These are books that I've read in full.

Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, the Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others c. 2100 BC Stephanie Dalley [trans.] Oxford World's Classics (1989)
Poems of Heaven and Hell from Ancient Mesopotamia c. 2100 BC N.K. Sandars [trans.] Penguin Classics (1971)
The Tale of Sinuhe and Other Ancient Egyptian Poems, 1940-1640 B.C. c. 1940-1640 BC R.B. Parkinson [trans.] Oxford World's Classics (1999)
The Iliad
c. 800-700 BC Ὅμηρος [Homer]
[trans. Robert Fagles]
Penguin Classics (1999)
The Odyssey
c. 800-700 BC Ὅμηρος [Homer]
[trans. Robert Fagles]
Penguin Classics (1999)
Hesiod and Theognis c. 800-500 BC Ἡσίοδος [Hesiod]
Θέογνις ὁ Μεγαρεύς [Theognis of Megara]
[trans. Dorothea Wender]
Penguin Classics (1986) Contains:
Θεογονία [Theogony]
Ἔργα καὶ Ἡμέραι [Works and Days]
*Epigrams of Theognis
Ὁμηρικοὶ ὕμνοι
Homeric Hymns
c. 700-500 BC Jules Cashford [trans.] Penguin Classics (2003)
Greek Lyric Poetry c. 650-450 BC M.L. West [trans.] Oxford World's Classics (1999)
If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho c. 600-570 BC Σαπφώ [Sappho]
[trans. Anne Carson]
Oxford World's Classics (1999)
The Odes c. 498-447 BC Πίνδαρος [Pindar]
[trans. Cecil Maurice Bowra]
Penguin Classics (1982)
The Songs of the South: An Anthology of Ancient Chinese Poems by Qu Yuan and Other Poets
c. 278 BC-158 屈原 [Qu Yuan]
宋玉 [Song Yu]
et al.
[trans. David Hawkes]
Penguin Classics (1985)
c. 270 BC Θεόκριτος [Theocritus]
[trans. Anthony Verity]
Oxford World's Classics (2003)
Women Poets of China c. 200 BC-1972 Kenneth Rexroth [trans.] New Directions (1982)
The Complete Poems c. 60 BC Gaius Valerius Catullus
[trans. Guy Lee]
Oxford World's Classics (1998)
c. 44-38 BC Publius Vergilius Maro
[trans. Guy Lee]
[trans. David Ferry]
Penguin Classics (1984)
Farrar, Straus & Giroux (2000)
The Complete Odes and Epodes c. 30-14 BC Quintus Horatius Flaccus
[trans. David West]
Oxford World's Classics (2008)
c. 29 BC Publius Vergilius Maro
[trans. Peter Fallon]
Oxford World's Classics (2009)
The Aeneid
c. 19 BC Publius Vergilius Maro
[trans. Allen Mandelbaum]
[trans. Sarah Ruden]
Bantam Classics (2004)
Yale University Press (2009)
The Library of Greek Mythology
c. 0-200 Ψευδο-Ἀπολλόδωρος [Pseudo-Apollodorus]
[trans. Robin Hard]
Oxford World's Classics (1999)
The Erotic Poems 2 Publius Ovidius Naso
[trans. Peter Green]
Penguin Classics (1983) Contains:
Ars amatoria [The Art of Love]
Remedia amoris [Cures for Love]
Medicamina faciei femineae [On Facial Treatment for Ladies]
8 Publius Ovidius Naso
[trans. Allen Mandelbaum]
[trans. David Raeburn]
Harcourt (1995)
Penguin Classics (2004)
One Hundred Poems From the Japanese c. 400-1955 Kenneth Rexroth [trans.] New Directions (1955)
Women Poets of Japan c. 400-1977 Kenneth Rexroth [trans.] New Directions (1982)
The Earliest English Poems c. 700-1000 Michael Alexander [trans.] Penguin Classics (1992)
The Anglo-Saxon World: An Anthology c. 700-1000 Kevin Crossley-Holland [trans.] Oxford World's Classics (1999)
The Selected Poems of Li Po c. 725-762 李白 [Li Bai]
[trans. David Hinton]
New Directions (1996)
One Hundred Poems From the Chinese c. 735-1279 Kenneth Rexroth [trans.] New Directions (1971)
Poems of the Late T'ang c. 735-907 A.C. Graham [trans.] New York Review Books (2008)
The Collected Songs of Cold Mountain c. 763-850 寒山 [Han Shan]
[trans. Red Pine]
Copper Canyon Press (2000)
The Clouds Float North: The Complete Poems of Yu Xuanji 868 魚玄機 [Yu Xuanji]
[trans. David Young & Jiann I. Lin]
Wesleyan University Press (1998)
The Departing Soul's Address to the Body c. 1100-1250 Sir Thomas Phillipps [trans.] Dodo Press (2008)
Japanese Death Poems: Written by Zen Monks and Haiku Poets on the Verge of Death c. 1185-1900 Yoel Hoffmann [trans.] Tuttle Publishing (1998)
Houjouki: Visions of a Torn World
1212 鴨長明 [Kamo no Choumei]
[trans. Moriguchi Yasuhiko & David Jenkins]
Stone Bridge Press (1996)
The Portable Dante c. 1294-1320 Dante Alighieri
[trans. Mark Musa]
Penguin Classics (2003) Contains:
Vita nuova
Divina Commedia [Divine Comedy]
Crow With No Mouth: Ikkyuu, Fifteenth Century Zen Master c. 1407-1481 一休宗純 [Ikkyuu Soujun]
[trans. Stephen Berg]
Copper Canyon (2000)
The Riverside Milton c. 1629-1674 John Milton Cengage Learning (1998) Contains all of his poetry as well as a large selection of prose.
The Day of Doom or a Poetical Description of the Great and Last Judgement 1662 Michael Wigglesworth
One Robe, One Bowl: The Zen Poetry of Ryoukan c. 1758-1831 良寛 [Ryoukan]
[trans. John Stevens]
Weatherhill (2006)
Hymnen an die Nacht
Hymns to the Night
1800 Novalis McPherson & Company (1988)
Les Fleurs du mal
The Flowers of Evil
1857 Charles Baudelaire
[trans. Richard Howard]
[trans. Jonathan D. Culler]
David R. Godine Publisher (1983) Oxford University Press (1998)
A Season in Hell and The Drunken Boat 1871-1873 Arthur Rimbaud
[trans. Louise Varèse]
New Directions (1961) Contains:
Une Saison en Enfer [A Season in Hell]
Le Bateau ivre [The Drunken Boat]
Cat Town 1913-1934 萩原朔太郎 [Hagiwara Sakutarou]
[trans. Satou Hiroaki]
NYRB Poets (2014)
The Poems of Nakahara Chuuya 1934-1937 中原中也 [Nakahara Chuuya]
[trans. Maki Sugiyama & Paul StJohn Mackintosh]
Gracewing Publishing (1993)
Ark 1980-1984 Ronald Johnson Living Batch Press (1996)
A Bibliography of the King's Book or, Eikon Basilike 1989 Susan Howe Paradigm Press (1989)
Cantos for the Crestfallen 2014 Pseudo-Leopardi
[trans. A. Necrezută, F. Pilastru, & I. Imaculată]
gnOme books (2014)
The Lost Couplets of Pir Iqbal the Impaled 2015 Pir Iqbal the Impaled
[trans. Adrian Xavier]
gnOme books (2015)
Annabella of Ely: Poems I-LXVII 2016 Annabella of Ely
[trans. Liesl Ketum]
gnOme books (2016)
Verses From the Underlands 2016 Subject A gnOme books (2016)

