

In this dream, I walked out of my apartment and saw a large caterpillar on the ground. It was very hairy to the point that it looked more like a little ball of fuzz. My mother was with me. Before long, we noticed that the whole yard area in the front of my apartment complex was full of these caterpillars. I thought that perhaps they were there after a rainstorm and were looking to get back to the dirt, like worms. So I thought we should scoop them up and move them back to the grass so they didn't get stepped on. But my mother sensed that something was wrong and that these caterpillars didn't belong in our environment. She thought they had been released by someone, and so asked me to knock on the door of someone else in my apartment complex who seemed to be home. A single father answered. This person wasn't really my apartment neighbor, but he was in the dream apparently. In fact, he was living in the unit that I actually live in, and I was living in a different unit in this dream. We asked him about the caterpillars and we found out that apparently his young daughter was responsible. She had ordered a number of caterpillars online and was trying to raise them here. Me and my mother had to teach her that you can't just transplant any animal wherever you want in the world, and so we gathered all the caterpillars, put them in an envelope (?), and shipped them back to where they came from. The girl was crying, but my mother and I consoled her and she started to understand.



In this dream, I was driving through New Mexico on a family trip with my mother and father and four other male friends. None of them seemed based on real people I know, and it was almost like "I" was pretending to be someone in the dream itself. A lot of the characters seemed based on characters from Home Movies and I seemed to sometimes become the protagonist of that show, Brendon, as if this were an episode. First we were driving through some very small country road through a bunch of old, hippie-ish houses. As this happened, YouTube philosophy guy Gregory B. Sadler drove by handing out flyers for a "Heraclitus Seminar," and I caught sight of him. I told my dad that I saw him and that this was really funny to me. We got out of the car and started walking through a bit of forest, loving the cool, clear air and pleasantly warm weather. I made a remark that this was nothing like the hellish heat in the two bordering states, Arizona and Texas. In reality, I'm sure New Mexico is just as sweltering, unfortunately.

We eventually walked onto some country house ran by some old lady and her daughter. They seemed like outsider artist types. My dad snuck up on a hare in their yard and picked it up, saying he was going to "sketch" it. I'm not sure why, but this also involved skinning it apparently! I humorously pointed out that he should ask the lady behind him first. But she assured us that the hare wasn't her pet and that we were free to. I walked around their huge country property with the male friends, acting like typical stupid teenagers (we were about that age in the dream). We found some boxes and stacked them on top of each other, then got on top of them and took a picture. My "mother" followed us and warned us not to do that. She lambasted us for doing it because it was dangerous, and apparently because it was "disrespectful to eastern religions" since we called the exercise "Happy Buddha" (I don't know what that name was about... dream logic). I laughed because my mother would never say something like that, and began to realize that this thing looked a bit like my mother, but was not her. It was wearing a turquoise jewel on a necklace. I called it a "skinwalker" and laughed it off.

However, it seemed as though this was no joke. The mother-like person/creature came up on us again, but now it looked very hot with huge tits and a fancy dress (kind of looking like that Lady Dimitrescu character everyone was horny over from that Resident Evil game... although I never understood it, she is ugly). Somehow though, it had embodied the form of the mother of each and every one of the boys in the group and two of them thought it was their mother. It now had five of the turquoise jewels on its necklace, seemingly giving her the power to mimic the mother of each of the five boys. First I asked the skinwalker when my birthday was so it would expose itself. It said "February 25," and I laughed it off: "not even close." But then it accurately guessed the birthday of another boy and got within one day of another one, so they were convinced and also drawn into its huge tits.

I tried to harden myself against being attracted to the tits, and the way I did it was by pulling up the skirt of the skinwalker as it was walking by and exposing its body: it was green, thin and gangly, and weirdly boxy with metal parts, almost like a cyborg. This snapped all the other boys out of their trance and we beat the skinwalker/cyborg thing down into the ground. Eventually it disappeared and was only a turquoise jewel beneath everything. We buried the jewel in the ground and covered it over. We then reunited with everyone else at the main house of the property. One other "friend," based on Fenton from Home Movies apparently, broke the ground with a shovel from underneath after apparently having dug through the dirt for a long time. He wanted to join our party and showed how apparently I had just been with him shooting a movie (I was basically Brendon from Home Movies at this point) and he showed it, also apparently the result of a doppelgänger that stood in my place, since the "Brendon" in his movie was behaving strangely. But I was just happy that he wasn't taken by the skinwalker.

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