In this dream, I was trying to remember and recount a story of sorts, like a creepypasta or 4chan greentext. The first part of the dream
was sort of unconnected, but there was a transition of sorts to the next one in it. In this first part of the dream, there was a rather
ominous video I was watching. It was a home movie from the early 2000s shot by a kind of chubby Asian-American guy on an airplane in
flight. He was making a kind of early vlog. This home movie was infamous because of what happened. There was a terrorist on this plane
(no connection to 9/11), ready to drive the plane downward and kill everyone. As the cameraman is recording and talking, moving through
one of the division areas between first class and coach, an alarm goes off and the plane starts nosediving. There's a video like this of
a crashing plane from the inside that I was probably influenced by if you haven't heard of it, but it's an older video and is due to the
pilot's error, not terrorism. It's the first one in this video. Where the
plane crashes takes us to the story I was trying to remember.
It crashes in a big, open, green field near a town in the eastern part of France near the Swiss border in a snowy, mountainous region.
Apparently the town/region was called something like "Les Lycéennes" (this means "female high school students" in French according to a
quick search so not sure where my mind drew this word from or why a town/region would be named this). The next part of the dream is
where trying to remember the creepy story comes in: In this story, a scientific researcher is directed to this large, open, scenic green
field, although far after the plane incident has been wrapped up. In the back of it is one very large oak tree. He sees a note on it
with an address written down for somewhere nearby, containing a "7" among its numbers. However, on the backside of the tree there is
another note which says "press the '7' on the note." The researcher presses in the "7" and a secret door on the front of the tree opens
and reveals a spiral staircase going down several floors. He walks down and sees that everything around him is carved out of a giant
piece of wood apparently, even though this is a massive compound of sorts. Apparently it is supposed to be a laboratory, but it looks
more like a religious institution. It looks like some mix of the Ajanta Caves with the
Nalanda mahavihara (monastery), but carved out of wood instead of
The first two levels that he passes on the stairs have large cages carved out of wood that seem to extend back for a while, but they all
seem empty. It's not certain how everything is lit down here, but he has to assume it is by candlelight, even though it seems very bright
for that. Finally he arrives at the bottom floor. There are statues of worshippers everywhere around him, looking like kneeling Buddhist
monks. They are carved out of the very floor itself rather than being simply plopped down on it, and they seem to be arranged without
rhyme or reason, aimed in all directions, but they are absolutely everywhere, to the degree that it's something of a maze to walk
between them to try to move onward into the complex. The statues are in various states of being carved. Some are remarkably realistic
and detailed while others are almost completely abstract, with barely any features besides a rough form of the worshipper. However, he
understands that this is not because some of them are not yet fully carved. They are all complete, but the styles are simply different.
On this floor, he finally finds the man he was looking for: an older scientist who apparently had distanced himself from the broader
scientific community to do his work in private in the countryside.
His laboratory is in this tree-compound, but it also has become clear that his work was a part of a broader spiritual mission. His
compound appeared more like a Buddhist monastery than a scientific institute. There were tons of bald monks around us of Asian descent,
even though this scientist was European. The scientist was clearly initiated into many Tibetan Buddhist mysteries. His attire appeared
like that of Mahakala. He stood before the group of monks and began to recite a tantra, with subtitles appearing above his head through
some kind of esoteric transmission method. The researcher repeats along with him and the other monks. After this, the monks must all
take ice-cold showers in what is apparently the dead of winter in the Alps (never mind that it looked like spring outside because of
dream logic), and then warm up by bathing in fresh blood that poured down from pools above, Carrie-style. During this time, the
scientist takes a break to talk to the researcher about his work. He decries the modern scientific community and says that they will
never make progress and that the discovery of scientific truths will only cause them suffering and rob them of their humanity if they do
not accompany science with deep spiritual practice in the authentic manner. It seems that this authentic manner is some kind of
syncretic religion largely inspired by Tibetan Buddhism and also involving aliens/UFOs (though I don't remember the details of the last
It appears that his research is related to the creation of golems, zombies, tulpas, and similar mythical ways of creating "life" and
lifeforms. There were a lot of details here that I wish I remembered better. He was describing how these seemingly mystical practices
are all grounded in science and have been misunderstood. Much of it was based on the same principles of things like cloning and gene
splicing. In the last part of the dream, I saw a cave that apparently was famous in the same Franco-Swiss border region where there are
monumental statues of the Olympian pantheon of gods looking out at the mountain landscape. They appear more eastern in style than Greek
or Roman, almost like the Buddhas of Bamiyan. It is revealed to the researcher what is behind the statues in the back of the cave: a
number of large, person-sized, slimy, orange-brown egg sacks stuck to the cave walls like some kind of fungus. They look like where some
kind of alien life-form in a science-fiction story would be born from. It is explained that the "gods" of Ancient Greece and Rome are
slumbering in these eggs and are waiting for the right moment to awaken and re-assume control of the world. The researcher looks at them
and can dimly see a fluid inside of them with a humanoid form sleeping in it. In the final part of the story I am trying to recount this
story and find the original text of it along with some images of the cave and the egg sacks, but have trouble because I know some
sections from the middle are missing about the scientists's research in detail.