Προμηθεὺς Δεσμώτης
Prometheus Bound
c. 479-424 BC attributed to Αἰσχύλος [Aeschylus]
[trans. Joel Agee]
NYRB Classics (2015)
c. 459 BC Αἰσχύλος [Aeschylus]
[trans. Robert Fagles]
Penguin Classics (1984) Contains:
Ἀγαμέμνων [Agamemnon]
Χοηφόροι [The Libation Bearers]
Εὐμενίδες [The Eumenides]
The Complete Plays c. 442-401 BC Σοφοκλής [Sophocles]
[trans. Paul Roche]
Signet Classics (2001) Contains:
Αἴαντος [Ajax]
Ἀντιγόνη [Antigone]
Τραχίνιαι [Women of Trachis]
Οἰδίπους Τύραννος [Oedipus the King]
Ηλέκτρα [Electra]
Φιλοκτήτης [Philoctetes]
Οἰδίπους ἐπὶ Κολωνῷ [Oedipus at Colonus]
c. 441 BC Σοφοκλής [Sophocles]
[trans. David Franklin & John Harrison]
Cambridge University Press (2003)
Lysistrata and Other Plays c. 425-423 BC Αριστοφάνης [Aristophanes]
[trans. Alan Sommerstein]
Penguin Classics (2008) Contains:
Ἀχαρνῆς [The Acharnians]
Λυσιστράτη [Lysistrata]
Νεφέλαι [The Clouds]
The Bacchae and Other Plays c. 412-405 BC Eὐριπίδης [Euripides]
[trans. John Davie & Richard Rutherford]
Penguin Classics (2006) Contains:
Φοίνισσαι [The Phoenician Women]
Ὀρέστης [Orestes]
Βάκχαι [The Bacchae]
Ἰφιγένεια ἐν Αὐλίδι [Iphigenia in Aulis]
Ῥῆσος [Rhesus]
The Bacchae
405 BC Eὐριπίδης [Euripides]
[trans. Kenneth McLeish & Frederic Raphael]
Nick Hern Books (1999)
Japanese Nou Dramas c. 1300-1500 Royall Tyler [trans.] Penguin Classics (1993)
Titus Andronicus 1594 William Shakespeare Shakespeare Online
Romeo and Juliet 1597 William Shakespeare Simon & Schuster (2002)
Julius Caesar 1599 William Shakespeare Simon & Schuster (2004)
Hamlet 1601 William Shakespeare Simon & Schuster (2003)
Othello 1603 William Shakespeare Simon & Schuster (2003)
Timon of Athens 1605 William Shakespeare Shakespeare Online
King Lear 1605 William Shakespeare Shakespeare Online
Four Major Plays of Chikamatsu 1703-1721 近松門左衛門 [Chikamatsu Monzaemon]
[trans. Donald Keene]
Columbia University Press (1997) Contains:
曾根崎心中 [The Love Suicides at Sonezaki]
国姓爺合戦 [The Battles at Coxinga]
寿の門松 [The Uprooted Pine]
心中天網島 [The Love Suicides at Amajima]
The Glass Menagerie 1944 Tennessee Williams New Directions (1999)
Death of a Salesman 1949 Arthur Miller Penguin Books (1976)
The Crucible 1953 Arthur Miller Penguin Classics (2003)
A Raisin in the Sun 1959 Lorraine Hansberry Vintage (2004)

