disciplined or touched because the school takes too much pride in having her as a pupil. Until Onizuka comes, that is! Her design is very cute and her interactions with Onizuka are hilarious: if you can't outsmart a girl like Kanzaki, you have to beat her with your unbelievable stupidity!

Tsukamoto Yakumo

CV: 能登麻美子・Noutou Mamiko
Age: 15
Birthday: March 23
Height: 166 cm
Weight: ?
Blood Type: AB
Three Sizes: ?

スクールランブル [School Rumble] (2004-2005) - スタジオコメット [Studio Comet]
スクールランブル 一学期補習 [School Rumble: Extra Class] (2005) - スタジオコメット [Studio Comet]
スクールランブル 二学期 [School Rumble: 2nd Semester] (2006) - スタジオコメット [Studio Comet]

This is another series with a ton of loveable girls. The main character Tenma is a very cute airhead, even if her stupidity is sometimes a bit infuriating. But the most memorable girl is probably her younger sister Yakumo, who acts more like an older sister. She is sort of similar to Sakaki from Azumanga Daiou in personality, being shy and tender with a great sensitivity towards animals. Although the animals actually reciprocate, unlike with poor Sakaki. She has a strong ability to perceive the intentions of others and is easily overwhelmed by the number of males who have approached her with amorous intents. Who can blame them? A very refined, classically Japanese, yamato nadeshiko-type beauty.

Makise Kurisu

CV: 今井麻美・Imai Asami
Age: 18
Birthday: July 25
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Blood Type: A
Three Sizes: 79・56・83

STEINS;GATE (2009) - 5pb.

"Shipping" characters is mostly for smelly female Tumblr refugees, but I do have to admit that Kurisu just belongs with the main character of Steins;Gate, Okabe Rintarou. The two of them are so perfect for each other, often because of all the friction. These two truly deserve each other! As far as tsundere go, she is one of the best. She's a legendary shit-talker. But I also like how autistic and obsessed she is with her own research and the degree of pride she has in it. You can tell she would be fun to bant with, like a male best friend. In spite of that, she has a high degree of feminity. I love her impossibly long legs and slender, tiny frame. The anime adaptation of Steins;Gate was pretty good, but nothing beats the original art with its unique coloring that makes the characters look like they're made out of marble.

Arcueid Brunestud

25. アルクェイド ブリュンスタッド・ARCUEID BRUNESTUD
CV: None
Age: ?
Birthday: December 25
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 52 kg
Blood Type: ?
Three Sizes: 88・55・85

月姫 [Tsukihime] (2000) - TYPE-MOON

Best character in Tsukihime by far! Her design is so simple that it's ingenious. You just have to love her carefree, fun-loving attitude. I liked Tsukihime a fair amount, although it did suffer somewhat by me doing her route first. The other heroines aren't anywhere near her in terms of character. I liked Ciel pretty well, and the maids had some pretty interesting narrative touches, but none of them are as lovely and fun to be around as Arcueid. Of course, Tsukihime's real charm is its archetypal chuuni bullshit story full of insane titles and labels about ancient religious and occult organizations and all of that. It is a pretty charming VN. But mostly I love it for Arcueid! I never got into Melty Blood but I should someday...

Nanvel Candlestick

26. ナンベル キャンドルスティック・NANVEL CANDLESTICK
CV: 天野由梨・Amano Yuri
Age: ?
Birthday: April 8
Height: 163 cm
Weight: ?
Blood Type: O
Three Sizes: 92・53・84

バーンナップW [Burn Up! W] (1996) - AIC
バーンナップEXCESS [Burn Up! Excess] (1997-1998) - AIC

Burn Up! is a kind of comedy-action series about a group of hyper-militarized police in Neo-Toukyou led by a bunch of cute girls brimming with personality. I'm a big fan. I love its awesome colors and character designs which scream 90s in the best way. Out of all the characters, my favorite is this girl. She's supposed to be American, apparently... I don't know who the hell thought "Nanvel Candlestick" sounded like an American (seriously wtf is that name?), nor why she has dango buns. But I do know that her design is awesome and that she's very HAWT. She's a tech specialist who always makes machines and works at computers. And she has huge melons. As usual, I love hot nerds. Unfortunately, she doesn't get as much screentime as I would want.

Tendou Akane

27. 天道あかね・TENDOU AKANE
CV: 日高のり子・Hidaka Noriko
Age: 16
Birthday: ?
Height: 156 cm
Weight: ?
Blood Type: ?
Three Sizes: ?

