I was in Japan in this dream and got tied up with some underground yakuza crime syndicate. They showed me their most secret and
horrible secret: It was an underground sexual fetish dungeon used for severely masochistic men to get pleasure and for guys who
fucked them over to get punished. It was a solid white, bright room indoors with no windows, seemingly several floors underground.
There was a huge square pool in the center of the room and all around it there were aisles to walk by and naked men tied up on top
of big toilet-holes that funneled into the center of the room. I was there just to "observe" and see what it was like, so no one
would actually involve me in the "events." What were those events? A number of people, men and women, came in from one side and went
up to the guys tied up. They were free to do whatever they wanted to with them. They could strike them, beat them up, or throat-fuck
them. But most of all, they did two things: piss and shit in their mouths. They then uncovered the big wooden cover surrounding the
pool in the center of the room and revealed what it was: a giant collecting pool that collected all of the shit/piss/vomit runoff from
the toilet-holes where we were stationed. It was enormous, the size of a small swimming pool. Two giant fat black men came by me and
gave me a "demo" without actually doing anything bad to me, just mock-gesturing. One of them swung his dick in my face without actually
penetrating my mouth. It was a tiny microdick. At the end of it, there was a scene where the janitor came in the clean up everything
after the pool had been covered over again with the wooden cover. He got angry at the whole situation and started beating down and
smashing the cover with his materials. He then broke the cover and fell into the vile concoction and drowned to death, screaming.
The second part of the dream was unrelated and was much shorter. I was playing Warcraft III as Night Elf (as usual) but with Tinker
as my first hero (not usual). This was apparently after a temporary Halloween update where there were Halloween-themed maps and every
hero had one of their spells replaced with some Halloween thing. For the Tinker, the Pocket Factory spell was replaced with some
spell with an icon that had some spooky Halloween ghosts. Apparently, this spell would allow you to "haunt" an opponent's goldmine
for 30+ seconds, so you denied them gold income and stole gold income from them. Sounds insane and broken, even for WC3 standards.
I saw it and meant to go Cluster Rockets and Engineering Upgrade, but mistyped and got the special Halloween one instead. I tried
to use it to my advantage. For whatever reason, the Cluster Rockets were completely useless and got nerfed into oblivion. I got
salty and left the game. Given the Blizzard team's occasionally retarded balance decisions, let's hope none of this becomes a
reality. After leaving this game, I was in a restaurant in Saskatchewan with my family and it was snowing outside.
This was another dream with many seemingly disconnected fragments. In the first one, I was apparently playing one of the early
Metal Gear Solid games. I've never actually played any of these games, so this was a purely invented version of them.
Of course, I know enough about them through cultural osmosis to know that what I was playing is nothing like any Metal Gear Solid
title, aside from an emphasis on stealth. In the level I was playing, which was apparently in the middle of the game, you were being
chased and sniffed out by two gigantic cats the size of elephants and you had to crouch and hide behind giant piles of feces that
they kept dropping on the ground which would quickly disintegrate. I failed and they started coming after me, so I had to go running.
The final part of the game was apparently a confrontation with a boss where he locked me in some kind of pressure cooker vial that
would soon burst and splat me against the top of the glass (this was kind of obscure and hard to understand). I did some move that I
don't really understand and managed to flip it to where it was him who was in the vial, but then he flipped it back. Apparently I
managed to flip it back once more and win.
The next part featured me in some extremely large Japanese school with 14 different after-school clubs. I was looking through every
one and trying to find out which one seemed the most appealing. The most popular clubs had rooms near the top of a huge building, but
the least popular or well-known ones were at the very bottom, several stories underground of a depressingly gray and empty stairwell.
I made it to the very bottom and saw the two clubs on the very bottom floor. One of them was a music class for kids with special needs.