The Satyricon and The Apocolocyntosis 66 Gaius Petronius Arbiter
Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger
[trans. J.P. Sullivan]
Penguin Classics (1986)
Satyricon 66 Gaius Petronius Arbiter
[trans. Sarah Ruden]
Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (2000)
The Golden Ass
159 Lucius Apuleius Madaurensis
[trans. E.J. Kenney]
[trans. Sarah Ruden]
Penguin Classics (1999)
Yale University Press (2013)
The Gossamer Years: The Diary of a Noblewoman of Heian Japan
974 藤原道綱母 [Michitsuna no Haha]
[trans. Edward Seidensticker]
Tuttle Publishing (1989)
The Tale of Genji
1001 紫式部 [Murasaki Shikibu]
[trans. Royall Tyler]
Penguin Classics (2003)
The Pillow Book
1002 清少納言 [Sei Shounagon]
[trans. Meredith McKinney]
Penguin Classics (2007)
As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams
c. 1050 菅原孝標女 [Lady Sarashina]
[trans. Ivan Morris]
Penguin Classics (1975)
Die Leiden des jungen Werthers
The Sorrows of Young Werther
1774 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
[trans. Burton Pike]
Modern Library (2005)
Tales of Moonlight and Rain
1776 上田秋成 [Ueda Akinari]
[trans. Anthony H. Chambers]
Columbia University Press (2006)
Les 120 Journées de Sodome, ou l'École du libertinage
The 120 Days of Sodom, or The School of Libertinage
1785 Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade
[trans. James Havoc]
Sun Vision Press (2012)
La Religieuse
The Nun
1796 Denis Diderot
[trans. Leonard Tancock]
Penguin Classics (2005)
Notes from Underground & The Double 1846-1864 Фёдор Достоевский [Fyodor Dostoevsky]
[trans. Jessie Coulson]
Penguin Classics (1972) Contains:
Записки из подполья [Notes From Underground]
Двойник [The Double]
Преступление и наказание
Crime and Punishment
1866 Фёдор Достоевский [Fyodor Dostoevsky]
[trans. David McDuff]
Penguin Classics (2002)
Maldoror and the Complete Works 1869 Comte de Lautréamont
[trans. Alexis Lykiard]
Exact Change (2004) Contains:
Les Chants de Maldoror
*Various shorter writings
Братья Карамазовы
The Brothers Karamazov
1880 Фёдор Достоевский [Fyodor Dostoevsky]
[trans. Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky]
Farrar, Straus and Giroux (2002)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 1884 Mark Twain Penguin Classics (2002)
The Picture of Dorian Gray 1890 Oscar Wilde Barnes & Noble Classics (2003)
1890 Knut Hamsun
[trans. George Egerton]
Barnes & Noble Publishing (1921)
The Damned
1891 Joris-Karl Huysmans
[trans. Terry Hale]
Penguin Classics (2002)
Japanese Gothic Tales c. 1893-1916 泉鏡花 [Izumi Kyouka]
[trans. Charles Shirou Inoue]
University of Hawaii Press (1996)
Dracula 1897 Bram Stoker Signet Classics (1986)
Heart of Darkness 1899 Joseph Conrad Penguin Classics (2007)

The Wild Geese
1911 森鷗外 [Mori Oogai]
[trans. Sanford Goldstein & Kingo Ochiai]
Tuttle Publishing (1989)
Japanese Tales of Mystery and Imagination 1923-1956 江戸川乱歩 [Edogawa Ranpou]
[trans. James B. Harris]
Tuttle Publishing (1989)
1924 谷崎潤一郎 [Tanizaki Jun'ichirou]
[trans. Anthony H. Chambers]
Vintage (2001)
The Great Gatsby 1925 F. Scott Fitzgerald Scribner (1995)
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories 1926 H.P. Lovecraft Penguin Classics (1999)
1927 芥川龍之介 [Akutagawa Ryuunosuke]
[trans. Geoffrey Bownas]
Peter Owen Limited (2009)
Le Con d'Irène
Irène's Cunt
1928 Louis Aragon
[trans. Alexis Lykiard]
Creation Books (1996)
Histoire de l'œil
Story of the Eye
1928 Georges Bataille
[trans. Joachim Neugroschel]
City Lights Publishers (2001)
The Maltese Falcon 1930 Dashiell Hammett Orion (2005)
Studs Lonigan 1932-1935 James T. Farrell Penguin Classics (2001) Contains:
Young Lonigan
The Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan
Judgment Day
Miss Lonelyhearts 1933 Nathanael West
Le Bleu du ciel
Blue of Noon
1935 Georges Bataille Marion Boyars (2005)
The Wings
1935 이상 [Yi Sang]
[trans. Ahn Jung-hya & James B. Lee]
Jimoondang Publishing Company (2001)
بوف کور
The Blind Owl
1937 صادق هدایت [Sadegh Hedayat]
[trans. D.P. Costello]
Grove/Evergreen (1957)
Their Eyes Were Watching God 1937 Zora Neale Hurston Amistad (2006)
Labyrinths 1939-1956 Jorge Luis Borges
[trans. Donald A. Yates & James E. Irby]
New Directions (2007)
Finnegans Wake 1939 James Joyce Penguin Classics (1999)
Ten Little Niggers
And Then There Were None
1939 Agatha Christie St. Martin's Griffin (2004)
1939 太宰治 [Dazai Osamu]
[trans. Allison Markin Powell]
One Peace Books (2011)
La invención de Morel
The Invention of Morel
1940 Adolfo Bioy Casares
[trans. Ruth L.C. Simms]
New York Review Books (2003)
A Bell for Adano 1944 John Hersey Vintage (1988)
Animal Farm 1945 George Orwell Signet Classics (1996)
L’Écume des jours
Foam on the Daze
1947 Boris Vian
[trans. Brian Harper]
Tam Tam Books (2003)
The Pearl 1947 John Steinbeck Penguin Books (2000)
Se questo è un uomo
If This Is a Man
Survival in Auschwitz
1947 Primo Levi Simon & Schuster (1996)
The Setting Sun
1947 太宰治 [Dazai Osamu]
[trans. Donald Keene]
New Directions (1968)
No Longer Human
1948 太宰治 [Dazai Osamu]
[trans. Donald Keene]
New Directions (2001)
Snow Country
1948 川端康成 [Kawabata Yasunari]
[trans. Edward G. Seidensticker]
Vintage (1996)
1984 1949 George Orwell Signet Classics (1961)
The Catcher in the Rye 1951 J.D. Salinger Back Bay Books (2001)
The Old Man and the Sea 1952 Ernest Hemingway Scribner (1995)
Junky 1953 William S. Burroughs Penguin (2003)
Lolita 1955 Vladimir Nabokov Vintage (1989)
Un di Velt Hot Geshvign
1956 Elie Wiesel
[trans. Marion Wiesel]
Hill & Wang (2006)
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
1956 三島由紀夫 [Mishima Yukio]
[trans. Ivan Morris]
Tuttle Publishing (2008)