In this dream I was with my friend Paresh. We were playing Yume 2kki, but it was as if we were "inside" the game. So we
were wandering through various huge landscapes and looking for interesting places within them. In this case, we were
walking along a road in a deep forest at night and came across what looked like a small hotel which was made of wood, like
a log cabin. It was two floors and didn't have any lodgers for the night. We talked to the owner and he agreed to show us a
Doom WAD he had made. It was as if the hotel became the WAD as we walked around in it. The theme of the WAD was a comedy
club, it seemed. The hotel was repainted to look like the front and backstage of a comedy club with bright lights, theater
seats, etc. It looked very amateur. Everything in it was a flat, MS Paint-esque sprawl of colors paint-bucketed together.
Sometimes it made it hard to even understand what I was looking at. I found that it added to the charm though. I was
walking around the hotel with what was the equivalent of the starting pistol, in this case supposed to look like a
microphone to fit the comedy club theme, but most things died in one or two hits.
I walked upstairs and asked the owner, who I could talk to while playing the IRL-WAD, if I could turn up the difficulty. I
looked in the settings and it seemed I was on the second-easiest setting, so I tried to turn it up to Ultra-Violence, but
chose Nightmare instead by mistake. The Nightmare difficulty was even more of a joke than real Doom. The dead enemies all
respawned instantly and ran for me, turning everything into an unplayable cacophony of enemy screams and grunts. I exited
to the menu and tried again. I restarted in the lobby and a number of enemies started pouring down from the upstairs. I was
out of ammo, but I shot a gumball machine and a few other candy machines next to the stairs and was actually able to fill
my weapon with gumballs and other hard candies. They were a very effective weapon. A number of Japanese children appeared
from the main lobby on the other side of the first floor. They ranged from 5 to 13 years old or so. All wanted the candy,
so I "shot" a nice big roll of gum or hard candy to each of them. In this case, it didn't hurt them. However, I felt that
it was time that they all go to bed, so I asked the hotel owner and he agreed.
The next part was a pretty smooth transition from the above but I forgot exactly how. Now I was looking at a nice old Web
1.0 style site about Pokemon and there was an extensive guide to original episodes of the anime and what changes existed in
the international versions. I was reading about some episodes that were apparently removed from rotation entirely. None of
this is accurate, by the way. Of course one of them was the booby-James episode (Kojirou if you want to be accurate) that
we all know images of, but I'd invented others in this dream. The animation looked very loose, sketchy, and crappy. It was
creepypasta-tier at this point. I was reading about it in a list of all episodes and apparently the one right before was
about Kasumi (Misty the murrican version, but this was original Japanese) having an ant infestation in her house and
needing a Pokemon to help out with it. This next one was about her babysitting and developing a crush on the shota she was
watching. Yes, Kasumi turned into a shotacon, lmao. The only image I remember from the episode was an image of this shota
in his room at his desk. For whatever reason, in the background two of his toys, which were indistinct green shapes,
morphed into the shape of small men, grew boobs, and started rubbing them. The site commentator was as confused as I was.
