In this dream I met a cute girl from Syria. She looked more pale/white than brown and Arabic in terms of race. It seemed that both of us were very young in the dream, of high school age or so. We found out we had similar tastes in movies and so started hanging out together. The circumstances that brought us together were a bit vague. New school? New class? Volunteer thingy? I couldn't really tell. But we had just met each other recently. In the dream we were both sitting against a wall and we both had bags of sour gummy worms. I got a little flirtatious and had her bite the end of one while I bit the other and we ate it towards a kiss, Lady and the Tramp style. After that kiss she seemed a bit surprised and maybe a little embarrassed, but overall happy. I made it clear I wanted to date her, but a male in her family laid down the Muslim law and put an end to it. I was so livid that I made a small metal statue of Muhammad and started slamming it around on the floor, lmao. That'll show him for creating a shitty religion that got in the way of the purity of young love!
This dream had an atmosphere similar to an episode of an old sci-fi/horror series like The Twilight Zone, but it also had a number of motifs and images from Touhou Eiyashou 〜 Imperishable Night. The dream actually began with me playing that game, though it was a very different version of it. It began with a Japanese village getting ready for the tsukimi festival in autumn, but in this case it isn't that the moon is missing, but that people from the village are missing! A great number of village members have disappeared, including all the staff at the local shrine.
In a sort of mission to investigate, the dream shifted to a black and white Twilight Zone style, where two astronauts land on the moon... for some reason. However, they get lost and wander around the surface. They keep hearing mysterious noises that sound like bellowing animal calls. Eventually, they find where the calls are coming from: an immense network of caves (they kind of looked like the Kwama mines from Morrowind). The two astronauts start wandering through the caves and see something frightening: a number of HUGE ant-like insects that are the size of small horses, walking through the caverns. They were black and segmented like ants, but their bodies were spindly and thin like praying mantises, with large bug-eyes. The insects were carrying coffins on their back which apparently contained human captives, because the two astronauts kept hearing voices from the coffins shouting "LET ME GO!" or "TAKE US BACK!" But the insects seemed to not notice the astronauts even as they walked right next to them, so they were not afraid.
However, this all changed when another insect suddenly broke a little hole through the walls of the cave and poked its head through. It looked like a kind of giant spider with a mosquito-like proboscis used for penetrating. It stuck its proboscis right into one of the astronaut's legs and apparently shot a bunch of venom into it. He collapsed and realized he would soon die. The other astronaut chose to stay there with him as he died. However, a number of small rabbits started hopping through the hole that the spider/mosquito being created. It was somehow understood that these rabbits were all the reincarnated souls of the missing members of the village. By breaking through and piercing the astronaut via the spider/mosquito, they had freed themselves and could return to earth and to the village. The final "shot" of the dream was the village, in vibrant color again, with a big full moon and a number of small rabbits hopping back "home."
In the beginning of this dream, I was in Jerusalem with some kind of orthodox patriarch. He was showing me around. We rode some subway where there were two other orthodox patriarchs, all wearing yarmulkes. There was one group of non-Jews on the bus and he started saying weirdly dismissive stuff to them: "Oh, she seems black... maybe a Mexican? I don't like them as much, Jews are definitely best-looking!" She was angry and started yelling at him a bit, but he ignored it. I needed to do some reconnaissance though, so I pretended to be Jewish and stayed with him. Look, I'm not antisemitic, okay? I promise! I've never met a Jew who acted like that... Anyway, we got off at some bazaar with a number of divided areas based on pretty much every major MENA country. I went to the Morocco area and saw some really nice glassware. I ended up getting a bit lost due to all the signs being in Hebrew, but I was enjoying myself in any case.
In the next part of the dream, I was playing some different version of Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. In this version, romance and sex scenes were a much bigger part of it (hell yeah!). You had a female love interest you had to keep engaging with. There were also miniature sex scenes of some sort. In this edition, I was playing the same Tremere male that I played when I went through the game for the first time. But I was dating some hot little Asian vampire girl. In the love scene I unlocked, she was wearing some kind of Ming-Xiao cosplay. I felt her wet pussy and then tried to spread her legs through the qipao but it was too tight. I spanked her plump ass a lot, which apparently she really got turned on by. Anyway, then it cut to the final boss where I was fighting that Tzimisce dude in a supercharged form. I had some crazy psychic powers in this version and was reflecting all his attacks in all my chuuni glory, hopefully for the reward of some more sex with my cute and slutty Kuei-jin gf... which I woke up before, of course. Fuck!!!