The Key
1956 谷崎潤一郎 [Tanizaki Jun'ichirou]
[trans. Howard Hibbett]
Vintage (1991)
The Birds
1957 Tarjei Vesaas
[trans. Michael Barnes]
Peter Owen Publishers (2002)
Jealousy & In the Labyrinth 1957-1959 Alain Robbe-Grillet
[trans. Richard Howard]
Grove Press (1994) Contains:
La Jalousie [Jealousy]
Dans le labyrinthe [In the Labyrinth]
Naked Lunch 1959 William S. Burroughs Grove Press (2004)
A Separate Peace 1959 John Knowles Scribner (2003)
To Kill a Mockingbird 1960 Harper Lee Warner Books (1982)
The Crimson Thread of Abandon: Stories 1960-1983 寺山修司 [Terayama Shuuji]
[trans. Elizabeth L. Armstrong]
University of Hawaii Press (2013)
A Clockwork Orange 1962 Anthony Burgess W.W. Norton & Company (1986)
The Woman in the Dunes
1962 安部公房 [Abe Koubou]
[trans. E. Dale Saunders]
Vintage (1991)
Pale Fire 1962 Vladimir Nabokov Vintage (1989)
The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea
1963 三島由紀夫 [Mishima Yukio]
[trans. John Nathan]
Vintage (1994)
Marcovaldo, ovvero le stagioni in città
Marcovaldo, or The Seasons in the City
1963 Italo Calvino
[trans. William Weaver]
Mariner Books (1983)
Evening Clouds
1964 庄野潤三 [Shouno Junzou]
[trans. Wayne P. Lammers]
Stone Bridge Press (2000)
The Face of Another
1964 安部公房 [Abe Koubou]
[trans. E. Dale Saunders]
Vintage (2003)
I Heard the Owl Call My Name 1967 Margaret Craven Laurel (1993)
The Outsiders 1967 S.E. Hinton Speak (2008)
The Ruined Map
1967 安部公房 [Abe Koubou]
[trans. E. Dale Saunders]
Vintage (2001)
Раковый корпус
Cancer Ward
1967 Александр Солженицын [Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn]
[trans. Nicholas Bethell & David F. Burg]
Farrar, Straus and Giroux (1991)
Sun and Steel
1968 三島由紀夫 [Mishima Yukio]
[trans. John Bester]
Kodansha International (2003)
La Disparition
A Void
1969 Georges Perec
[trans. Gilbert Adair]
Verba Mundi (2005)
A Maze of Death 1970 Philip K. Dick Mariner Books (2013)
Le città invisibili
Invisible Cities
1972 Italo Calvino
[trans. William Weaver]
Harcourt (1974)
The Summer Book
1972 Tove Jansson
[trans. Thomas Teal]
New York Review Books (2008)
Пикник на обочине
Roadside Picnic
1972 Аркадий Стругацкий & Борис Стругацкий [Arkady Strugatsky & Boris Strugatsky]
[trans. Olena Bormashenko]
Chicago Review Press (2012)
The Box Man
1973 安部公房 [Abe Koubou]
[trans. E. Dale Saunders]
Vintage (2001)
Gravity's Rainbow 1973 Thomas Pynchon Penguin Books (2006)
La Belle Captive 1975 Alain Robbe-Grillet University of California Press (1996)
Almost Transparent Blue
1976 村上龍 [Murakami Ryuu]
[trans. Nancy Andrew]
Kodansha USA (2003)
Secret Rendezvous
1977 安部公房 [Abe Koubou]
[trans. Juliet Winters Carpenter]
Vintage (2002)
Souvenirs du triangle d'or
Recollections of the Golden Triangle
1978 Alain Robbe-Grillet
[trans. J.A. Underwood]
Grove Press (1994)
The Turner Diaries 1978 William Luther Pierce National Vanguard Books (1978) To the glowies reading: What can I say, I was curious what was "too hot for Goodreads". I hate having to even make disclaimers like this but it should go without saying that I don't agree with anything in this book. A lot of it makes for some great unintentional comedy though.
Little Birds 1979 Anaïs Nin Grove Press (1994) First published in 1979 but apparently written in the early 1940s
Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore
If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
1979 Italo Calvino
[trans. William Weaver]
L&OD Key Porter (1982)
A Confederacy of Dunces 1980 John Kennedy Toole Grove Weidenfeld (1994)
Dictee 1982 Theresa Hak Kyung Cha University of California Press (2001)
The Ark Sakura
1984 安部公房 [Abe Koubou]
[trans. Juliet Winters Carpenter]
Vintage (2009)
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit 1985 Jeanette Winterson Grove Press (1997)
Beloved 1987 Toni Morrison Vintage (2004)
Hatchet 1987 Gary Paulsen Simon & Schuster (2006) Book I read as a child.
The Bean Trees 1988 Barbara Kingsolver HarperTorch (1998)
Il pendolo di Foucault
Foucault's Pendulum
1988 Umberto Eco
[trans. William Weaver]
Mariner Books (2007)
Hunter 1989 William Luther Pierce National Vanguard Books (1989) Again, with The Turner Diaries, I just read it out of curiosity ok?
Kangaroo Notebook
1991 安部公房 [Abe Koubou]
[trans. Maryellen Toman Mori]
Vintage (1997) Originally written c. 1973-1977 but not published until 1991.
American Psycho 1991 Bret Easton Ellis Random House (1991)
Ghost of Chance 1991 William S. Burroughs Serpent's Tail (2002)
Fur 1992 Liliane Giraudon
[trans. Guy Bennett]
Sun and Moon Press (1995)
1992 Urs Allemann
[trans. Peter Smith]
Les Figues Press (2010)
Extension du domaine de la lutte
1994 Michel Houellebecq
[trans. Paul Hammond]
Serpent's Tail (1998)
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
1994 村上春樹 [Murakami Haruki]
[trans. Jay Rubin]
Vintage (2002)
Satanskin 1995 James Havoc The Tears Corporation (1995)
Infinite Jest 1996 David Foster Wallace Back Bay Books (2006)
나는 나를 파괴할 권리가 있다
I Have the Right to Destroy Myself
1996 김영하 [Kim Young-ha]
[trans. Chi-young Kim]
Harcourt (2007)
A Crackup at the Race Riots 1998 Harmony Korine Doubleday (1998)
Holes 1998 Louis Sachar Scholastic (1998) Book my dad read to me as a child.
Les Particules élémentaires
The Elementary Particles
1998 Michel Houellebecq
[trans. Frank Wynne]
Vintage (2001)
House of Leaves 2000 Mark Z. Danielewski Random House (2000)
Hoot 2002 Carl Hiaasen Knopf Books for Young Readers (2002) Book I read as a child.
Ice Trilogy 2002-2005 Владимир Сорокин [Vladimir Sorokin]
[trans. Jamey Gambrell]
New York Review Books (2006) Contains:
Лёд [Ice]
Путь Бро [Bro]
23'000 [23,000]
After Dark
2004 村上春樹 [Murakami Haruki]
[trans. Jay Rubin]
Vintage (2008)
Memoria de mis putas tristes
Memories of My Melancholy Whores
2004 Gabriel García Márquez
[trans. Edith Grossman]
Vintage Español (2004)
Never Let Me Go 2005 Kazuo Ishiguro Vintage (2010)
Dreams of Amputation 2013 Gary J. Shipley Copeland Valley Press (2013)