Very detailed dream with a lot of parts, but with one particularly important scene. In this scene, I was a Japanese high
schooler in an anime art style. I saw some of the scenes from a third-person point of view and the character I was short
with a buzzcut, looking like Murai from Great Teacher Onizuka. The girl next to me was Sakaki from Azumanga
Daioh, as a kind of avatar representing my ideal gf. I had a crush on her and sat nearby, because although this was
supposed to be a Japanese high school, the room looked more like a college with a lecturer in the center and a lot of
steeped rows of desks in front without assigned seating. I tried to mimic her modesty and grace. When I went to sit next to
her, I did a short bow and then sat down and was studious. One other girl across the aisle from me was making fun of me a
bit by saying I was overweight. I retorted back by saying something like "you're much more overweight than Sakaki!" This
was immediately embarrassing. It came across as too rude, stooping to her level, and not being graceful like Sakaki. And it
made it clear that I had a crush on Sakaki. I immediately ran out of the classroom and barricaded myself in a bathroom
stall. A teacher and even the principal eventually came, but I kept the door closed and locked. Somehow I had Sakaki's
coat with me, and the only way I responded was by giving it back to the person outside. This part of the dream really was
pitch-perfect to being 14. It made me remember early high school all over again.
In the next part of the dream, I was with my mother at a convention of some kind. Two famous figures were in the convention
building: Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew (never mind that these two are both long dead). They were both so heavily hated by
the people around them that they were sneaking around, afraid for their lives. Maybe this was the Democratic National
Convention? Ultimately, with my mom I watched Nixon sneak into his car and exit through a secret entrance in the side of
the brick wall. We discussed how many of these secret underground roads might exist for those who need a lot of privacy.
When we were driving back from the convention center, it was through an area with tons and tons of snowfall over some
pretty steep mountain roads. It was a suburban, residential area. I wanted to get out and walk in the snow. There were some
snowmen and decorations up on the houses, so I assume it was the Christmas season.
Next, there was kind of an interesting meta-level to the dream. Since I've been in the habit of recording dreams, I actually
woke up in this dream and tried to record the above. But I kept having trouble staying awake and doing it. I tried to
record it by recording myself talking instead of by writing it down. This was, of course, much more difficult than just
typing it on a laptop. I had to download some program, test it, then start talking. I also added a first part to those two
scenes that I don't remember experiencing proper: It had me in a cave near the summit of a mountain, drawing some cave
painting on the wall. It had an abstract representation of a dog, a cat, and a mouse that I painted on in big black strokes.
I tried to record over and over again, but kept getting interrupted by people at the door of my bedroom. They were
apparently readers of my website who wanted to give me feedback (yeah right, as if my site would get that much attention!).
I kept looping around this high school scene and not being able to note it down completely. Eventually at the very end of
the dream, I got the chance to "redo" it and handled the situation much better. In fact, I ended it by exchanging Line
accounts with Sakaki for future messaging. I then exited the building and went into the parking lot. It didn't look like I
was in a school or a college, however. It was more like an industrial office building. Must have been the Deus Ex
influence I guess; all that sneaking around is embedded deep in my brain. I passed a statue of Kublai Khan in the center of
a number of hallways and escaped through a vent (definitely Deus Ex). I made my way to my car in the parking lot. It
was the car I leased for a while when I was in Japan. It seemed like I left the windows open by mistake, but thankfully no
one seemed to have taken advantage of that. The parking lot was small and was next to a large, wild forest.
I dreamt I was back in Japan, in Toukyou specifically. Like any big city in Japan, in Toukyou, there are a lot of soaplands and other
places to pay for sexual services in certain parts of the city. I was in Toukyou over the end of the year for Comiket, but wasting a
bit of time in a red light district before things really kicked off. Of course, now I was a tourist with no residence card. If you know
anything about the Japanese sex industry, you know that a lot of shops will not allow foreigners in. I can't say exactly why. I've heard
conflicting reasons. Some places are more ironclad about it whereas others will try to work with you a bit more. I went to one
soapland-ish place which had a young lady at the front counter. She asked what kind of girl I liked, I said big tits are the most
important and it's okay if she's a little pudgy. She brought a girl out for me to look at and even to feel up a bit to "test"
(unthinkable in real life, you'd never see her in person before paying). I wasn't super stoked about the girl. She was pretty fat and
her tits, while decently large, were saggy and not very shapely. I could probably fuck her and have a fun enough time. Can't go too
wrong playing with huge tits after all. But I thought I could do better in Toukyou.
In any case, I decided to make sure that the sale would actually go through by mentioning that I was here on travel instead of being a
resident. From my understanding, this actually almost never matters in real life as long as you're fluent enough in Japanese. If you're
a gaijin, they'll choose to let you in or not and it doesn't matter if you're a resident or just temporarily visiting. But in the dream
it did. Two tough guys, the hired goons to keep the place secure, came out to look over my ID. I pulled out my (expired) residence card.
