Three parts to this dream: in the first one I was in the Bamiyan valley where the Buddhas were before the Taliban destroyed
them like the hideous savages that they are. As I remember reading, the area beneath those Buddhas (now Buddha-holes) is actually
a lived-in village, not just a remote archaeological site. I was visiting it, and in the dream it was one of the areas where
Taliban influence was still not widespread. I was talking to a little girl, probably about five years old, who was very creative
and intelligent. I was enjoying playing with her. I took her back to her mother in a tent where they lived. Apparently, this
family was part of an ancient religious tradition that was not Islamic and was thus in hiding. I gave the girl a hug and said,
"I hope you stay safe, I love you, and the people of the United States love you too" before letting her run off into the tent and
start drawing in a coloring book. Her mother and me talked a bit about her religious tradition. Her son came and picked up what
was called a "gohei" in the dream and looked very much like a Shintou gohei. I explained how there is something very similar in
Japan. I prayed for the best for this family but was afraid that Taliban influence would continue to encroach on them.
In the next part of the dream, I was in a bungalow of sorts with several internet friends from a Discord server in real life.
They were playing some game in the Katamari Damacy series but it was a weird racing game of sorts. You played as Katamari
characters, but had to drive around and "collect" these little icons. They were colored according to your character, but some of
them had a kind of circular pattern, and other ones had a skull. The circular-pattern ones would add a point and the skull ones
would detract a point. You had to drive around a course and uncover as many of these as you could within the time limit, but
avoid the skull ones. I suppose there was some sort of katamari-creation mechanic too, but I don't remember it well. I heard them
talking about who could be a fourth player and I offered to jump in. It was a lot of fun. Eventually, they all cleared out except
for one girl who wasn't part of the Discord group. She was a black girl with a frizzy afro. She was wearing pajama pants of sorts
that exposed her curvy ass very well. I flirted with her and took off her bra and sucked her nipples. Eventually I told her a
story that I apparently had read from an old internet forum (this is not something I actually read online at any point): one
of the posters, who only had a few posts, posted in some thread of "funny stories." It wasn't a "funny" story at all. It was a
long story about how, in college, a girl in one of his classes came and hugged and kissed him on the beach shore after a party.
They took a picture of themselves. She confided in him about the difficulties in her life and then went back home. The next
morning, she had killed herself. He attached the photo. The black girl seemed interested in it. Not much of a sexy foreplay story
though, wouldn't you say?
The last part had me on a long, skinny pier jutting into the water of a coastal town in New England, apparently. The pier was
claimed to be haunted. The story was of a woman named "Mary Bell." Now, the name Mary Bell is actually of a child murderer from
England. The name was on my mind because I had recently relistened to the self-titled album by the sludge metal band named after her
(great album, btw). But in this dream, she had become a Puritan woman who apparently was killed and came back as a ghost. Maybe
during witch trials? In any case, this pier was haunted. I was telling the story to a camera, making a documentary about it. But
I don't remember the details of the story. But eventually I showed how the town itself was renamed, filming the gate at the front
of the pier. The town was named something boring like "Seaville." Now, I wasn't much for believing in haunted places, but I then
heard a voice saying "and her ghost still haunts the pier!," but I assumed that it was a kind of warning for people to leave the
pier when public visitation hours ended. I was getting ready to leave and got some final footage of some sorts of graves, which
were big stone blocks that raised up from the seafloor to the waterline with memento-mori designs on them. One of them was this
Mary Bell's grave. However, two ladies then landed on the pier in a dinghy. They were both wearing red dresses. They didn't look
very puritanical though. In fact, they exposed quite a lot of cleavage like a dirndl. They claimed that they were the ghosts of
Mary Bell and a friend and that I should run. However, I wanted to bury my face in their cleavage because they had huge tits,
lmao. I woke up as I was running and tried to jump the pier gate. It felt slow and ineffective like running in a dream always
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