Breath of Heaven, Breath of Earth: Ancient Near Eastern Art from American Collections c. 3500-539 BC Trudy Kawami & John Olbrantz Hallie Ford Museum of Art, Willamette University (2013)
Voynich Manuscript c. 1404-1438
Dream Spectres: Extreme Ukiyo-e, Sex, Blood, Demons, Monsters, Ghosts, Tattoos 1603-1867 Jack Hunter Shinbaku Books (2010)
Cabinet of Natural Curiosities: The Complete Plates in Colour, 1734-1763 1734-1763 Albert Seba TASCHEN (2005)
Staring Back 1952-2006 Chris Marker The MIT PRess (2007)
Amphigorey 1959-1972 Edward Gorey G.P. Putnam's Sons (1980)
寺山修司の仮面画報 1960-1983 寺山修司 [Terayama Shuuji] 平凡社 (1991) Japanese collection of Terayama Shuuji's photography. Untranslated.
Amphigorey Too 1962-1975 Edward Gorey TarcherPerigee (1980)
Amphigorey Also 1967-1983 Edward Gorey Harper Paperbacks (1993)
Cover to Cover 1975 Michael Snow The Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design Halifax (1975)
Amphigorey Again 1982-1999 Edward Gorey Harper (2006)
The World of Edward Gorey 1996 Clifford Ross & Karen Wilkin Harry N. Abrams (2002)
City of the Broken Dolls 1997 Romain Slocombe Creation Books (2015)
In the Shadow of No Towers 2004 Art Spiegelman Viking (2004)

The Rig Veda
c. 1500-1000 BC Wendy Doniger [trans.] Penguin Classics (2005) Abridged
The Upanishads
c. 800-300 BC Juan Mascaró [trans.] Penguin Classics (1965) Abridged
The Bible c. 745 BC-95 New International Version
King James Version
Zondervan Publishing (1985)
Oxford World's Classics (1998)
Read every book in the NIV translation + all 1611 edition apocryphal books and a number of canonical ones in the KJV
Buddhist Scriptures c. 400 BC-1900 Donald S. Lopez Jr. [trans.] Penguin Classics (2004)
Tao Te Ching
c. 400 BC 老子 [Laozi]
[trans. D.C. Lau]
Penguin Classics (2002)
The Dhammapada
c. 400 BC Juan Mascaró [trans.] Penguin Classics (2004)
The Mahābhārata
c. 400 BC-400 John D. Smith [trans.] Penguin Classics (2009) Abridged
The Bhagavad Gita
c. 400 BC-400 Juan Mascaró [trans.] Penguin Classics (1975)
c. 150-250 नागार्जुन [Nāgārjuna]
[trans. Jay L. Garfield]
Oxford World's Classics (1996)
c. 397-400 Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis
[trans. R.S. Pine-Coffin]
Penguin Classics (1979)
The Bodhicaryāvatāra
c. 700 Śāntideva
[trans. Kate Crosby & Andrew Stilton]
Oxford World's Classics (2008)
Hounen the Buddhist Saint: Essential Writings and Official Biography c. 1153-1212 法然 [Hounen]
[trans. Joseph A. Fitzgerald]
World Wisdom (2006)
Essays in Idleness: The Tsuredzuregusa of Kenkou
1330-1332 吉田兼好 [Yoshida Kenkou]
[trans. Donald Keene]
Columbia University Press (1998)
A Reformation Debate: John Calvin & Jacopo Sadoleto 1539 John Calvin
Jacopo Sadoleto
[trans. John C. Olin]
Fordham University Press (2000)
Popol Vuh 1550 Dennis Tedlock [trans.] Touchstone (1986)
De Doctrina Christiana
On Christian Doctrine
c. 1674 (?) attributed to John Milton
[trans. Charles R. Sumner]
This was found in 1823 among other papers by John Milton. While we have no infallible proof that it is his manuscript, general consensus is that it is. I'm agnostic on the subject but lean heavily towards it being authentic.
Царство Божие внутри вас
The Kingdom of God Is Within You
1893 Лев Толстой [Leo Tolstoy]
[trans. Constance Garnett]
The Secret Teachings of All Ages 1928 Manly P. Hall TarcherPerigee (2003)
Conversations with Ogotemmêli: An Introduction to Dogon Religious Ideas 1948 Marcel Griaule International African Institute (1975)
Shintou: The Kami Way 1962 Sokyo Ono Tuttle Publishing (2011)
Shingon: Japanese Esoteric Buddhism 1988 山崎泰廣 [Yamasaki Taikou] Shingon Buddhist International Institute (1996)
Mindfulness in Plain English 1988 Henepola Gunaratana
[trans. Lauri Porceddu]
Wisdom Publications (1996)
The Zoroastrian Faith: Tradition and Modern Research 1993 S.A. Nigosian McGill-Queen's University Press (1993)
The Essentials of Hinduism: A Comprehensive Overview of the World's Oldest Religion 1995 Swami Bhaskarananda Viveka Press (2002)
Buddhism: Plain and Simple 1997 Steve Hagen Broadway Books (1998)
The Foundations of Buddhism 1998 Rupert Gethin Oxford University Press (1998)
Buddha 2001 Karen Armstrong Penguin Books (2004)
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible 2004 John J. Collins Fortress Press (2004)
The Essence of Shintou: Japan's Spiritual Heart 2006 山蔭基央 [Yamakage Motohisa]
[trans. Mineko S. Gillespie & Gerald L. Gillespie]
Kodansha USA (2007)
The Bible: A Biography 2007 Karen Armstrong Atlantic Monthly Press (2007)
Jainism: An Introduction 2009 Jeffery D. Long I.B.Tauris (2009)
Living Buddhas: The Self-Mummified Monks of Yamagata, Japan 2010 Ken Jeremiah McFarland (2010)
The Yezidis: The History of a Community, Culture and Religion 2010 Birgül Açıkyıldız I.B.Tauris (2010)
Tibetan Buddhism: A Very Short Introduction 2013 Matthew T. Kapstein Oxford University Press (2013)
The Immortality Key: Uncovering the Secret History of the Religion with No Name 2020 Brian C. Muraresku St. Martin's Press (2020)