This was apparently the second-most minor club. The most minor one was in a tiny room tucked into the corner and it was apparently a
music club focused primarily on video game music. You can make your own joke about gamers and special needs here. I went into the
video game music club and they were playing a medley of music from Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. At the
end, I decided that an illustration club would be best for me.
The final part felt the most realistic and was a bit frightening. I was with my dad in the apartment he used to live in when he had
just gotten divorced from my mom. It was on the third floor of a very tall building. I had been at home waiting for him to return.
We were apparently about to go on a cross-country trip in a big truck that he would drive. It was snowing heavily and had been for
hours, which is totally uncharacteristic for the place we live. My dad arrived back to the apartment and we looked at a smaller
two-story building below us across the street. It looked like some kind of small business like a bar or club. The roof was heavily
flooded. It seemed as though all the snow had melted and had made it flood, although I'm not sure how it all melted there when it
was still cloudy in the evening and snow was still falling. Somehow now in addition to the flooding, there was a huge fire breaking
out on the roof. It was turning into a huge conflagration and I pointed it out to my father. Somehow, the fire was spreading to our
apartment building, though not in a logical way. Small bits of fire would flare up in our apartment. A small bit of fire flared up
in the window and I blew it out. Then a bit of flame would flare up in the kitchen and I blew it out. Next, our Christmas tree (I
suppose it was the Christmas season) caught on fire and started spreading. I took the fire extinguisher from the wall and passed
it to my dad. He shot it everywhere around the living room and that seemed to stop the fire. We looked back out the window and the
building had already completely burned down to the point that there were only a few burnt pillars left laying on the ground. Fire
trucks and police were there, but it was far too late. I asked my dad what that building was. He said it was a residential home
from a wealthy couple that used to live in the apartment building and had a bit of the apartment's park/lot area leased. Never
mind that it looked more like a business. I saw the couple hugging each other and crying in front of the burnt house, happy that
both had survived but shattered about their house. I felt very bad for them.
In this dream I was in Germany, although it was kind of intermixed with Japan. In the first part, I was back at my school
in Japan, taking the train back after a day of classes. Although in this dream, the school was in Germany instead. An old
German lady in the train was asking me something and I could barely parse the words she was saying, but somehow
understood the meaning: she was asking me where I was from and why I was taking the train that she took everyday. She was
friendly. I spoke in English but tried to speak in German to the degree I could, but I wasn't fluent in German at all in
this dream, unlike Japanese. I managed to say "mein Schule" and some other rudimentary German words. She got the meaning,
it seemed. I explained that I rode the train to school and then also rode it sometimes to go to lunch. She left the train
at the next stop. I felt frustrated that my German was not good enough to convey much of what I wanted and had to use so
much English, despite being in Germany.
In the next section, I was still in Germany but it seemed that I was no longer a foreign student but just a tourist,
with my father and two friends. We were getting ready to leave the next morning and had a lot of packing to do. Our taxi
was going to pick us up at 6:30 AM and our flight left at 7:30 AM. I asked my father if that was too little time, but he
assured me that the drive to the airport would barely take any time. In the evening before we left, I had some Chinese
food which was way too filling (inspired by what I ate before this dream probably) and felt bloated. I felt like I was
going to throw up because I just had way too much food in my stomach and my cheeks were involuntarily puffing out. I
coughed and threw up a bit of bile on my dad's hotel bed and then apologized and went into the bathroom next to the
toilet. I then looked in the mirror and noticed a giant boil/pimple on my cheek (inspired by one I used to have on my
chin but no longer do). It has resisted attempts to pop it before but now I was determined to finish it once and for all.
I squeezed it from both ends, looking in the mirror, and saw a bit of pus squirt out, but it was still a protuberance. I
was too far away from the mirror to see well so I got up close. I squeezed it hard and now a huge spray of what looked
like white-purple-black toothpaste came out and made a little pile in the sink. Now the protuberance was truly gone and
I understood that I had removed the root of the pimple. My mind in the dream said that this stuff it squirted out was
lipgloss, but I couldn't see it as anything but toothpaste.