They didn't take it. I asked what other kind of ID would be better. A passport? Judging by their faces, it wouldn't make a difference if
I didn't have proof that I was a current Japanese resident. They were rejecting me in the most sympathetic way they could, which is
usually how it goes at these places. One of the guys, who was a big, tanned dude with a scratchy beard and sunglasses (even though we
were indoors at night), said that he could make an exception for just tonight with this girl. He also said, right after, that apparently
if I came back and had sex with her 100 times that I would be able to have sex with anyone else there (I know, this makes no sense and
is directly contradictory to what he just said... dream logic). He said this with a friendly laugh, realizing that there's no way anyone
would do that. I returned his laughter, saying that I might as well just become a pornstar at that rate and at least get paid for it
instead of draining my bank account by paying every time! He ended by suggesting that I go upstairs, since there might be places up
there I could use instead.
I did so. I was planning to look for another place anyway, since, like I said, I felt like I could do better than the girl they presented
me in a city as huge as Toukyou. I was in some giant, maze-like building and didn't know where I was going. I had just been playing
Deus Ex all night before the dream and I think the kind of layout and cramped vibe of weirdness and debauchery was inspired a lot
by the Hong Kong level in that game. The upstairs was a pretty weird set of stores though. They were populated by girls standing out,
looking directly at you and operating with no pimps nearby, like the red light district in Amsterdam. This is, again, nothing like any
sex shop actually operates in Japan. I don't think these were sex stores though, just places where you could cuddle with girls, talk,
and maybe kiss and grope with a bit of nakedness. The girls in them looked very young, but were all clearly still 18 or older. They were
very tiny and petite and talked in little-girl baby voices, obviously catering to loli-fetishists. The whole shops around them looked
like toddler playpens. I obviously don't have any ethical qualm about things like this as long as every 3-D person involved is of age
and hate puritanical fucks who are so fucking horny to start a pedo witch hunt, but this was a bit too much on the baby side. They actually
had bibs and rattles and stuff like that. It turned me off.
One of the shops had a girl who was a haafu with blonde hair. I somehow understood that her white half was British just by looking at
her. She asked me "are you soft?" in clear English (all other dialogue in Toukyou was in Japanese in this dream). And I understood that
she wasn't talking about me being a pussy or me not having an erection. She wanted to know if I was a soft cuddling partner. While I
understood she was British, her English sounded American. I went up one more level and saw similar stores, but these actually had real
toddlers and very young children in the shop to add to the "atmosphere" of babydom. Some cunty western tourist was recording them with
her phone to start a Twitter tirade about. I felt some sympathy with her... using real children in a place like that is fucked and is a
step too far (note that this never happens IRL). But I still felt repulsed by her method of Twitter-shaming. Just take it to the police
if you think something is wrong, there's a kouban everywhere in Japan!
In the next part of the dream, I was back in the states, but I'm not sure where. It didn't feel like my home state. This part was also
inspired by Deus Ex. I was stealthily maneuvering through a college dorm apartment of sorts. Somehow, this had to do with a thread on
the forums of Newgrounds (which I haven't looked at since I was 12... not sure where that came from). The thread was about showing pizzas
that you had cooked yourself. I suppose everyone in this dorm was a poster in the thread. Again, weird dream associations. Everyone
around me was sleeping and it was the middle of the night. One of the people in there was my childhood friend Keith. I decided to be a
little evil and cooked the most rancid pizza you could imagine: I basically mashed a bunch of Lunchables pizzas together and nuked them
in the microwave. Whatever was left was vile, and I left the sink a complete mess of pizza-sauce soaked plastic containers. I dipped
out before they woke up. It was basically like a Deus Ex mission at this point, but instead of releasing poison gas or setting off a
LAM, I left them a rancid pizza mess, lmao.
I snuck out of the apartment but overheard Keith waking up and freaking out, yelling at everyone else who possibly left such a mess of a
pizza in the sink. I felt immediate regret at doing that. Now, everyone in the apartment knew I was in there the previous evening, so I
was worried that they might figure out it was me who made the pizza, even though it would have been more likely for the other pizza
thread-posters to do so. It was turning into early morning and I was moving towards another set of apartments next to the college dorm
apartments. These looked like my other friend Simon's apartments, but in the dream I understood them as mine instead. I found my way
into mine and started watching talking to my dad about Pier Paolo Pasolini's Teorema and not wanting to spoil too much about it,
since I was thinking perhaps we could watch it together. This was probably inspired by the fact that I had watched a movie with my dad
the night before and we had talked about what another good one to watch would be. I was talking about Pasolini in more detail and mentioned
Salò or the 120 Days of Sodom, but obviously had no interest in watching that together. I mentioned how that was his final film,
how it largely was adapted from the de Sade novel but said in fascist Italy, etc., and how it was Pasolini's final film because he was
stabbed to death in a still-unsolved murder case soon after. All accurate information. A fitting ending because my pizza was probably
about as repulsive as the pile of shit that girl has to eat in that movie.