A Sourcebook in Indian Philosophy c. 1500 BC-1950 Sarvepalli Radhakrishan [trans.] Princeton University Press (1967)
Philosophy Before Socrates: An Introduction with Texts and Commentary c. 600-420 BC Richard D. McKirahan [trans.] Hackett Publishing Co. (2011)
Early Greek Philosophy c. 600-420 BC Jonathan Barnes [trans.] Penguin Classics (2002)
The First Philosophers: The Presocratics and Sophists c. 600-420 BC Robin Waterfield [trans.] Oxford World's Classics (2000)
Fragments c. 500 BC Ἡράκλειτος [Heraclitus]
[trans. Brooks Haxton]
Penguin Classics (2003)
The Analects
c. 476-221 BC 孔子 [Confucius]
[trans. Annping Chin]
[trans. Robert Eno]
Penguin Classics (2014)
IUScholarWorks Online Teaching Translation (2016)
Ta Hsüeh and Chung Yung: The Highest Order of Cultivation and On the Practice of the Mean c. 476-221 BC Andrew Plaks [trans.]
Robert Eno [trans.]
Penguin Classics (2004)
IUScholarWorks Online Teaching Translation (2016)
大學 [Great Learning]
中庸 [Doctrine of the Mean]
Early Socratic Dialogues c. 399-361 BC Πλάτων [Plato]
[trans. Trevor J. Saunders]
Penguin Classics (2005) Contains:
Ἴων [Ion]
Λάχης [Laches]
Λύσις [Lysis]
Χαρμίδης [Charmides]
Ἱππίας μείζων [Hippias Major]
Ἱππίας ἐλάττων [Hippias Minor]
Εὐθύδημος [Euthydemus]
Five Dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo c. 399-361 BC Πλάτων [Plato]
[trans. G.M.A. Grube]
Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (2002) Contains:
Εὐθύφρων [Euthyphro]
Ἀπολογία Σωκράτους [Apology]
Κρίτων [Crito]
Μένων [Meno]
Φαίδων [Phaedo]
Protagoras and Meno c. 399-361 BC Πλάτων [Plato]
[trans. Adam Beresford]
Penguin Classics (2005) Contains:
Πρωταγόρας [Protagoras]
Μένων [Meno]
c. 399-361 BC Πλάτων [Plato]
[trans. Walter Hamilton]
Penguin Classics (2004)
c. 399-361 BC Πλάτων [Plato]
[trans. C.D.C. Reeve]
c. 300 BC 孟子 [Mencius]
[trans. D.C. Lau]
[trans. Robert Eno]
Penguin Classics (2004)
IUScholarWorks Online Teaching Edition (2016)
De rerum natura
On the Nature of Things
c. 56 BC Titus Lucretius Carus
[trans. Walter Englert]
Focus Philosophical Library (2002)
The Praise of Folly and Other Writings 1511 Desiderius Erasmus
[trans. Robert M. Adams]
W. W. Norton & Company (1989)
Die Vernunft in der Geschichte
Reason in History
1822 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
[trans. Robert S. Hartman]
Pearson (1995)
Essays and Aphorisms 1851 Arthur Schopenhauer
[trans. R.J. Hollingdale]
Penguin Classics (1973) Abridged version of Parerga und Paralipomena.
Might Is Right, or The Survival of the Fittest 1890 Ragnar Redbeard 14 Word Press (1999)
Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
1921 Ludwig Wittgenstein
[trans. Charles K. Ogden]
[trans. David Pears & Brian McGuinness]
Routledge Classics (2001)
Sein und Zeit
Being and Time
1927 Martin Heidegger
[trans. John Macquarrie & Edward Robinson]
Harper Perennial Modern Classics (2008)
Basic Writings: Ten Key Essays, Plus the Introduction to Being and Time 1927-1964 Martin Heidegger
[ed. David Farrell Krell]
HarperCollins (1993)
Einführung in die Metaphysik
Introduction to Metaphysics
1935 Martin Heidegger
[trans. Gregory Fried & Richard Polt]
Yale University Press (1999)
Poetry, Language, Thought 1935-1951 Martin Heidegger
[trans. Albert Hofstadter]
Harper Perennial Modern Classics (2013)
Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis)
Contributions to Philosophy (From Enowning)
1936-1938 Martin Heidegger
[trans. Parvis Emad & Kenneth Maly]
Indiana University Press (1999)
The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays 1940-1954 Martin Heidegger
[trans. William Lovitt]
Harper Perennial Modern Classics (2008)
Philosophische Untersuchungen
Philosophical Investigations
1953 Ludwig Wittgenstein
[trans. P.M.S. Hacker]
Wiley-Blackwell (2009)
Folie et déraison: Histoire de la folie à l'âge classique
Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason
1961 Michel Foucault
[trans. Richard Howard]
Vintage (1988)
Zeit und Sein
On Time and Being
1962 Martin Heidegger
[trans. Joan Stambaugh]
University of Chicago Press (2002)
A Dialogue on Personal Identity and Immortality 1978 John R. Perry Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (1978)
Wittgenstein: A Very Short Introduction 1988 A.C. Grayling Oxford University Press (2001)
A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time 1989 Michael Gelven Northern Illinois University Press (1989)
The Routledge Guidebook to Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations 1997 Marie McGinn Routledge (2013)
The Story of Analytic Philosophy: Plot and Heroes 1998 Anat Biletzki Routledge (1998)
A Course in Indian Philosophy 1998 Anthony Kennedy Warder Motilal Banarsidass (2009)
Twentieth-Century Analytic Philosophy 2000 Avrum Stroll Columbia University Press (2001)
Indian Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction 2001 Sue Hamilton Oxford University Press (2001)
Natural Goodness 2001 Philippa Foot Clarendon Press (2001)
Presocratic Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction 2003 Catherine Osborne Oxford University Press (2001)
Heidegger's Contributions to Philosophy: An Introduction 2003 Daniela Vallega-Neu Indiana University Press (2003)
Le Destin des images
The Future of the Image
2003 Jacques Rancière
[trans. Gregory Elliott]
Verso (2009)
How to Read Wittgenstein 2005 Ray Monk W.W. Norton (2005)
Nāgārjuna's Mādhyamaka: A Philosophical Introduction 2009 Jan Westerhoff Oxford University Press (2009)
Wittgenstein 2011 William Child Routledge (2011)
Free Will 2012 Sam Harris Free Press (2012)
The Oxford Handbook of the History of Analytic Philosophy 2013 Michael Beaney [ed.] Oxford University Press (2013)
Confucianism: A Very Short Introduction 2014 Daniel K. Gardner Oxford University Press (2014)
Cosmic Pessimism 2015 Eugene Thacker Univocal Publishing (2015)