In the last scene, me and my friends woke up early to start packing since we had so much and my parents (now my mother
was there too) warned us to start early. We woke up around 2:45 AM although it was already light out somehow. We had a
ton of books for some reason, enough to fill multiple suitcases, as well as a bunch of electronics and other doodads. We
were for some reason not in a hotel but in the old bedroom of my childhood home. I was preparing what I wanted to have
on me for the plane ride and I kept it simple: all I needed was two books, a notepad and pen, and my other basic
necessities like phone, wallet, and keys. Everything else was going in the bags. My parents awoke and they were happy to
see us starting to pack so early. I was enjoying a few old YouTube let's plays while listening and my dad was talking to
my friends about good cameras for YouTube. I said that I didn't give a shit about video quality as long as it was funny.
I saw a few roaches milling around the floor. I certainly can't say that I LIKE roaches, but I've never been as squeamish
about insects as a lot of other people. If I see a roach, I'll just grab it in my hand while it's still alive and throw
it out the door. I don't like killing them. But these were HUGE roaches and were enough to give me the willies. They
were both kind of a tan color, not like a normal brown roach. And they were massive. The larger of the two was about the
size of a mouse. Regardless, I summoned my courage and grabbed them both in my fists before anyone else noticed them. I
threw them out the window.
Next, my friend Paresh was revolted as he moved a basket on the table and saw something. I took a look and it was what he
apparently called a "Nazi slug." I don't know what Nazis had to do with it, but it was a very big slug (probably about 15
cm) with a distinctive smiley-face that had gotten into our plastic bag full of peanuts. Realizing that no one would
want the peanuts anymore, I scooped up the slug in the peanut-bag, even if I realized that I might get yelled at by them
for leaving them open and thus vulnerable to slug-attacks. I dumped out the slug and the peanuts alike on the balcony,
saying "this guy got a special feast today." When I dumped it out, this slug had somehow grown even more in size. It was
almost the size of a small dog or monkey. I didn't want it to get hurt though. I was nervous because I dumped it very
close to the edge of the balcony, and I thought it might fall. But it didn't. It was near the ledge and drooped off of it
a bit but started crawling on the banister-posts, eating up all the peanuts with a big, slimy mouth, coating everything
in a gross, green, mucus-y fluid. It seemed to be making a kind of greedy moan and smacking its lips too. It was a little
gross, but I felt that I had done my best for the little guy and left him to his own business before telling my family
and friends about that bizarre slug. I believe they were skeptical that it had grown in size and I thought about telling
them to go look at the balcony for themselves, but thought it might have made them angry to see me throw away the
peanuts, so I let it go.
This dream was pretty uneventful and not very interesting. I was back in Japan at my previous part-time job, now employed
there as a full-time employee apparently. I would go insane if I was really employed in a job like this, since it was
working at an assembly line in a factory. I was working there with some new employees who were also immigrants like me.
I was helping the and showing them the ropes. It was time for a short break of 15 minutes, so I walked out of the factory
and sat on the hill next to it. The surroundings looked completely different than what was actually around the factory
and looked more like a college campus. A Hungarian girl who I apparently had met before walked by me as I was walking in
the opposite direction towards her. She seemed to have a crush on me. She said the word "szerelem" ("love") to me with a
smile, not sure if I knew what it meant. I replied the same word and made it clear that I understood, which made her
happy and blush a bit. We both sat on the hill and I had a short snack. I told her a bit about my job and how I was
going to finish with my shift soon. I went back into the factory to use the bathroom and almost went into the ladies'
room by mistake. After using the urinal in the mens', I came back to the main factory floor and started stretching. One
of my coworkers who took over the machine I was using gave me a small piece of chocolate that I apparently had forgotten
there and I thanked him. I then went into the corner of the factory floor and opened a copy of a Shakespeare play. I'm
not sure which one it was, but it seemed to be a history play of some kind. Apparently for the job we now all had to
read a part of this play. The Hungarian girl entered at this point because she wanted to read part of my section for
fun, or at least mouth along with it and pretend to act out the play. This is where I woke up.