This dream had a few different parts to it. The first part had me playing a real-life version of Doom II. It wasn't just a VR setup, it was actually
real people roleplaying, dressed up as all the demons and chasing after me. I was in Map 1: Entryway, and was retreating back after the first few imps came
out to accost me. I was playing on Ultra-Violence which meant I was pretty scared and didn't want to fuck around. I killed the two imps and then just sat alone
in the room for a while, admiring how well recreated it was. I understood that it was Map 1, although this was dream logic. The actual layout didn't look anything
like Entryway. It looked like an old, abandoned school or something. It was pretty spooky.
The next part of the dream had me watching my teenage cousin (named "Lisa" in this dream... I don't have a teenage cousin named Lisa so I invented this) competing
by running track at a big national-level running competition. The stadium was enormous though, like the size of an actual big sports stadium. I was sitting next
to my cousins and eating some stadium-fare junk food of sorts. My cousin ended up winning. I went into the building next to the stadium where it seems like there
was some kind of science fair going on. The whole building was very devoid of people though. It seemed like things were over and there were only a few stragglers
cleaning up remaining.
The last part of the dream had me in Iceland. It seems like my parents had moved there and I was there to visit. However, it actually looked nothing like Iceland
other than being very cold. It was more like rural Alaska or the Northwest Territories: very cold and snowy, but full of steep mountains and woods
everywhere. I was in a very small village where everyone knew everyone else, so everyone was surprised to see me there since you got the impression that almost
no one came to visit. I tried to drive into the town center, but kept bumping into everything. However, the car didn't break or anything. It was apparently pretty
tough. After a short and very tense drive, we came into the main shopping center of the town. I was interested in a small museum of sorts that was about the
history of the area. However, the museum was more like an open-ended theme park or something. I was in a segment about a certain park ranger who was rescued after
being stranded at the edge of a cliff in a snowstorm after crashing his car. In this exhibit, I had to walk along a tiny mountain ridge over a huge chasm while
desperately clinging to the mountain face. The ridge was thinner than the length of my own feet. After passing through there, we came to a little cabin where the
creator of some famous cartoon series apparently lived. It looked a lot like Ren and Stimpy or Cow and Chicken. One room had an incredibly complex,
intricate "pop-up book" of that series which was more like an origami transformer or something. It was an extraordinarily fine and detailed cube of paper with
colorful pictures all over it that I didn't want to risk breaking by opening up. In this cabin, I met two male and female identical twins who apparently were
family friends of my parents. I was having fun in the area.
In this dream, I was out in a very small and remote Russian village in the middle of Siberia. It was the dead of winter and it was bitterly cold,
probably even colder than Siberia really is in the winter. We're talking polar levels of cold. Although that was only on the trip out there. I was in a
miserable old Soviet-era bus which was a steely iron beast. Outside it was the dead of night and there was nothing around us but heavy blankets of snow.
It seemed like we might have been above the tree-line because of how few trees there were despite being in east Russia. But barely anything was visible
because it was so dark and the bus was so old and sparsely lit. I was crouching in on myself for warmth even though I was in a pretty heavy coat. My
glasses were fogging up from the fog of my breath. It was dead quiet outside and I couldn't hear anything but the chattering of my teeth, the metal
shifting around the bus, and the occasional Russian mutterings of the few other passengers around me.
Eventually, I arrived at my destination: a small village. The season seemed to have shifted. It was still in remote Siberia, but it was a crisp and clear
autumn day. The village was beautiful. It was a lot of small wood cabins around a small lake. It was nothing like the dilapidated old Soviet industrial
towns that come to mind when you think of "small village in Siberia;" it was incredibly comfy. It looked more like Finland than Siberia: rich, sprawling
forested flatlands dotted with innumerable tiny lakes. On top of that, the people living there were cool and liked anime/games and all that other nerd shit
that the more based Russians enjoy. Pretty idyllic so far. I was meeting cool girls there and getting excited. I suppose I was moving here to live, at least
for a while? It was kind of vague. I'm not sure if everyone spoke English or I spoke Russian, but the communication was seamless so one or the other must
have been true. I was really looking forward to walking around the area and soaking in the natural scenery. Several of the people were going to go paddling
on the lake.