Περὶ ποιητικῆς
c. 336 BC Ἀριστοτέλης [Aristotle]
[trans. Anthony Kenny]
Oxford University Press (2013)
The Book of Tea 1906 岡倉覚三 [Okakura Kakuzou] Empire Books (2011)
A Room of One's Own 1929 Virginia Woolf Penguin Books (2000)
In Praise of Shadows
1933 谷崎潤一郎 [Tanizaki Jun'ichirou]
[trans. Edward G. Seidensticker & Thomas J. Harper]
Leete's Island Books (1977)
L'Iliade ou le poème de la force
The Iliad or The Poem of Force
1940 Simone Weil
[trans. James P. Holoka]
UNKNO (1985)
The Art and Architecture of the Ancient Orient 1954 Henri Frankfort Yale University Press (1996)
Essential Brakhage: Selected Writings on Filmmaking 1963-2001 Stan Brakhage McPherson (2001)
Film as a Subversive Art 1974 Amos Vogel Distributed Art Publishers (2005)
Notes sur le cinématographe
Notes on the Cinematographer
1975 Robert Bresson
[trans. Jonathan Griffin]
Green Integer (1997)
The Art of Describing: Dutch Art in the Seventeenth Century 1983 Svetlana Alpers University of Chicago Press (1984)
The Art of Mesoamerica: From Olmec to Aztec 1986 Mary Ellen Miller Thames & Hudson World of Art (2001)
The Pleasures of Japanese Literature 1988 Donald Keene Columbia University Press (1993)
Eros Plus Massacre: An Introduction to the Japanese New Wave Cinema 1988 David Desser Indiana University Press (1988)
History of Japanese Art 1993 Penelope Mason Pearson Prentice Hall (2005)
The Tale of Genji: A Reader's Guide 1993 William J. Puette Tuttle Publishing (2004)
The Graven Image: Representation in Babylonia and Assyria 2003 Zainab Bahrani University of Pennsylvania Press (2003)
Unspeakable Acts: The Avant-Garde Theatre of Terayama Shuuji and Postwar Japan 2005 Carol Fisher Sorgenfrei University of Hawaii Press (2005) Contains full translations of a few plays.
A History of Roman Art 2006 Fred S. Kleiner Thomson Wadsworth (2006)
Pictures of Nothing: Abstract Art Since Pollock 2006 Kirk Varnedoe Princeton University Press (2006)
The Art of Buddhism: An Introduction to Its History and Meaning 2008 Denise Patry Leidy Shambhala (2009)
Greek Art and Archaeology: A New History, c. 2500-c. 150 BCE 2011 Richard T. Neer Thames & Hudson (2011)
Japanese Counterculture: The Antiestablishment Art of Terayama Shuuji 2011 Steven C. Ridgely University of Minnesota Press (2011)
Baroque & Rococo 2012 Gauvin Alexander Bailey Phaidon Press (2012)
Cinema of Actuality: Japanese Avant-Garde Filmmaking in the Season of Image Politics 2013 Yuriko Furuhata Duke University Press Books (2013)
Great Qing: Painting in China, 1644-1911 2014 Claudia Brown University of Washington Press (2014)

Das Unbenhagen in der Kultur
Civilization and Its Discontents
1930 Sigmund Freud W. W. Norton Company (1989)
嫌われる勇気 自己啓発の源流「アドラー」の教え
The Courage to Be Disliked: How to Free Yourself, Change Your Life, and Achieve Real Happiness
2013 岸見一郎 [Kishimi Ichirou] & 古賀史健 [Koga Fumitake] Allen & Unwin (2019)

The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA 1968 James D. Watson Touchstone Books (2011)
Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues From Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming 2010 Naomi Oreskes & Erik M. Conway Bloomsbury Press (2010)
A Planet of Viruses 2011 Carl Zimmer University of Chicago Press (2011)
The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History 2014 Elizabeth Kolbert Henry Holt and Co. (2014)
The End of Ice: Bearing Witness and Finding Meaning in the Path of Climate Disruption 2019 Dahr Jamail The New Press (2019)
The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming 2019 David Wallace-Wells Tim Duggan Books (2019)
Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future 2021 Elizabeth Kolbert Crown (2021)
The Physics of Climate Change 2021 Lawrence M. Krauss Post Hill Press (2021)

