In this dream I am walking around some decent-sized city in a somewhat seedy section, although it's a bit uncertain where I'm supposed to be. At one point it seems like Japan, but at another it seems like the Netherlands. What unites them is prostitution in this case. I am getting ready to leave on a plane in a few hours and am hanging out near the airport, which for some reason is near a sort of red-light district. I wander into some massage parlor of sorts and decide to spend some money on a good time to remember before going home. I go inside and see massage tables, etc., which makes me disappointed and think that this might actually just be a massage parlor. I see a lot of people being massaged. But I choose a girl with large tits and a curvaceous figure. She was wearing a skimpy sort of purple dress that exposed a lot. She hands me a paper with options written. One of them blatantly just says "SEX" in no ambiguous terms and I say that this is what I want. She then offers to take me into a private room away from other eyes, which I wanted. She said that she was originally from Texas, near the Mexican border. I answer that I have family there.
When we get ready to have sex we get interrupted and I'm called out of the room. It seems like the police are arresting us at first, but I get waylaid and asked to wait out in the front room. While I'm waiting, I have a look at myself in a mirror there and I look extremely strange: my hair is longer and shaped as a kind of very straight bob-cut going down to my chin. All my hair is snow-white, including even my eyebrows and eyelashes. I get afraid because I don't remember ever getting my appearance changed like this. I start to wonder: did I shower with something strange and get my hair dyed? Should I go to a barber and have them remove the dye? Do I actually look like this or am I hallucinating? I look at the mirror again and start to think that the latter is true, because now the color of my hair is actually flashing like a strobe-light! It's alternating between my natural brown/dirty-blonde and this snow-white, with a bit of bright, fiery red in there. I have no idea what's going on. I desperately ask everyone around me "what color is my hair?," but get no straightforward answers.
I start wandering the streets there and wonder if I'm hallucinating everything around me. No one seems to act normally. No one seems to hear me and when they do they don't understand what I am saying. It's not like they don't speak English, but like I can't formulate any question correctly. I try to test it by asking some lady on the street who seems like she's of Southeast Asian origin. She has a bunch of cans of 7-Up that she is holding by pulling up the edge of her t-shirt as a kind of pouch. She is selling them. She asks me if I want one and I ask "I want your pussy instead." She gets offended and starts yelling at me. This actually is refreshing to me, because finally it's an interaction which makes sense. I apologize for being crude and she forgives me. I buy a 7-Up for a few dollars and drink it. I walk by a river running through the town next to the bridge and fall into it, but quickly move to the side and climb out. I'm now cold and clammy.
The next part of this dream has me watching a number of large, elaborate fireworks over a lake. I am sitting under a tarp with other people and we're looking out over the lake at night from a hill. Part of the tarp seems to be falling over because I accidentally broke a string that was keeping it up. I try to fix it by tying the two ends of the string back together, but I don't remember any knots off the top of my head. I rue never going to Boy Scouts or anything like that and look up a simple knot on my phone. Even tied, however, for some reason it isn't keeping the tarp up and the view of the fireworks is blocked. I feel quite guilty.
Well, here's my hatsu-yume of 2025: I'm walking down a kind of indoors soapland/red light district. It's like a number of cubicles with curtains and I can peek into each one to see what the girls inside look like. I'm looking for a girl with huge tits. Several are very attractive, from all different body types. I see one petite little Chinese girl with a scrawny middle-aged guy tied up in bondage, bending downwards, dripping candle wax onto him. I see a tall and slender girl with a nice plump butt and give it a smack. I am searching for a girl with huge tits and haven't found one quite yet. I see one very obese girl and pass up because her weight is a bit too much for me. I am friendly to each girl and they greet me too. I speak to one with large tits who is sitting at a sort of bar outside of the cubicles. A madam maybe? I talk flirtatiously with her and agree to come back. On one side of the cubicles it seems like I'm now in a kind of grocery store. I am there with my friend Paresh and he is looking for Pop-Ice desserts to buy for us when we hang out. He says that he can't find any and I tell him that the desserts he got are good enough. They say that the first dream of the new year has implications for how your year will be. Maybe it means that I'll get laid this year? That would be nice.