I was being kind of flirtatious with some of the girls there because they were perverted, autistic nerds like me and were also easy on the eyes (what a fantasy,
I know). Anyway, one of them invited me into a kind of garage apartment behind one of the cabins. She had a few other girls with her and they were undressing.
I ended up sitting in this comfortable reclining chair. Think of a dentist chair, but more cozy. A girl came out to service me. She was, however, very strange
looking. She was very slender and petite with a nearly flat chest. Her body had a very nice shape to it. The strange part was everything else. Her skin was
incredibly pale to the level of being almost white like a geisha (she wasn't Japanese or Asian though, she was very distinctly European). She had a piercing or
two around her nose/mouth area (can't really remember it in detail... I think she might have had a septum piercing because I remember being a little repulsed by
it and those are the ones I find absolutely intolerable). Her lips were thin and small, but painted with very bright red lipstick. The other red thing about her
was her hair: it was just as fiery red as her lips. It was slightly wavy but not particularly curly. It went about down to her shoulders. Her eyes had no irises;
just a big black dot. I understood that they were contacts, however. Lastly, almost her entire body except her head and face was covered with tiny little bumps.
If you know what neurofibromatosis is, it basically looked like that, but the size of the bumps was more uniform. I somehow immediately understood, however, that
this skin condition was an intentional body modification and not a disease. She was pretty aggressive with me and immediately forced her tongue into my mouth.
Apparently the girls around me understood that she wasn't really my type, so instead I got hooked into a kind of augmented reality machine while remaining in the
chair. It seemed that this machine would read my thoughts for when I thought of my ideal girl, take an "imprint" of the mental image in my mind, and make a VR version
of that person that I could fuck. Now, this sounds awesome, but it wasn't quite as perfect as you'd think. That's because it was ultimately limited by the power of
mental visualization. While I've always been pretty good at mentally picturing things to myself and tend to score high on those aphantasia tests, mental visual
perception is by its nature fleeting and difficult to grasp onto. This was true for the dream version of me as well. So the first thing that came out was little more
than an outline of a female, where only the body proportions were there but it was just kind of paint bucket tooled in. Somehow, however, you could only "load"
characters from manga/anime/games/etc., even though it would rely on nothing more than your mental data for input. So the first thing I summoned was little more
than the outline of juicy thighs and a torso in a shade of purple. I seem to have understood that it was supposed to be Lei Lei from Darkstalkers actually.
A weird pull since while I think she is very hot and is probably my favorite character from that series, I don't exactly fap to her all the time. Maybe it's a sign
to change that? I tried to change it to a character I could more reliably picture, so I tried Kirika from Eiken. She still looked uncanny because of the
limited power of my mental picturing. Her neck was too long and her hair was incomplete. I was a bit repulsed so I tried Chiharu from the same series instead. She
was materializing as I was screaming "CHIHARU! CHIHARU!" to try to stay focused, but my time in the machine was over and I was slowly being detached.
That was pretty much the climax of the dream in more ways than one (not in that way though, I stayed dry). There was a bit of a final scene where I was driving around
in the passenger seat of a truck with an older gentleman with a deep connection to the village. He had grown up there and was some kind of environmental specialist,
it seemed. We were driving on the outskirts of the village and this area looked a lot closer to the bitter wasteland I took the bus through to get there, although it
was still not the dead of winter and there wasn't any snow on the ground. It had, however, become considerably colder. We were wearing coats and could see our breath.
It was a wet, bleak, open field with no trees in sight. However, the strange thing was that there were impossibly large mushrooms all around us. These mushrooms were
the size of small trees, probably about 1.5 meters high on average. Yes, inb4 Super Mario, but they didn't look round and bright like those. They were withered, gray,
skinny things. The gentleman was explaining the unique environment of the area and how special and rare these mushroom growths were. I loved this environment and found
a deep sense of peace by being in it, somehow not being as surprised by these impossibly-large mushrooms as I should have been, even if I recognized that I'd never seen
anything like them. I felt a deep sense of gratitude for being in this unique environment and vowed to do my best to be environmentally conscious in order to protect it.
Back to the writings section.