The Irony of American History 1952 Reinhold Niebuhr Scribner (1985)
The Responsibility of Intellectuals 1967 Noam Chomsky The New Press (2017) Also includes "The Responsibility of Intellectuals Redux" from 2011.
Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda 1995 Noam Chomsky Seven Stories Press (2002)
Ecofascism: Lessons From the German Experience 1995 Janet Biehl & Peter Staudenmaier AK Press (1995)
Don't Think of an Elephant!: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate 2004 George Lakoff Chelsea Green Publishing (2014) 2014 edition has a lot of re-written sections.
Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative? 2009 Mark Fisher Zero Books (2009)
Dead Man Working 2012 Carl Cederström & Peter Fleming Zero Books (2012)
This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate 2014 Naomi Klein Simon & Schuster (2014)
Learning to Die in the Anthropocene: Reflections on the End of a Civilization 2015 Roy Scranton City Lights Publishers (2015)
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons From the Twentieth Century 2017 Timothy Snyder Tim Duggan Books (2017)
The Battle for Paradise: Puerto Rico Takes on the Disaster Capitalists 2018 Naomi Klein Haymarket Books (2018)
Internationalism or Extinction 2019 Noam Chomsky Routledge (2020)
What If We Stopped Pretending? 2019 Jonathan Franzen Harper Collins Publishers (2021)
The Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal: The Political Economy of Saving the Planet 2020 Noam Chomsky & Robert Pollin Verso (2020)
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need 2021 Bill Gates Knopf Publishing Group (2021)
The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet 2021 Michael E. Mann PublicAffairs (2021)

La civilisation chinoise: La vie publique et la vie privée
Chinese Civilization
1929 Marcel Granet Arms Pr Inc (1974)
We Are the Middle of Forever: Indigenous Voices From Turtle Island on the Changing Earth 2022 Dahr Jamail & Stan Rushworth The New Press (2022)

The Histories
c. 430 BC Ἡρόδοτος [Herodotus]
[trans. Aubrey de Sélincourt]
Penguin Classics (2003)
The Classic of Mountains and Seas
c. 30 Anne Birrell [trans.] Penguin Classics (2000)
712 太安万侶 [Oo no Yasumaro]
[trans. Basil Hall Chamberlain]
Tuttle Publishing (2005)
The Diary of Lady Murasaki
1010 紫式部 [Murasaki Shikibu]
[trans. Richard Bowring]
Penguin Classics (2005)
Hiroshima 1946 John Hersey Vintage (1989)
The World of the Shining Prince: Court Life in Ancient Japan 1964 Ivan Morris Kodansha USA (1994)
Adolf Hitler – mein Jugendfreund
The Young Hitler I Knew
1973 August Kubizek
[trans. Geoffrey Brooks]
Greenhill Books (2006)
The Treasures of Darkness: A History of Mesopotamian Religion 1976 Thorkild Jacobsen Yale University Press (1978)
Il formaggio e i vermi. Il cosmo di un mugnaio del '500
The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller
1976 Carlo Ginzburg
[trans. John Tedeschi & Anne C. Tedeschi]
Johns Hopkins University Press (1992)
Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius 1990 Ray Monk Penguin Books (1991)
Premodern Japan: A Historical Survey 1990 Mikiso Hane Routledge (2014)
Voices From the Whirlwind: An Oral History of the Chinese Cultural Revolution 1991 冯骥才 [Feng Jicai]
[trans. Cathy Silber, Deborah Cao, Lawrence Tedesco, & Denny Chiu]
Pantheon (1991)
Peasant Fires: The Drummer of Niklashausen 1992 Richard M. Wunderli Indiana University Press (1992)
Remembering Satan: A Tragic Case of Recovered Memory 1994 Lawrence Wright Vintage (1995)
From the Ashes of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race 1996 Andrew Collins Bear & Company (2001) Ancient Aliens-tier nonsense that really shouldn't count as history, but I don't know where else to put it. Plz skip.
Hitler 1998 Ian Kershaw W.W. Norton & Company (1998) Contains:
Hitler: 1889-1936 Hubris
Hitler: 1936-1945 Nemesis
King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa 1998 Adam Hochschild Mariner Books (1999)
Uruk, la prima città
Uruk: The First City
1998 Mario Liverani
[trans. Zainab Bahrani & Marc Van de Mieroop]
Equinox Publishing (2006)
Mao: A Life 1999 Philip Short Holt Paperbacks (2001)
Hate: George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party 1999 William H. Schmaltz Brassey's Inc (2000)
The Imaginative World of the Reformation 2001 Peter Matheson Fortress Press (2001)
An Archaeological History of Japan, 30,000 B.C. to A.D. 700 2002 溝口孝司 [Mizoguchi Kouji] University of Pennsylvania Press (2002)
Ancient Egypt: A Very Short Introduction 2004 Ian Shaw Oxford University Press (2004)
Ancient Joumon of Japan 2004 Junko Habu Cambridge University Press (2004)
Vermeer's Hat: The Seventeenth Century and the Dawn of the Global World 2007 Timothy Brook Bloomsbury Press (2007)
Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic Eyes 2009 Tamim Ansary PublicAffairs (2009)
The Ancient Near East: A Very Short Introduction 2013 Amanda H. Podany Oxford University Press (2013)
Wisdom Keeper: One Man's Journey to Honor the Untold History of the Unangan People 2016 Ilarion Merculieff North Atlantic Books (2016)
The Storm Is Upon Us: How QAnon Became a Movement, Cult, and Conspiracy Theory of Everything 2021 Mike Rothschild Melville House (2021) A book about retards written by a retard who somehow thinks GamerGate is still relevant or worth talking about in 2021.

Back to the writings section.