Note: all names of people I know IRL have been changed.



This dream was very vivid and strange but unfortunately I already am forgetting many details of it. In it, I had made some shadowy deal with a bootleg dealer of sorts who lived in Japan. He was a Japanese dude and had looked like the type to deal in this stuff: overweight, middle-aged, scuzzy unkempt beard and long hair. Kinda looked like a guy who I saw running a used video game store when I was there. The guy had many old VHS tapes and there were several rare, strange films and media pieces contained on them. I had apparently bought the rights to rent one of them and copy it to a media file on my computer which I would subsequently upload to a torrent tracker for archival purposes. This film was something I was apparently on duty to track down because there were no other copies of it surviving that we knew of and none available online.

What was the film? Get this: It was apparently from the early 1970s and was the only full-length film directed by William Luther Pierce. Yes, that guy. The white nationalist who wrote The Turner Diaries and Hunter and founded the National Alliance. And the film was well-guarded not just because the feds don't like anything connected with white nationalism but also because apparently the National Alliance themselves had disowned it and tried to bury evidence of its existence. This was apparently because it was rather crude in terms of production and had some lurid, unsophisticated, and explicit content. Apparently the few who had seen it said it was a fascinating obscurity with genuine artistry and a strange, avant-garde tone. How it managed to get to this guy in Japan I don't know, but it had burnt-on Japanese subtitles, so apparently someone there found it to be interesting as a curiosity. Maybe some far-right Japanese underground society got a hold of it as an item of interest? Although I don't think Pierce was the type of guy to see other races as allies even in a shared interest of segregation...

I started watching it. It opened with plane footage over some part of the Rocky Mountains with Pierce giving a monologue about his life. The film was clearly the same sort of masturbatory fantasy narrative of creating a white world order as in The Turner Diaries, but the film was so poorly made and low-budget that it achieved a kind of avant-garde, unsettling quality. The whole film seemed to consist of Pierce and others traveling around the world and genociding various "lesser" races. The film depicted these other races as literal monsters, made with very cheap and weird-looking special effects. I was playing Half-Life the day before and I think I was still thinking of the monsters from it as inspiration here... Eventually the denouement of the film was a crazy sequence of the Third Reich being resurrected and Jews being herded out of buildings and lead into camps. At the same time, there was a giant orgy going on in an effort to breed superhuman Aryan children. All of it was deeply explicit like an exploitation film. My thoughts after the film was over was "That was one of the most batshit insane things I've ever seen... People need to see this as a piece of history if nothing else." But I was having trouble setting up the VHS to be encoded since I'd never done it before and had to look it up online. The trader there couldn't help me. I woke up as I was doing this and also getting paranoid about rewinding the tape too much, lest I damage it even more than the already subpar quality that it was in.


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