らんま1/2 [Ranma 1/2] (1989-1992) - スタジオディーン [Studio Deen]

A confession: I've never actually seen Ranma 1/2 all the way through... Akane might be higher if I did. I do LOVE her though. I do love Shampoo almost as much (dat china dress!!!), but Akane still wins. I think my love of her began when I saw an image of her in an animutation back around the mid-2000s and felt like she was just cute as a button! In my head, I felt the need to dub her "Akane, the naive milkmaid." That was the first thing that came to mind, for whatever reason. I guess it was her clothing? Of course, her personality was nothing like I thought it would be from that image. She was not the sort of demure, airheaded, aloof girl I somehow assumed she was, but was a firecracker with a quick temper. Of course, that is also very cute! I will watch this whole series someday... Maison Ikkoku was great.

Trinity Glassfille

28. トリニティ=グラスフィール・TRINITY GLASSFILLE aka 白金の錬金術師(プラチナ=ザ=トリニティ)・PLATINUM THE TRINITY
CV: 悠木碧・Yuuki Aoi
Age: ?
Birthday: January 6
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 57 kg
Blood Type: A
Three Sizes: ?

ブレイブルー コンティニュアム・シフト [BlazBlue: Continuum Shift] (2010) - アークシステムワークス [Arc System Works]

I played a lot of BlazBlue at my friend's house and this was my favorite character to choose. Most of our friends hated playing BlazBlue with him because he was the only one who knew how to play the game, but I just loved seeing all the crazy characters and shit. Rachel Alucard is another cutie who is close in the running, but my favorite has to be Platinum. I love characters like this who are so crazily over-designed with HUGE hair and HUGE accessories in a way that just empahsizes the cartoony, ridiculous nature of it. Of course, she is a very cute loli and has a very eroi slender body! But I'm still for all intents and purposes a BlazBlue secondary, sorry...

Amanogawa Haruka

CV: 渡辺明乃・Watanabe Akeno
Age: ?
Birthday: April 12
Height: 172cm
Weight: ?
Blood Type: O
Three Sizes: 101-58-90

あまえないでよっ!! [Amaenaide yo!!] (2005) - スタジオディーン [Studio Deen]
あまえないでよっ!! 休まないでよっ!! [Amaenaide yo!! Yasumanaide yo!!] (2005) - スタジオディーン [Studio Deen]
あまえないでよっ!! 喝!! [Amaenaide yo!! Katsu!!] (2006) - スタジオディーン [Studio Deen]
あまえないでよっ!! マされないでよっ!! [Amaenaide yo!! Damasarenaide yo!!] (2006) - スタジオディーン [Studio Deen]

Blonde, blue-eyed characters usually aren't who I'm immediately drawn to (I do not watch anime for teh evil white women!! jk jk). But this was my favorite character from this series. It's a pretty damn solid harem anime about a Buddhist monk in training whose temple is populated by a bunch of cutie nuns, all of whom luckily have not shaven their heads! (get the name now? "AMAenaide yo?"... ama means nun in Japanese). All of them represent the six realms of existence, which is pretty cool as a motif. Haruka represents the Devas Realm. She is an exorcist. She also has the biggest bust of all of the girls (noticing a trend here?) and is the tallest of them. I like her free-wheeling, open attitude and find her very fun and entertaining to watch.

Midzuki Tachibana

CV: 浅川悠・Asakawa Yuu
Age: 22
Birthday: ?
Height: 178cm
Weight: ?
Blood Type: ?
Three Sizes: ?

超重神グラヴィオン [Choujuushin Gravion] (2002) - ゴンゾ [Gonzo]
超重神グラヴィオンツヴァイ [Choujuushin Gravion Zwei] (2004) - ゴンゾ [Gonzo]

This show is a bit mindless and the mecha fight stuff isn't really up my alley. It's one of those many, many "teenagers piloting mecha to save teh world" shows. But there are enough cute girls and ecchi to keep me entertained! I like the megane maid Eina quite a bit, but would have to choose the female adult in charge of the team, Midzuki Tachibana. She is voiced by Asakawa Yuu, one of my favorite seiyuu, so that's an immediate plus. She is mostly a more serious leader-type character, but sometimes gets drunk and wants to molest the main character!!! Hell yeah! Anyway, her outfit is so damn sexy that she has to be on here for that reason alone.

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