This dream had two parts that were apparently unrelated. The first was much shorter. I was going to watch a movie in a
theater in the capital city of my state with my two friends Simon and Paresh. The movie was old and seemed to be some cheesy
Frankenstein-esque monster movie from the 1950s. We arrived at some seats and asked a girl and her boyfriend to move down a
bit so we could all sit next to each other. They happily obliged. While we were watching the movie, Paresh kept making
comments about the movie to us way too loudly. This is very out of character for him in real life, by the way. He was
speaking too loudly and annoying a lot of other people in the theater. I tried to keep shushing him, but this just made him
angry. It got to the level where some guy started to pick a fight with him and the two went out into the lobby and started
to physically fight. But it didn't seem very real or threatening. I stepped out and told the guy "Paresh is my best friend,
but I'm upset with him for his behavior. I'm trying to get him to be more quiet."
In the next, more substantial part, I was watching what was apparently a movie that had just come out that was directed
by David Lynch, although it was more like I was playing a video game since I was experiencing it all from a first-person
viewpoint and interacting with stuff. I was playing it as if I had gotten to a certain point in the dream/movie already
before reaching a game over and having to reload. This movie/game had a ton of famous Hollywood stars and seemed to be a
kind of troll on the Hollywood industry in a way, kind of like Harmony Korine's Spring Breakers. A lot of it seemed
similar to INLAND EMPIRE in that it was about the seedy underbelly of LA and the movie industry. It started with some
secret dark history being revealed about a tv series/game/something where there were secret messages hidden in the code
or background or something. I was walking through the set of some movie being filled. Danny DeVito was telling me about
it and was going to show us some of the details, which was up on another level. We were going to an elevator in the back
of the room. But we had to be careful because the other stars around us would be alerted. It was like a sneak mission,
basically. Laura Dern was on set too, as makes sense for Lynch. I went and stayed by the elevator while DeVito told some
of the other stars that he was going to show us the rooms on the next level. When he said it, some of the props from the
set jumped and tried to block the elevator themselves, like a poltergeist. We rode the fancy glass elevator and looked
out at the courtyard of the mansion we were apparently in. The windows were foggy and it was hard to see anything.
The next part jumped to some degenerate Hollywood pool party, with a bunch of ghetto hoes in bikinis and other tatted-up
rappers in jacuzzis. As much as I wanted to judge, some of them had unbelievably huge tits which couldn't help but draw
my eyes. But there was a further "hidden" area I needed to progress to. Past the main area, things got strange. I had a
small Baikal seal and a dolphin, both about the size of a domestic cat, in my "inventory" and tried not to pick anything
else up. My mother was with me at this point. We had to scale several fences lined up together covered with vines.
Apparently, this part was much harder than it would have been had we played another part of the movie/game better earlier
on. But we managed to scale them. In the next area, there were a ton of small pools that were on top of white coral
reefs. There was a kind of "guide" on the fences who was telling us about the area. I didn't want to drop down and walk
over these coral reefs because I knew I would crush all the coral by walking on it and felt bad. He assured me that this
coral would regenerate by the next day, and it was totally smashed up the day before. I was constantly touching and
interacting with all sorts of sea life in the tide pools that were divided up by these huge coral walls as natural
barriers. We were progressing through the pools to the edge of this area and I saw two giant tanks. One had a shark and
one had an orca. I realized that this is where I "used" my two items. I threw the Baikal seal to the shark and it ate it.
I threw the dolphin to the orca and it didn't eat it immediately, but this was the right move.
On the other side of the coral reefs, there was a giant tv setup and we had two VHS tapes to choose from. One of them was
a comedy and the other was a soap opera. Apparently I had "tried" this part before and the comedy was the wrong choice.
The soap opera was almost incoherent and very strange and Lynchian, but I don't remember the details. Several other
celebs from the first area had come in and were looking at the tv screen and shouting about how bad it was. Most of the
celebs were very recognizable, but the only two I remember in particular were Adam Sandler and Ben Stiller. I was sitting
on the couch watching this VHS and there was a guy cooking Chinese food next to the TV to the right. I looked down in my
lap and was holding and petting my father's Tonkinese cat. It looked up at me with its huge, blue eyes. This is what
pulled me out of the dream and made me wake up because it was the most true-to-life thing so far.
This dream began with me watching an anime but also being part of the anime as the main character. The anime was really appealing to
me multiple reasons that you'll soon see. It was kind of like an anime version of The New World by Terrence Malick, but the
story took a different turn. The main character was a colonist, but he got abandoned by the rest of the colonists on his side and was
wandering through the jungle. Since the surrounding was a jungle, it seems like he was perhaps a Spanish colonist instead of an
English one, although it's an anime so they're all fake countries and fake people. He ends up wandering into the deepest parts of the
jungle and finds a young girl his age (both of them are young anime protag ages). The girl is a native and the two have trouble
communicating because of a language gap. The girl is tall and skinny and her stomach is exposed. She has decent-sized breasts, enough
for a respectable jiggle. However, she is MOGGED on when she introduces the colonist to her friend, who has gigantic tits. The girl
was anime, but basically had tits the size of Milena Velba. She is a bit older and is more of a ditzy nee-san type, while the tall
girl is a tsun-tsun to the MC. Of course I love the Velba-girl better, but both are cute. I as the MC am desperate to do anything
possible to fuck this Velba-girl and am trying so hard. What ends up happening over the course of the anime is that the colonist ends
up fighting on behalf of the native tribes and goes native. However, it was very anime, because they fought with mechs and sci-fi
stuff in a weird mix of historical and modern stuff. But at the end I got cucked like crazy: the two girls ended up lezzing out for
each other instead of the MC! I was boiling. I was so angry that I started to write a review of this anime on my website. I had to
create a whole new section of the website for anime reviews, just so I could rail against this anime for that legendary case of
blueballs, but also fairly analyze everything I liked about it, which was a lot.
In the next part of the dream, I was in one of my childhood homes. This seems to have been back at the end of middle school, because
my parents were still together and not divorced and we were all living in the same house. In the dream, I had to get up in the morning
to go to school (even though I was homeschooled at this time in real life). I had to get up at 6:30 AM and it was already 4:00 AM.
For some reason, my parents were downstairs in the living room but I was upstairs in their bedroom, on top of their bed. I was
getting ready to jack off before sleeping, and pulling up images of this Velba-girl from the anime in the previous section. I'm not
sure if there was actual nudity of her in the show or if I was just pulling up some fanservice of her from the show, but it was
enough to be more than serviceable. But I looked behind me to the window for a moment. I saw a person's eyes and top of his head
peeking through the window. He immediately ducked down to hide. This was immediately strange as well since the bedroom that I was in
was on the second floor. Now I was afraid. But I opened the window and looked down to check. There were three guys mulling around
down in the garden below on the ground, two stories down. I ran downstairs to tell my parents, but they already knew because
apparently there was a fourth man, but my father killed him in self-defense after he broke into our living room. He had a big wound
in his stomach, but I wasn't sure if it was due to a gunshot or a knife wound. I know the fact that we're in Murrica might make you
assume it was a gun, but something about the dream made me think it was a knife wound, although this wound was so big that you'd
think it was due to some kind of superior Japanese steel folded over one thousand times. Now, I'm not sure why my father couldn't
just go out the backdoor to the garden where the three other men were. Nor am I sure how they scaled the house to the second-story
window since they didn't have ladders and the house is very much not easy to climb. But that's just dream logic.
My dad came up to the second story with me to take care of the other three guys, who by this point had climbed up to the second story
window and were clamoring through the still-open window (stupid move of my dream-self to make it so easy for them). Me and my dad
confronted them as they were passing through the window. I'm not sure exactly how this worked, but I bound them so they were stuck
leaning through the windowsill. It seems like I had them tied up, but I had to keep holding something to keep them there. They were
struggling but couldn't wriggle free and had given up. They were pretty pathetic. My dad and me were confronting them for trying to
break into our house. Their English was not great. It seemed they were from Russia, because they spoke that language or one very
close to it when they spoke to each other. However, they looked more like Middle Easterners. One of them looked exactly like a guy I
knew from an old workplace, but it wasn't supposed to be him. The other two looked very strange. One of them had half of his face
sunken in like a half-deflated soccer ball. The other one had no hair anywhere on his head and his whole head was puffy, bloated,
red, and flaky. His eyes were closed, looking bruised. My dad told me that he called the police back when he first saw the men, but
it would be 10 hours before they arrived! However, somehow this seemed normal or expected to us. I know there can be problems with
response times in the states, but 10 hours is pretty insane! In any case, we had to just sit there with these three guys strung up,
leaning halfway into the window. I'm also not sure why my dad couldn't just attack these guys in self-defense if he justifiably did
to the guy on the first floor either. Granted, these guys didn't have any visible weapons, but they still seemed aggressive and
violent and they were trespassing. My dad filmed them with a smartphone for some kind of evidence, asking the three men to tell him
their names. Two of them do, but the other one says "Chevy Chase" as a joke. I push him in the head and tell him "stop fucking
around!" We kind of look and act like badass action movie guys who've just caught the perps now at this stage. This is the last thing
I remember from this strand of the dream.
The last part of the dream had me and my mom visiting a rural Appalachian redneck family in West Virginia. It was a beautiful, crisp,
early fall day. A nice wind was blowing through the woods next to the family's shack. We were talking to the father of the family
about the area around him. He was a very kind, down-to-earth character. I know that a lot of voters in West Virginia have trouble
advocating for good environmental policy because so much of the area's economy is tied to coal mining. I'm talking to this guy and
trying to build some common ground about environmentalism. He was explaining something very difficult to understand about the area
which concerned him. He explained that there was a part of the woods where "penis worms" (???? They looked like giant flesh-colored
leeches) came out of the ground at certain times of the year and that increased development in that area would put the integrity of
the worms in jeopardy. I was asking the guy a number of questions about the area he lived, which he felt great attachment to. I asked
him if he had to live in a different state in the US, which one would it be? He was unable to even entertain the idea because he
loved West Virginia so much. He just kept saying "West Virginia" and laughing. I said "what about eastern Kentucky?" and he seemed to
begrudgingly accept. I found his attachment to the area very endearing and stopped pushing him. The last scene had my mother driving
me back home and the father of the Appalachian family was with us in the car along with his daughter who was a toddler. She was in a
pumpkin Halloween costume as Halloween season was coming up. I asked him if he got trick-or-treaters and we discussed if we did in
the city as well. He talked about disliking the big city and its horrible infrastructure. It was hard to disagree. We ended up
driving through what was apparently Hong Kong. I'm not sure why, but I just took it as natural that Hong Kong was on the way from
Appalachia to my hometown. We were driving over large highways over the open sea around the city. A lot of them were collapsed and
sinking. It looked like a massive natural disaster just occurred. He asked if Hong Kong was the city where there were attempts to
genetically recreate dinosaurs, Jurassic Park-style. Apparently this was happening. I saw some lab sinking in the ocean where
apparently this happened. I also saw an urban "green building" with a ton of trees etc. on it but it collapsed and was abandoned. The
whole city looked like it just got bombed into oblivion and hit by the worst typhoon in history.
Back to the writings section.